
Chuck Lehmann

Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann (Chuck on the Right Side

Most Recent Articles by Chuck Lehmann:

Does Joe Biden Have Delusions of Adequacy?

How long will it be before the Democrats admit that electing Joe Biden was a mistake? They hated Donald Trump so much that they overlooked the real problems (a/k/a baggage) that came with the candidacy of Joe Biden. In other words, the Democrats were blinded by their liberal ideology and their hatred of Trump. They thought they were supporting a “moderate” with over 40 years experience in government – how could they lose? They completely overlooked that he showed signs of a cognitive decline, a tendency to overly exaggerate his past and his past positions, for better or worse, on almost everything he said.
- Saturday, November 6, 2021

Is Jimmy Carter's 'Malaise' in Vogue Again in Joe Biden's White House?

Is Jimmy Carter's 'Malaise' in Vogue Again in Joe Biden's White House?For those of you who were alive during the Jimmy Carter Administration, you'll remember that he propagated the phrase “malaise” in referring to the “stagflation” (definition: Persistent high inflation combined with high unemployment and a stagnant demand in a country's economy) that gripped our country during those years. Gas prices were soaring as gas became scarce with long lines at the pump; home prices and interest rates were going through the roof; and food items were in short supply - indeed we were in a “malaise” due to Carter's policies at the end of the 1970s.
- Friday, October 29, 2021

You're Never Too Old to Learn Something Stupid

You're Never Too Old to Learn Something StupidThat headline could be directed at the Biden Administration and the Democrats with their proposals to spend money we don't have and then claiming it will cost us zero. They claim this ridiculous statement with a straight face. Biden actually said it would cost us zero, zero, zero. He must think we are all stupid.
- Saturday, October 23, 2021

Confuse a Liberal – Use Logic and Facts

Confuse a Liberal – Use Logic and FactsIf you listen to the elites of the Democrat Party, you'd think that the electorate and the Republicans are too stupid to understand what the tax and spend Democrats are proposing to spend with money we don't have. They want us to support their spending plans even though we don't know exactly what's in it. It reminds me of the time when Nancy Pelosi said in answer to what was in the Obamacare proposal, that “We'll know what's in it, after we pass it”. The same is true with the spending monstrosity that the Democrats are trying to shove down our throats today. The 1st spending bill, labeled for infrastructure spending, from early reports, it looks like the proposal contains loads of “pork” to satisfy some of the congressman's pet projects that has nothing to do with infrastructure of roads, bridges, airports and other areas that need repair or upgrading.
- Saturday, October 16, 2021

Is the United States the Illegal Immigrants' “Nirvana”?

Is the United States the Illegal Immigrants' 'Nirvana'?“If you invite them, they'll come”. That seems to what is happening in the United States today. It is estimated that illegal migrants, from over 150 countries, have been apprehended at our border (and thousands who avoided apprehension) during the past year, with the expectation that over 1 million with have illegally entered our country in just this past one year alone. Some of the illegal migrants that have been apprehended had t-shirts with the phrase, “Thank You Joe Biden”. What is wrong with this administration to let this happen? Are they really trying to “transform” our country into a third-world “Nirvana” for immigrants?
- Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Imagine Spending $3.5 Trillion and it Costs us Zero?

Imagine Spending $3.5 Trillion and it Costs us Zero?Do Joe Biden and the Democrats really think all of us are stupid, all rubes, ignorant, and totally out of reality? The answer is YES. Well, that's what they say about that monstrosity that is the pork-laden $3.5 trillion boondoggle called the “Human Infrastructure Bill”, that costs us zero, now before Congress.
- Friday, October 8, 2021

Biden Lied and People Died

It has become quite clear that President Joe Biden has continued his wrongful, misguided approach to foreign affairs with the disastrous pullout of our military troops, citizens and Afghan allies in Afghanistan. Former Obama Defense Secretary, Robert Gates, once said that, “(Joe Biden) has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades”. With the botched Afghan withdrawal, against the advice of the high echelon of our military, Joe Biden has added to his record of failure as put forth by Defense Secretary Gates.
- Sunday, October 3, 2021

“There are None so Blind as Those Who Will Not See”

There are None so Blind as Those Who Will Not SeeThat proverb, that was coined by English writer, John Heywood, in 1546, uncannily refers to today's Democrat Party. I'm sure that the Democrats realize that they have bought a “pig in a poke” in their supposedly “elected” president, Joe Biden, but they don't want to admit it.
- Saturday, September 25, 2021

Never Underestimate the Stupidity of the American Voter

That paraphrase of an H.L. Menchen quote, can surely be applied to the recall election of California Governor Gavin Newsom. As the State of California is going into the dumpster due to the misguided effects of its present governor, the voters of California have rejected the recall of Governor Gavin Newsom.
- Friday, September 17, 2021

Maybe Trump's “Tweets” Weren't so Bad After all?

Maybe Trump's Tweets Weren't so Bad After all?Many of the people who voted for Joe Biden didn't really vote for Joe Biden, they voted against Donald Trump. Normally, reasonable people vote for the candidate who represents their self-interest, ideas, and values they hold, but in the case of Donald Trump, many of those “reasonable” people voted against Trump because they didn't like his style, his personality, and his Tweets, even though his policies were one of the best, if not the best, of modern times. In other words, they voted for Biden because they didn't like Trump personally.
- Thursday, September 16, 2021

Does the United States Need to be Transformed?

Does the United States Need to be TransformedSince the 1990s, through the Obama Administration, and now in the Biden Administration, we've had a movement in the United States that wants to “transform” our country into something that our Founding Fathers never had in mind when they authored the U.S. Constitution. It seems these radical reformers want us to become the “United States of Europe” because, they claim, that our American capitalist system is “repressive”, “unfair to the masses”, “racist”, and “exploits the poor people”. They never seem to mention any other country who has tried the alternative, Marxism/Socialism, to let us know how successful those other countries turned out. Maybe it's because they can't list any countries that have succeeded under Marxism/Socialism?
- Saturday, September 11, 2021

The Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations

That phrase was written by speech writer Michael Gerson for use by President George W. Bush in one of his speeches. It refers to the fact that the left approach when it comes to minorities – especially in the black community – is based on the notion that they are unable to achieve success in a white-dominated American society. That attitude is being proselytized by politicians, academics and radical groups like ANTIFA and BLM.
- Tuesday, July 27, 2021

The Teachers and Their Unions Should be Charged With Educational Malpractice

As a retired teacher with over 30 years in the classroom, I am both chagrined and embarrassed by the actions of my fellow teachers and their union executives. To listen to the union leadership you'd think that our education system is only set up for the benefit of the teachers, the students can go to hell, when it should be the other way around.
- Sunday, July 18, 2021

The Grievance Hustlers and the Critical Race Theory

There is a major push by the radical left in our country (mostly housed within the Democrat Party) to indict a whole race of people (the white race) all because of the color of their skin. To challenge that narrative makes you a card-carrying racist or bigot. Where have you heard or read those terms before? It seems no matter what you say, if it against what a Progressive (a/k/a liberal Democrat) believes, you are accused of being a racist or a bigot, it doesn't matter if it has any relevance at all.
- Thursday, July 15, 2021

It's Not “Systemic Racism”, It's “Systemic Murder”

After a year of chanting “Defund the Police”, the Democrats and their sycophants in the media, are now accusing the Republicans and President Trump for the increase in crime that is running rampant around the country. Can you believe the “chutzpah” of those people?
- Thursday, July 1, 2021

Who are the Real Racists?

Whenever a negative happening occurs when race is involved, the Democrats immediately trot out the canard that it is the policies of the “evil” Republicans (Conservatives) that was the cause of that unfortunate event concerning race. So is what the Democrats (Liberals or Progressives) say based on fact, or are they trying to cover up their own sad history of racism?
- Thursday, June 17, 2021

Is Joe Biden a Bernie Sanders Stand-in?

For almost 50 years in politics, Joe Biden was considered a left of center “moderate”, but during his campaign for president and during his first 100 days as president, he has done a complete 180 degree turnaround and has become the “poster boy” for the socialism espoused by Bernie Sanders and “The Squad”. Was the turnaround out of true conviction on his part, or was it pure opportunism that he needed the backing of the “Progressive” (a/k/a Socialist) left in order to fulfill his lifelong desire to be president? I wonder how many voters who voted for Sleepy Joe thought they we getting the “moderate” Joe instead of a leaping lefty as the clone of socialist Bernie Sanders?
- Thursday, May 6, 2021

Are We Heading for a Race War?

Are We Heading for a Race War?No, I'm not trying to be an alarmist, just a pragmatist, from what I've heard and seen recently. There are people in our country who base their whole existence on undermining the United States, and most of them are U.S. citizens, not foreign interlopers.
- Thursday, April 15, 2021

Andrew Cuomo - 'A Legend in His Own Mind'

Andrew Cuomo -  'A Legend in His Own Mind'Haven't we all known someone who was so into himself that it became quite tedious to be around that person? That being said, it brings to mind that the 'Grand Master of Nursing Homes', Andrew Cuomo, is now in deep doo-doo with his own party and the fawning news media. This pompous # used the pandemic to promote himself as being the be-all and end-all of everything COVID virus. He even wrote a book touting how well he did fighting the virus.
- Friday, March 26, 2021

Is Joe Biden the Lance Armstrong of Politics?

Remember Lance Armstrong, the famous road racing cyclist, who won most all cycling races until they found out he cheated by using performance enhancing drugs? Well, does that remind you of President Joe Biden? Joe Biden continues to say “Trust Me” as he dismantles most of the policies of ex-President Donald Trump. He ran for president from his basement bunker as a ”Moderate” Democrat, and that he was going to bring back unity to our country and to our politics. Well, what has happened so far in his quest for unity, or is he faking it just like Lance Armstrong?
- Friday, March 19, 2021
