
Golden Rice Now! Campaign to Demonstrate at Greenpeace France in Paris

Since the invention of Golden Rice by humanitarian scientists up to eight million children have died from vitamin A deficiency, mostly in the urban slums and remote rural areas of Africa and Asia. Golden Rice contains beta-carotene, and allowing it would mean that families who can only afford to eat rice would be spared this affliction - the largest cause of blindness and death among children in the world.
- Saturday, June 14, 2014

Why I Hate Soccer

This article will be a departure from my usual fare. I will not claim there is some Absolute Truth deeming soccer the bane of humanity’s sports. I do not contend that some objective, divine standard places it in Dante’s ninth circle of athletic arenas, though I wish I could. Sport is a matter of taste, and, as G.K. Chesterton said (okay, so this isn’t a complete departure for me — I’m quoting Chesterton), “There are no uninteresting subjects, only uninterested people.” I get it. And I, I confess, like golf. So mock away. But in this piece I’ll ditch the Mr. Spock act, let my human side emote, may even contradict myself, and will say something.
- Saturday, June 14, 2014

Government Deceit

Is there anybody who believes the IRS story that the Lois Lerner e-mails have been lost?
- Saturday, June 14, 2014

What, Me Worry?

The Left is a religion. It looks away from the obvious sins of its leaders the way earlier generations of churchgoers sometimes averted their gaze from the misdeeds of their own.
- Saturday, June 14, 2014

Greenhouse Gas Lunacy

Once again, President Obama is circumventing Congress and using the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and a compliant and corrupt media to push his radical agenda. This time it is to save the world from climate change, formerly known as global warming at a time when there was actual evidence that the average global temperature was increasing, however slightly. But that was nearly two decades ago. Let's set the matter straight, shall we?
- Saturday, June 14, 2014

Hillary's Book Tour From Hell

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is now making the media rounds promoting her new book. Initial reports are not very favorable as the price has already been slashed at outlets such as Books a Million and on Amazon; the “Green Smoothie Cleanse” is topping it in sales.
- Saturday, June 14, 2014

Obama's DREAM: Exploitative Nightmare

President Obama's incredibly immoral DREAM Executive Order has undercut the national security and border integrity of this country while putting thousands of illegal immigrant youth (and many more Americans, civilians as well as law enforcement) at risk.
- Saturday, June 14, 2014

President Hillary? No Way! She Should Be Done.

I could not believe what I had just heard on my TV. I was outraged. I was angry. Is this woman a complete idiot or is she the most condescending, arrogant and self-serving politician on the planet? This was my reaction upon hearing Hillary Clinton say regarding the Taliban five, “These five guys are not a threat to the United States.”
- Saturday, June 14, 2014

What the Brat nomination means for November

If the U.S. government was a parliamentary system, Barack Obama’s Democratic Party rule would have collapsed by now with a vote of no-confidence. In our Constitutional system of fixed terms and elections, there may be no clearer sign of an impending political realignment then when a Congressional Majority Leader goes down in a primary defeat to an underfunded almost unknown opponent—college professor Dave Brat. Brat’s plain-spoken grass-roots campaign won by successfully connecting with average people and effectively communicating a clear and simple message of commitment to a balanced budget and a limited government with common sense limited priorities. Many pundits have declared the Brat triumph as a Tea Party victory.
- Friday, June 13, 2014

Don’t Forget to Remember Democrats Who Lied About the War in Iraq!

Now that Barack Obama’s “great achievement” in Iraq has joined Obamacare, the jobless recovery, a plethora of domestic scandals involving impeachable- caliber high crimes and misdemeanors, foreign policy foibles in Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, and Russia, as indelible scars on the proud history of American culture and Exceptionalism, liberal spin doctors working at the White House have been placed on 24-hour, seven day a week schedules until such time as a reasonable argument has been crafted to explain why, under the command of the alleged smartest man in the universe, America is being humiliated by events spiraling out of control near Baghdad.
- Friday, June 13, 2014

Out of my comfort zone and into adventure – Slovenia & Croatia

My first reaction to the idea of taking BikeHike’s active, adventure tour to Slovenia and Croatia (The Alps to Istria) was: “What?”, “Where?” and “Why?” While I am healthy and reasonably fit, I thought I might be too old (over 40) for an adventure tour. I couldn’t have been more wrong. In fact, more and more people over 40, 50, 60 and even 70 are choosing tours that take you outside the gates of an all-inclusive and into an incredible, active, authentic and connected experience. After all, 60 is the new 40! The fact that BikeHike Adventures is celebrating their 20th anniversary this year tells me that they have lots of experience with these types of tours.
- Friday, June 13, 2014

Fontana Conviction: Parliament Must Pass Bill C-518 Before Summer Adjournment

OTTAWA, ON: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) is calling on MPs from all political parties to pass private member’s Bill C-518, the Protecting Taxpayers and Revoking Pensions of Convicted Politicians Act. This bill would strip current and former MPs and Senators who are convicted of serious crimes related to their office.
- Friday, June 13, 2014

Iraq Today!

Living in Louisiana is an adventure. I remember just how powerful a monsoon can be when weather shifts take place in the Deep South. I was forced to shut down computer operations rather than toast a CPU from random power surges. So, I had a little time to consider what needed to be spoken about to capture your imagination and hopefully lead you to see how absurd politicians can be.
- Friday, June 13, 2014
