
GOP, Are You Ready To Reach Out to Blacks Yet?

Because I am a black conservative, someone wrote asking me this great question: “What is it that compels some black men and women to cling to, and follow people like Sharpton, Jackson, Wright, Obama, Spike Lee, Black Panthers, Holder, etc.?
- Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Why The Debate Over Energy Storage Utterly Misses The Point

The debate over which energy storage technology will prove to be the best in the long-term is woefully misguided. Many technologies have been tested in the field or been fully installed, but their real-world applications have created constant questions around a number of fixed themes: the three-points concern cost, technology, and potential environmental impact, as well as the need for specific regulation and end-of-life management.
- Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Deadly Israeli House Strikes Again

There are few weapons as deadly as the Israeli house. When its brick and mortar are combined together, the house, whether it is one of those modest one story hilltop affairs or a five floor apartment building complete with hot and cold running water, becomes far more dangerous than anything green and glowing that comes out of the Iranian centrifuges.
- Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Unfinished War

The war with Hamas is not over. What we are experiencing today is a temporary cease-fire. The most basic reason the war is not over is because Hamas has no existence outside its war against the Jewish state. Hamas exists to obliterate Israel. The goal of each round of fighting is to soften Israel up for the next round.
- Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Our two faced friends: the Saudis, Qataris and other Gulf Arabs

David Cameron is the first world leader to acknowledge that the civilized world is engaged in “a generational struggle against a poisonous and extremist ideology,” a struggle that did not begin on 9-11 nor will end with the defeat of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).
- Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Why the Abortion Rate Is Declining

Over the most recent decade for which data are available (2001–2011), the overall U.S. abortion rate, calculated as the annual number of abortions per 1,000 women of childbearing age (15 to 44), has dropped, continuing a trend that first appeared in 1980. The decline has been steeper since 1990, with a brief plateau in the middle of the past decade. The 2011 rate for the nation is the lowest since 1973.
- Monday, September 1, 2014

All Species are Threatened

In the great Permian extinction, about 250 million years ago, about 95% of ocean dwellers and 70% of land dwellers disappeared. Many species of fish, corals, reptiles, insects and plants were eliminated. This was just one of five mass extinctions and there have also been over twenty smaller ones. Dinosaurs, which once dominated life on earth, disappeared as did mammoths and woolly rhinos.
- Monday, September 1, 2014

VP Biden: Time to Take Back America!

Vice-president Joe Biden stole a page from the Republican play book when he admonished Americans to take back America. As reported at the reference, although Biden did not offer specifics, it is a safe bet that he did NOT advocate taking Back America to the Days When……:
- Monday, September 1, 2014

Cultivating the Beard Garden

Welcome to whisker gardens, the latest high fashion for men with bushy beards and a desire to be noticed. By all accounts, this blossoming of beards goes back to the 1970s. Soup.io user Eria posted such proof earlier this year with a photo of her father, taken by her mother in 1977.
- Monday, September 1, 2014

Democrats Use Corpse of Michael Brown to Troll for Votes!

Democrat politicians are notorious for exploiting human misery and despair for raw partisan advantage. “Never let a crisis go to waste,” is a favorite Democrat campaign strategy which epitomizes the bottom-feeding mindset that dominates the way liberals think about elections and manipulating the unwashed masses.
- Monday, September 1, 2014

Bulb-noshing Squirrels, Tulip Origins, Spinach Power

What did squirrels do before we started planting bulbs? Where Byzantine gardeners pestered by them when they turned to tulips as an ornamental? Did the Seljuq Turks who overran their empire and so notably cultivated them equally plagued? And while lilacs came from the same source via Vienna to Holland, a recently proposed theory has the tulips of Amsterdam coming instead from Andalusia in Spain, then part of the vast Ottoman Empire. “It is probable that a known 11th century agronomist from Toledo, ibn Bassal (‘the onion-vendor’s son’) played a protagonist role in the introduction and first cultivation of the tulip in Iberian territory,” researchers wrote in the magazine Economic Botany.
- Monday, September 1, 2014

Rights group criticizes UN resolution for giving free pass to Baghdad abuses

GENEVA, – A 21-year-old Iraqi Christian woman made an impassioned appeal today before a UN meeting on ISIS atrocities, speaking on behalf of the Geneva-based human rights group UN Watch, which spearheaded this month's campaign by rights activists, MPs and Iraqi minority leaders calling for the emergency session, with a rally, press conference and diplomatic marathon featuring Iraqi Christian and Yazidi leaders. (See Maryam Wahida’s testimony below.)
- Monday, September 1, 2014

The Vacant Presidency

The Vacant Presidency
If you are, like me, in any way addicted to headline news, there is no way in the world you could have missed the highly redundant headline banners featuring Barack Obama's golf outing charades of the last few weeks. Topping the story's serial coverage, however, was Obama giving a speech regarding the beheading of American journalist James Foley by ISIS on August 20th, while just minutes after the speech, he [Obama] heads back to play yet "another round" - a preferred colloquial slang in the golfing vernacular equivalent to playing yet one more time.
- Monday, September 1, 2014

Witnessing a Failed Presidency

Witnessing a Failed Presidency
When we elect someone—anyone—to the office of President, it is only natural that we attribute great political skills, intellect, and judgment to that man. We want to believe we have selected someone with the ability to do what must be done in a dangerous and very complex world.
- Monday, September 1, 2014

It’s Extortion, Stupid

A lot of people are getting their bedclothes in a knot because of criticism concerning governmental 
“negotiations” with terrorists. America, under our fearless leader Beaurat Obama and his stooge John “I’m a war hero” Kerry, gave five high-ranking Al-Qaeda operatives to get a misguided/captured/deserted little fella described as seriously ill and in danger of getting worse if he was returned immediately to the loving care of his mommy and daddy.
- Monday, September 1, 2014

Mr. President, what about a campaign-style push to talk up America?

He’d air ads in Germany encouraging them to buy American coal—after all, ours is cleaner burning than theirs (and Germany is very concerned about the environment); we have plenty of it (especially since we won’t be using so much after his policies shut down coal-fueled power plants); the price has dropped (while natural gas has gone up); they can get it from a friendly supplier (unlike the natural gas and coal Germany gets from Russia); and most importantly, Germany needs it (and apparently, he thinks we don’t).
- Monday, September 1, 2014
