
Chuck Lehmann

Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann (Chuck on the Right Side

Most Recent Articles by Chuck Lehmann:

Don't Over Tax the Poor and Middle Class, Tax the Bloated University Endowments

Don't Over Tax the Poor and Middle Class, Tax the Bloated University EndowmentsThe Democrats, in their misguided wisdom, are planning on hiring 85,000 additional income tax auditors, in their misnamed “Inflation Reduction Act”. Who are they going to audit to get revenue to pay for their profligate spending, the “big cats” of industry, or you and me the majority of tax payers? Of course, the Democrats, as usual, as their tax and spend priorities come to the forefront, are going to put the screws on the poor and middle class to help pay for their wasteful programs because the majority of the country fits into those categories. Instead, they should be looking to tax the endowment funds of the elite universities who are bubbling over with mostly tax free endowment funds.
- Tuesday, August 9, 2022

“Who You Gonna Believe, Me or Your Lying Eyes”

Who You Gonna Believe, Me or Your Lying EyesThat phrase was voiced by Chico Marx in the movie “Duck Soup” (he's the brother of Groucho Marx), which most assuredly can be used to describe the actions of the Biden Administration now that the report has come out stating we have had two quarters of negative GDP, which is the true definition of a recession, But, not according to Joe Biden and his economic flunkies in his Administration. To listen to them, we are not in a recession, but we're in the throes of an economic boom. They must think everybody else is as stupid as they are to believe such obvious nonsense. As I've said before relating to the sign that former President Harry Truman had on his desk that stated, “The Buck Stops Here”, but to Biden it should read, “The Buck Never Gets Here”. These incompetent clowns, most of whom, never had a job in the business sector, proclaim this nonsense with a straight face.
- Sunday, July 31, 2022

Is DHS Secretary Mayorkas the New American "Baghdad Bob"?

Is DHS Secretary Mayorkas the New American 'Baghdad Bob'?Mohammed Saeed al Sahhaf, who was dubbed as “Baghdad Bob”, was the media and Foreign Affairs minister under Iraqi President Saddam Hussein during the 1st Gulf War. His claim to “fame” was his overly unreal, optimistic reports of how the Iraqi military was successfully opposing the invading American forces, as they advanced on the capital city of Baghdad. He claimed that the American forces were going to surrender and give up the fight. A totally loony assessment that earned him the sobriquet of “Baghdad Bob”.
- Sunday, July 24, 2022

Can Biden Run Again When He Can Hardly Even Walk?

Can Biden Run Again When He Can Hardly Even Walk?Is Joe Biden at that stage in life where it is time to take the car keys away?  The more you see how he handles his duties as president, the more you feel he is not up to the job.  Yes, he is 79 years old, which a normal person at that age might have slowed down a bit, but a sane, healthy person could handle the problems that face him/her in an efficient competent manner.  But, ole Joe doesn't seem to meet the standards of a person, of that age in the position that he holds,, when it comes to being able to act in a normal, rational manner. His cognitive capacity seems to have diminished and it seems to be getting worse instead of getting better.
- Sunday, July 17, 2022

Legalize Marijuana? Be Careful What You Wish For!

Legalize Marijuana?  Be Careful What You Wish For!The pro-marijuana lobby is ecstatic that 19 states (Colorado, Washington, Alaska, Arizona, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, Washington, Vermont, Rhode Island, Virginia, California, Oregon, New Jersey, Connecticut, New York, Illinois, Montana, plus Wash D.C.) have legalized recreational marijuana, with more expected in the future. Should the rest of us be as ecstatic as the “potheads” and others who have supported this legislation? By the way, did you notice that most of the states that have legalized it are “blue states” (run by Democrats)? Even President Biden has come out in favor of its legalization.
- Saturday, July 9, 2022

To Err is Human, to Blame the Next Guy Even More So

To Err is Human, to Blame the Next Guy Even More SoHave you listened to President Joe Biden lately, it seems that no matter what goes wrong in his Administration, he blames someone or something else? It seems it is never his fault, even though he's the president. It was former President Harry Truman who had a desk sign that said: “ The Buck Stops Here”, but according to Joe Biden the “buck” never gets to his desk. It is either arrogance or stupidity, or a combination of both, that he avoids the “buck” at all costs, almost on a daily basis. You have to wonder how a person in his exalted position could, with a straight face, avoid responsibility for the demise of most all of his decisions?
- Friday, June 24, 2022

How to Turn a 401K into a 101K  In One Easy lesson

How to Turn a 401K into a 101K  In One Easy lessonMaybe the answer to that headline would be by following the Joe Biden playbook as president?  Since Joe Biden was sworn in, it has been economically downhill for our economy and the future prospects is that it is going to go even lower. Many people have been saving for their retirement, over the booming Trump years, by investing in their 401K plans and other retirement plans tied to the stock market.  Well, in just 1 ½ years, the value of those retirement plans have been alarmingly reduced due to the anti-business policies and the incompetence of Joe Biden and members of his equally incompetent staff around him.
- Saturday, June 18, 2022

Everyone is Entitled to be Stupid, But Some Abuse the Privilege

To witness what is occurring in the United States today, one has to wonder if the people running the country are stupid? What sane person would turn a blind eye to the invasion taking place at our southern border? It is expected that as many as two million illegals will have entered our country by the end of this year. In addition, the flow of deadly drugs has also accompanied many who have violated our immigration laws. Could that be considered the height of stupidity by officials not stopping the influx?
- Friday, June 10, 2022

Is Joe Biden – The Poster Boy For “Murphy's Law”

Murphy's Law definition: “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong”. I may be wrong, but it seems everything that Joe Biden touches or says, has a tendency to be wrong – therefore he is the poster boy for Murphy's Law. Upon his swearing in as president, he immediately rescinded many of President Trump's executive orders, including most that were working for the benefit of the American people. He canceled the Keystone pipeline; he canceled exploration of gas and oil exploration on federal lands including “fracking”; he stopped erection of the southern border wall with Mexico; he rescinded Trump's immigration policies that had reduced the number of illegals and the illegal poisonous drugs that were coming over the border, etc. Well, how have those efforts by Biden turned out?
- Friday, June 3, 2022

Is Critical Race Theory Being Taught in our Schools?

Is Critical Race Theory Being Taught in our Schools?The biggest “bogeyman” that the left-leaning teacher's unions and “woke” school administrators, who have claimed that CRT is not being taught in our schools and universities, is the fact that during the pandemic when schools were shut down, and remote learning was taking place, the parents actually witnessed what was being taught in many of our schools, and they didn't like what they saw and heard.
- Saturday, May 7, 2022

Failure Has Gone to Their Heads

Failure Has Gone to Their HeadsA great question to ask a liberal Democrat is, “Can you list all the successes of Biden's term so far”? I'm sure they will be at a loss for words – and then they will reply that Republicans (and Trump) are racists, homophobes, sexists, and bigots etc. Imagine a political party being at such a stage in life that they can't justify the policies that President Biden and the Democrats have put forth, and must rely on epithets and slander?
- Saturday, April 30, 2022

Get Woke, Go Broke

Get Woke, Go BrokeWhy are the “woke” social platforms today having such a hard time getting subscribers and making a profit? Both CNN+ and Netflix are either halting production or losing loads of money as they lose subscribers. It seems the “cancel culture” is starting to eat its own. Social media started out as a platform to offer “free speech” to the masses, but as the executives of these companies became “woke”, their public realized that they were being manipulated by them and were being recruited by the Marxist/Socialist cabal that ran those leftist platforms.
- Sunday, April 24, 2022

The Complete Lack of Evidence is the Surest Sign that a Conspiracy is Working

The Complete Lack of Evidence is the Surest Sign that a Conspiracy is WorkingNow that some of Special Counsel John Durham's report on the Russian interference in the election of 2020 has been posted, you'd think, from how the news media has handled the report, you'd think his report was revealing nothing of importance regarding malfeasance by people associated with the Democrats and Hillary Clinton. John Durham has been investigating this Russian conspiracy claim for almost two years, mainly behind closed doors with very few if any leaks forthcoming out of his investigation. He has been diligent and professional, and his indictments show that diligence. But, since he found no Trump conspiracy, including in his campaign and administration, the Democrats and Hillary Clinton still consider that the Russian conspiracy was valid.
- Saturday, February 19, 2022

You Can't Change Mother Nature!

You Can't Change Mother Nature!With record snow falls and low temperatures across most of the United States this winter, you'd think that the clamor about “Global Warming” (a/k/a climate change) would have subsided, but no, the “lunatic left” has continued its misinformation campaign that we humans can somehow change “Mother Nature”. In fact, they claim that “global warming” is the biggest threat to peace and tranquility around the world, and not the threats posed by China, Russia, Iran and North Korea.
- Saturday, January 29, 2022

Are Some of our Citizens at “War” With our Country and Constitution?

Are Some of our Citizens at 'War' With our Country and Constitution?If you listen to the news on the far-left stations of CNN and MSNBC, you'd think that our country is heading for the loss of our democracy. From the president's spokesperson, Jen Psaki, and the aforementioned radical stations, they all repeat the same cliche-- Are we slowly losing our democracy? It's amazing how Democrat talking points and the media talking points are conspicuously the same, almost word for word. Would you then conclude that the mainstream media is the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party?
- Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Are “Social Justice” Programs in Schools Taking the Place of the 3R's?

Social Justice' Programs in Schools Taking the Place of the 3R'sThe far-left in the country have been very vocal in trying to inject into the school curriculum's, programs under the euphemism of “Social Justice”, which includes CRT (Critical Race Theory) and the 1619 Project, that are particularly deficient in historical fact. When you confront those radicals, they claim they do not teach that type of dogma in the schools, but it seems that the teachers' unions and school administrators are turning a blind eye as to what is really going on in the classrooms around the country.
- Sunday, January 2, 2022

You Can't Fix Stupid!

You Can't Fix Stupid!No matter how much education, experience, or how many years you have lived, there's one thing you can't fix is stupid. This mainly applies to the politicians who are running our country (some say into the ground). Supposedly, most all are educated with college degrees and are mostly middle-aged or older, but if you can see what is happening in our country, the best you can say is that they are mostly all stupid.
- Thursday, December 23, 2021

Are The Democrats and Mainstream Media Starting To Throw Joe Biden Under The Bus?

Ever since Joe Biden started running for president, the word was out that Ole Joe Biden was not working with a “full deck”. Even years ago, when Joe was more translucent, and before his competence became a national issue, Joe Biden was known as a walking, talking gaffe machine. It has now gotten worse since he became president.
- Friday, December 17, 2021

Is the Jan. 6th Congressional Committee Another Liberal Democrat Show Trial?

Is the Jan. 6th Congressional Committee Another Liberal Democrat Show Trial?Not having any success in previous investigations, with Trump as the main figure, which were considered partisan hoaxes, the Democrats, and a couple of anti-Trumper Republicans, are embarking on another bogus investigation that seems to fall into the same category of its previous investigations against Trump.
- Friday, December 10, 2021

Remember, When Seconds Count the Police are Only Minutes Away

Remember, When Seconds Count the Police are Only Minutes AwayThat absolute fact is seldom or never taken into consideration when the “gun grabbers” or the anti-gun zealots make their plea to confiscate guns from the law abiding public. Think of all the times law abiding citizens (gun owners) have defended themselves and/or their families by using their legal firearms to thwart a possible or real personal attack. The”fake news media”, who are almost universally opposed to gun ownership, very seldom report on those instances of self-defense because it does not fit their narrative of most all guns are bad and that the patriotic NRA (National Rifle Association) is an “evil” organization that should be denied existence.
- Wednesday, November 24, 2021
