
Why Conservatives Are Losing

The ideas of small government, low taxes, low regulation, and minimal intrusion in the daily lives of people are losing ground.
- Sunday, January 13, 2008

‘I feel like an alien in my home town’

Do 'no-go' zones for non-Muslims exist in Britain, as the Bishop of Rochester claims? Olga Craig reports from some of Yorkshire's Asian-dominated areas
- Sunday, January 13, 2008

Pictures of chained-by-the-neck hostages should haunt moral supporters of Chavez & Sarkozy forever

It didn’t take Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez long to show where he is coming from on the recent release of two Colombian hostages by their cruel captors. In the space of two short days, Chavez has taken on the role as numero uno PR flak for the dreaded Revolutionary Armed forces of Colombia (FARC), the hemisphere’s biggest kidnapping force with 14,000 armed fighters. While Colombian President Alvaro Uribe has managed to push the world’s most expert kidnapping contingent back into the jungle, Chavez attempts to bring them out as heroes.
- Sunday, January 13, 2008

Hillary Clinton Researcher Uncovers Tall Tales

Hillary Clinton's claim that she wanted to be an Olympic athlete and NASA astronaut was part of an effort to humanize the New York Senator, says the editor of a controversial new quote book. What other tall tales has Hillary told?
- Saturday, January 12, 2008

Happy New Year? Or More of the Same?

The world just celebrated the start of a new year with high hopes that things would get better in 2008. But judging from events of the first two weeks, little has changed.
- Saturday, January 12, 2008

Are You Sure You Are a Reagan Republican?

The fact that almost every Republican candidate wants to invoke the Reagan name as the centerpiece of their own presidential campaign, says more about the lack of their own identity and selective memory than anything else.
- Saturday, January 12, 2008

In South Carolina, the Thompson Surge is Working

Just days after announcing his campaign was literally moving to South Carolina, Fred Thompson is enjoying a remarkable spike in support across the state and from donors around the country.
- Saturday, January 12, 2008

Confession of an Iranian Terror Czar

"In fact, the public has the right not only to justice but to protection. For if, as a consequence of incompetence or cynical realpolitik, the true culprits are not tracked down and prosecuted, they and their government sponsors are free to orchestrate further murderous outrages. And experience shows that this is precisely what they do." -- David Horovitz, The Jerusalem Post, October 11 2007
- Saturday, January 12, 2008

Canada’s China Foreign Aid Policy

The average person, when considering the requirements for a country to be a foreign aid recipient, would envision a developing country where the majority of the population is living in poverty. They certainly would not consider a country with a booming economy, a healthy trade balance, large foreign currency reserves, one of the world’s largest armies and foreign investments and a foreign aid programme of its own, as a suitable candidate. Yet that is just the case with regards to China today.
- Saturday, January 12, 2008

UN Gag Order

The Islamic propaganda machine has turned Western democratic values inside out to the Islamists’ advantage.
- Saturday, January 12, 2008
