
Joan Swirsky

Joan Swirsky is an award winning author and journalist. Her work can be found at joanswirsky.com

Most Recent Articles by Joan Swirsky:

Leftist Nonsense––Like Shooting Fish in a Barrel

Leftist Nonsense––Like Shooting Fish in a BarrelAfter the 2016 presidential election of President Donald J. Trump, I stopped counting the numbers of Republicans and Conservatives who told me how unpleasantly life had changed for them. Through eight years of President George W. Bush––even through the Reagan years, they said––they could still speak to their friends and relatives and agree to disagree about political issues.
- Sunday, April 26, 2020

Blue Bloods Gone Oprah

Blue Bloods Gone OprahAmong the TV shows I gravitate to with my husband Steve, a former athlete, include live baseball, basketball and football games, historical documentaries, and both true crime shows and crime dramas like Law & Order, Forensic Files, Chicago PD, and Blue Bloods––all studies in the greatest mystery of all time, human behavior.
- Sunday, April 19, 2020

After Four Years of Democrat Treachery, I Smell a Corona Virus Rat

After Four Years of Democrat Treachery, I Smell a Corona Virus RatTest time boys and girls. Hint…there is only one right answer––if you don’t get it right, you flunk! And so does America!
  1. Which person, foreign or American, predicted three years ago, in 2017, that President Trump would be challenged by a "surprise global-disease outbreak"
    • Enemy of Trump Cong. Adam Schiff (D-CA)
    • Enemy of Trump House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)
    • Crazed enemy of Trump Hillary Clinton
    Answer: None of the above. It was Dr. Anthony Fauci!
- Monday, April 13, 2020


Is This a PANDEMIC or a DEMPANIC?Now that we're in a de facto Martial Law mode––a shutdown of entire industries and small businesses, nighttime curfews, social isolation, a run on goods, huge sports events cancelled, a "shelter-in-place" mandate in California, releasing prisoners in New York (God forbid these  miscreants get a flu!), Broadway gone dark, and a craven media inciting and delighting in the panic they're causing, it is relevant to ask:
- Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Baby Killers

Baby KillersRemember good ole boy Johnny Edwards--actually North Carolina Democrat Senator John Edwards (1998-2012), VP candidate in 2004, and presidential candidate in 2008? Edwards is hard to forget because he burst upon the national stage as the golden-tongued lawyer who was famous for defending the rights of the unborn. According to writer Douglas Johnson in National Review, "in 1985, John Edwards stood before a jury and channeled the words of an unborn baby girl. In his closing argument to the jury, Edwards conveyed what the unborn child, Jennifer Campbell, purportedly had been feeling hour-by-hour as her distress grew.
- Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Sludge Sisters

The Sludge SistersThroughout the ages, Jews have been the targets of genocidal forces both large and small, educated and ignorant, liberal and conservative, pagan and religious. Other small sects and religions have never inspired the particular psychotic animus that Jews have because they never threatened the larger populace as Jews have with blazing green-eyed jealousy--the most powerful emotion of the human species. In fact, Proverb 14 states: "A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy makes the bones rot."
- Sunday, June 9, 2019

Prison, anyone?

Prison, anyone?Just a few months ago, in an article entitled "Still the Smartest Guy in the Room," I wrote the following about President Trump: Well, whaddaya know? In the midterm elections of November 6, 2018, the American people rewarded the president--for only the third time in almost a hundred years--with a net gain of three and possibly four Senate seats, lost half the House seats that his predecessor lost, and left the radical leftwing Democrats not rejoicing at their meager gains, but still chomping at the bit to bring down the president who has effectively destroyed everything they believed in, worked for, and thought they achieved over the past 75 years.
- Monday, April 22, 2019

Antisemitism on Parade--Everything Old is New Again

Antisemitism on Parade--Everything Old is New AgainMost people thought antisemitism had been relegated to the trash bin of history after Hitler and millions of his willing German-Polish-Austrian-French-Swiss-Belgium executioners--with savage premeditation--murdered six-million Jews in the 1930s and '40s, and the world--significantly after the fact--seemed to wake up to the psychotic, irrational, obsessed nature of Jew hatred.
- Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Still the Smartest Guy in the Room

Still the Smartest Guy in the Room Well, whaddaya know? In the midterm elections of November 6, 2018, the American people rewarded the president--for only the third time in almost a hundred years--with a net gain of three and possibly four Senate seats, lost half the House seats that his predecessor lost, and left the radical leftwing Democrats not rejoicing at their meager gains, but still chomping at the bit to bring down the president who has effectively destroyed everything they believed in, worked for, and thought they achieved over the past 75 years.
- Thursday, November 8, 2018

The Bad Boy Brett Baloney

The Bad Boy Brett Baloney Judge Brett Kavanaugh has always been in the crosshairs of the left, ever since he played a major role in urging the impeachment of their icon of moral rectitude, President Bill Clinton, and also led the investigation into the alleged suicide (or fishy murder) of Vince Foster, Clinton’s Deputy White House Counsel and close friend of Ms. Hillary.
- Monday, September 17, 2018

Thank you, Punchy

Thank you, Punchy I remember as a young teenager going by myself to see "On the Waterfront" at the Whalley Theater in New Haven. I was so mesmerized by the performance of Marlon Brando (30-years old at the time) that it took a dozen more viewings--really, that's how many times I saw the film, maybe more--before I realized that the greatest actors of the day--Eva Marie Saint, Karl Malden, Lee J. Cobb, Rod Steiger--were also featured in the movie.
- Monday, June 18, 2018

James Comey and the Stinking Fish Factor

James Comey and the Stinking Fish Factor I always thought that James Comey was a company man. As it happens, the company he headed is among the most influential, powerful and scary companies in the world--the Federal Bureau of Investigation. But still, a company guy. Whether working for a president on the moderate-to-conservative spectrum like G.W. Bush or for a far-left Alinsky acolyte like Barack Obama, makes absolutely no difference to this type of obedient--and also subservient--accommodator.
- Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Politicide: The attempted murder of the Jewish state by Victor Sharpe

Politicide: The attempted murder of the Jewish state by Victor Sharpe The word Politicide was first coined by Abba Eban--Israel's foreign minister in 1967--to describe the attempted murder of the sovereign, independent State of Israel by enemies both within and outside of the fledgling state. When Victor Sharpe first read the word, he told me how it resonated in "the deepest parts of my heart and soul."
- Sunday, March 11, 2018

Obama’s Genie

Obama’s Genie Imagine a guy in his mid-thirties walking on a beach in Hawaii and seeing an object that actually looked like the genie lamp he read about in his childhood--the kind of lamp he could rub until a genie popped out and granted his most fervent wish.
- Thursday, March 1, 2018

Obama's Bunker Festers in The Swamp

Obama's Bunker Festers in The Swamp Once upon a time a seasoned political operative ran for President of the United States against a candidate who had virtually no political experience. She--Democrat Ms. Hillary Clinton--former First Lady of Arkansas, former First Lady of the United States, former U.S. Senator from New York, former Secretary of State under the faux "president" Barack Obama, was clearly the favorite.
- Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Who died?

Who died? I started watching Miss America and Miss Universe competitions when I was a little girl, mostly because I loved the gowns. To this day, I still tune in, especially toward the end, when all the gowns are on display. A couple of years ago, I saw my all-time favorite! As the expression goes: TDF––to die for!
- Monday, January 15, 2018

Mourning in America

The election of Trump did not create the Left’s hate-- IT REVEALED IT! When my husband Steve was almost 13, his grandfather died--just a few months before the old man he loved and respected had tutored him for his Bar Mitzvah. To this day, Steve remembers the burial ceremony vividly.
- Tuesday, January 9, 2018
