
Relax! TSA will screen for Ebola in airports

The best you can say about this is that we're probably seeing a panic/overreaction to a handful of Ebola cases in the U.S., which is not to say we shouldn't be taking the situation seriously - but at least as of now we're probably not going to pay too high a price for federal agencies' inability to do what they're pondering.
- Monday, October 6, 2014

Tobacco Plants Lead the Way to Ebola Cure

Tobacco Plants Lead the Way to Ebola Cure Nicotiana benthamiana, already used to produce West Nile virus antibodies, offers similar protection against the devastating Ebola virus
- Monday, October 6, 2014

Female genital mutilation and the hypocrisy of the left

Female genital mutilation and the hypocrisy of the left
A family from Cameroon, illegally in Canada, is in the process of being deported and some on the left are absolutely apoplectic. These are the same people who wince at the thought of their government using military force against the Islamic State, who are inflicting the same and much worse type of atrocities on thousands and thousands of people in Iraq and Syria.
- Monday, October 6, 2014

Who Are the Kurds?

Who Are the Kurds?
As this is being written there is a battle going on between the Kurds in a Syrian town on the border with Turkey, Kobani, and the Islamic State (ISIS) militants that have seized a large area of northern Syria and Iraq. ISIS is also moving south toward Baghdad. The only area they have not been able to seize has been Iraq’s Kurdish region which has been virtually autonomous from what is left of the Iraqi government.
- Monday, October 6, 2014

Rebirth of a Loyal Opposition

At a time when our country is confronting great and growing threats, the ship of state is, at best, adrift. At worst, it is headed toward, if not actually on, the shoals.
- Monday, October 6, 2014

Please Don't Play It Again, Mr. Prime Minister: On the Recent Obama-Netanyahu Meeting

Announcements about construction in Jewish settlements in the West Bank and housing units in the greater Jerusalem area before, during, or after meetings between Israeli prime ministers and US presidents have become a pattern in the bilateral relations. The most recent meeting between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Barack Obama on October 1, 2014 was no exception and only accelerated the erosion in the relations between the two countries.
- Monday, October 6, 2014

Teachers Sue Union for Censoring Charitable Donations

Two teachers have taken Pennsylvania’s largest teachers union to court over its attempt to decide which charities may be supported by teachers as an alternative when they decline to join the union on religious grounds.
- Monday, October 6, 2014

All hands on deck

So; I’m sitting on the sofa when I get an alert from the local paper, The Advocate, and it says there’s a story by Joe Gyan Jr. concerning the race for the 19th Judicial District Court. It seems the incumbent, Mike Caldwell, Div. “I” has been covering the Civil Court action and doesn’t receive very many cases concerning Criminal Code violations.
- Monday, October 6, 2014

UK Business Minister Finally Admits Green Taxes Are Damaging British Businesses

Green taxes on energy are undermining British businesses by imposing costs which are not faced by international competitors, Vince Cable has said. He said that British firms are "struggling" to compete with their international rivals on price, which is leading to work going abroad. "Many of our manufacturing companies and exporters – particularly in areas like steel and cement and others which consume lots of electricity – are struggling against international competition because of the cost of energy. --Steven Swinford, The Daily Telegraph, 5 October 2014
- Monday, October 6, 2014

The Left's fantasy world is no amusement park

The Left's fantasy world is no amusement park
The Obama propaganda machine churns out fantasy to the liberal and Left media outlets, who obligingly publish and defend everything they put out. And since Fox News is the biggest media source that does not buy into this Fantasy World, they are the ones portrayed as living under false conceptions.
- Monday, October 6, 2014

Ford Nation is still a Political Force

Ford Nation is still a Political Force, Will help PM Harper in next general election
The leftist pundits, (CBC, Toronto Star, Globe and Mail) have never understood Ford Nation and have always under-estimated its staying power and influence.
- Monday, October 6, 2014

On The Inside

A well-dressed young woman named Patricia walked into my British Literature class. Her most attractive feature was a thick, glossy head of brunette hair. I thought … if only all female students would go to such trouble before appearing in public. Nowadays, many don’t. I am appalled at how some dress: They wear shorts that are little more than panties, T-shirts that hang out from underneath their blouses, and dirty, unlaced sneakers. They look like tramps.
- Monday, October 6, 2014

The Empire of Progressive Poverty

The Empire of Progressive Poverty The Empire of Poverty is rising on the skeleton of the West, it is eating out its abundance and preparing to lock down power, food, transportation, medical services and countless other elements of the commercial life of the formerly free world.
- Monday, October 6, 2014

Carbon Footprints – Good, Bad and Ugly

Australians are supposed to feel guilty because some bureaucrat in the climate industry has calculated that we have a very high per capita “carbon footprint”.
- Sunday, October 5, 2014

BioSil: A Natural Remedy Fights Arthritis and Osteoporosis

What brings millions of North Americans to their knees late in life? Today, with an aging population many people now end their lives in wheelchairs due to brittle bones (osteoporosis) or are crippled by the pain of osteoarthritis, the wear and tear type.
- Sunday, October 5, 2014
