
Defeating racism: grace and the high road defeat fines, court action and boycotts!

Breaking earlier this week in the American news (that would travel globally) were the audio recordings of Donald Sterling, owner of Basketball's Los Angeles Clippers, who was taped making racially foolish comments which one could reasonably conclude as meaning he doesn't really like black people. The release of the comments, recorded by Sterling's mistress (young enough to be his granddaughter) and released to the highly accurate TMZ, caused an immediate firestorm of protest within the NBA community and Sports media at large. Eighty year-old Sterling was recorded as saying to Mistress Vanessa Stiviano (31): "It bothers me a lot that you want to broadcast that you're associating with black people. Do you have to? You can sleep with [black people]. You can bring them in, you can do whatever you want (but) the little I ask you is ... not to bring them to my games. ...Don't put him [Magic Johnson] on an Instagram for the world to have to see so they have to call me. And don't bring him to my games."
- Friday, May 2, 2014

Common Core, the Catholic Church and Education in the USA!

Let’s start with a few questions prior to developing the content of this column. Do you believe most people trust many of those in government, not just in D. C., but also at other levels of government? Do you believe most people trust those within the media?
- Friday, May 2, 2014

The Liberal Media's Donald Sterling Race-baiting

Never let a racial crisis go to waste is, I suppose, the credo of the Machiavellian mainstream media. Since the release of the Don Sterling audio, liberals haven't missed a chance to play the race card for all its worth. One of the worst offenders is a New York Daily News columnist named Harry Siegel, who -- in a piece of pablum bearing a picture of NBA owners portrayed as Klansmen -- bemoans the lack of Diversity™ in league ownership and management. Unfortunately for Siegy, his points, which start with the Klan hoods, only get worse from there.
- Friday, May 2, 2014

Extreme Heat Hysteria Fail

In its latest entry on "health repercussions for Canadians of a changing climate" in the Globe and Mail newspaper, Karen McColl raises the alarm bells on "substantial increases in occurrences of extremely hot seasons" in Canada.
- Friday, May 2, 2014

Life under the Obama Doctrine

For most commentators, President Barack Obama's biggest achievement in his four-nation tour of Asia was the enhanced defense treaty he signed with Philippine President Benigno Aquino. The pact permits US forces to operate on Philippine military bases and sets the conditions for joint training of US and Philippine forces, among other things.
- Friday, May 2, 2014

Palestine Mandate Legally Triumphs Over Discredited PLO Charter

The 1922 League of Nations Mandate for Palestine - and international law - have finally emerged as triumphant victors over the 1964 PLO Charter following the collapse of 50 years of failed attempts by the PLO to arbitrarily void the vote of the 51 members of the League of Nations unanimously endorsing the legal right of the Jewish people to reconstitute the Jewish National Home in 23% of former Palestine.
- Friday, May 2, 2014

CAMEROON: Christians Abducted Amidst Growing Instability

Sources: World Watch Monitor, The Toronto Star Three Christian humanitarian workers were kidnapped on the night of April 4th after a group of armed men stormed their small parish in Tchéré. The assailants also ransacked church buildings before heading toward the nearby Nigerian border.
- Thursday, May 1, 2014

MiG-35s for Egypt: A Veritable Change of Direction?

According to a number of media reports published in late April 2014, Egypt is soon to sign a large arms deal with Russia for the purchase of 24 MiG-35 fighter jets. Reports of contacts between Egypt and Russia have surfaced in recent months, particularly in November 2013 following the visit to Cairo by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu, and in February 2014, when then-Egyptian Defense Minister Abdul Fattah al-Sisi visited Moscow.
- Thursday, May 1, 2014

Obama’s Comatose Foreign Policy

The Obama administration’s foreign policy is non-existent. He has relinquished our leadership role in the world as evidenced by various setbacks.
- Thursday, May 1, 2014

Ontario Taking Cues From Greece

TORONTO, ON: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) is floored by the tax-and-spend budget tabled in Ontario today. The 2014 Ontario budget features new payroll taxes, tax hikes on businesses, increased excise taxes on tobacco and aviation fuel, and the creation of a new personal income tax bracket that will raise incomes taxes on 220,000 people across the province.
- Thursday, May 1, 2014

It is time to choose our side

The American Revolutionary War, or our war for independence from the oppression of the British that officially began in 1775 and birthed our nation, was a most pivotal time in our nation's history. Many men and women of average means and intelligence rose to become celebrated heroes and heroines.
- Thursday, May 1, 2014

Obama Playing Messiah With Keystone Pipeline and 30% Opposition

The Weasel in the White House once again plays his "sabotage America" games with the Keystone XL Oil Producing Program, making it even harder to reap the many bountiful benefits it could bring to this country. This forever dangerous liar will stop at nothing to keep that oil from being part of an out and out separation for us from the greedy and nefarious plans the OPEC oil (Islamic) nations will continue to press on us.
- Thursday, May 1, 2014

Depends When You Were Born

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." ~ Ronald Reagan
- Thursday, May 1, 2014

Toyota upgrades its Highlander gas and hybrid SUV

The world's largest carmaker has a brand new version of its popular Highlander for 2014, and it's a very nice vehicle that differentiates itself well from the smaller Venza.
- Thursday, May 1, 2014

May: Much to do, Little Time to do it

It is Spring! It is Spring!/On the lea, on the ling!/The frost is dispersed!/Like the buds let us burst! So chortled the poet Ogden Nash. Yes, indeed let us follow his advice for a short time anyway then get down to sterner matters. For gardeners, the month of May might have 31 days but we need every one of them – and then some.
- Thursday, May 1, 2014

VIDEO "Four Dead in Benghazi"

I made this music video because I want low-info voters to get it; to understand that four Americans unnecessarily died at the hands of Al Qaeda terrorists who overtook our U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.
- Thursday, May 1, 2014
