
Israeli aid on way to fight Ebola spread

In response to urgent pleas from the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the US government and other countries, Israel is sending more than a million shekels’ worth of medical equipment, as well as expert personnel to fight the spread of the African Ebola epidemic that has claimed 3,400 lives since March and has infected almost 7,200 people.
- Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Kill Kyoto Liabilities

The Kyoto Protocol was dreamed up by the Climate Jet-set in Kyoto, Japan in 1997.
- Tuesday, October 7, 2014

VIDEO: Dude rips into panhandler when he sees her driving 2013 Fiat

Not all panhandlers are scam artists. But some are, and one way to get yourself busted pretty quickly is to drive your 2013 Fiat to your, er, "job" and get spotted by the same guy who saw you begging earlier. This is NSFW, and entirely unforgettable:
- Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Man Who Knew Nothing

The Man Who Knew Nothing Running for office as the "Smartest guy in the room", the Nobel Prize winner has chosen to become a born-again idiot
- Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Ukraine's Bigger Threat: Obama or Putin?

Ukraine's Bigger Threat: Obama or Putin? Rather than prissy sanctions as imagined by Obama, Pritzker, and European socialists, America needs to get back to what brought an end to the Cold War in the first place. This, however, is becoming increasingly unlikely, and Vladimir Putin knows it. In fact, he is counting on it. This is why he is now in Ukraine.
- Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Sticky Stuff

Sticky Stuff Sticky Stuff, Tape, Glue, Adhesives, Polymer research, Chemistry, Sticky notes, Duct Tape
- Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Supreme Court Decision Will Lead to Gay Marriage in Five States. Why That’s Wrong

Today the U.S. Supreme Court declined to review appeals from Utah, Oklahoma, Virginia, Indiana and Wisconsin on the definition of marriage. This means that lower court rulings that struck down state marriage laws now will go into effect, forcing the redefinition of marriage in these states and potentially in other states in the 4th, 7th, and 10th circuits.
- Monday, October 6, 2014

Bill Maher and Sam Harris educate Ben Affleck about Islam

On Friday night's edition of "Real Time with Bill Maher," the host had Ben Affleck - star of Gigli and Reindeer Games - as part of his discussion panel. The conversation quickly turned to the escalating threat of ISIS as well as Islam in general.
- Monday, October 6, 2014

Relax! TSA will screen for Ebola in airports

The best you can say about this is that we're probably seeing a panic/overreaction to a handful of Ebola cases in the U.S., which is not to say we shouldn't be taking the situation seriously - but at least as of now we're probably not going to pay too high a price for federal agencies' inability to do what they're pondering.
- Monday, October 6, 2014
