
You Wouldn’t Want These Ants in Your Pants

Sometime prior to 1950 a shipment of containerized plants from Europe arrived in Maine. Hitching a ride were the European red ant, Myrmica rubra. Also known thanks to its painful bite as the European fire ant, the wee beasties seemed content with their northeastern New England territory.
- Saturday, May 3, 2014

CIA Whistleblower faces the ire of an angry Justice Department over Benghazi questions

Longtime former CIA field operative turned whistleblower Robert "Tosh" Plumlee is currently in the crosshairs of a very angry Holder Justice Department for publicly posting 11 "questions" about Benghazi and the illegal weapons running operations being conducted by criminal elements within the U.S. government. Mr. Plumlee is no ordinary CIA whistleblower, however.
- Saturday, May 3, 2014

Trickle down penury

An interesting news item caught my attention a couple of weeks back. Apparently the Canadian middle class has surpassed the American middle class in economic standing. According to a NY Times analysis, after-tax income of middle class Canadians has now surpassed that of America’s middle class, which purportedly makes Canada’s middle class the wealthiest in the world.
- Saturday, May 3, 2014

Were JFK and Obama Really from the Same Party?

“Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” John F. Kennedy “What can Uncle Sugar give you?”Barack H. Obama
- Saturday, May 3, 2014

Canada's National Temperature and Precipitation Farce

Despite their huffing and puffing over private sector environmental activists since 2006, the one "environmental activist" group the Conservative Party of Canada has entirely failed to correct is its own government agency: Environment Canada.
- Saturday, May 3, 2014

Dear Americans, Time to Come Out of the Shadows

"We must bring them out of the shadows." So goes the mantra from both the Republican and Democrat members of the illustrious body known as the United States Congress. I, for one, have become increasingly nauseated hearing this refrain. I am tired of hearing about the plight of these poor people and their families being separated by deportation. If they had stayed in their own country, rather than breaking our law and invading the United States, they would still be intact.
- Saturday, May 3, 2014

Bennie Thompson Deserves Lifetime Ban and $2.5 Million Fine

This week, the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers was not the only person exposed as a racist. U.S. Congressman Bennie Thompson (D-MS) qualified for his racism card this week when he stated on a New Nation of Islam radio show that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is an “Uncle Tom.” He reiterated the incendiary charge in an interview with CNN.
- Saturday, May 3, 2014

New York State Prohibits Hydraulic Fracturing, But Subsidizes Solar

The Marcellus shale formation runs from West Virginia, through Pennsylvania and into New York. In West Virginia and Pennsylvania, natural gas production is booming, but not in New York. The reason for that is nothing to do with geology and everything to do with politics. Since 2008, New York has imposed a moratorium on the hydraulic fracturing necessary for natural gas production from the Marcellus.
- Friday, May 2, 2014

The Koch Brothers vs. George Soros

To listen to the Democrats and the “Lame Stream Media”, headed up by NBC and the N.Y. Times, you’d think that the Koch Bros. were the worst people in the world, besides being un-American. How come they have been singled out for such scathing criticism by the loony left? Would being Republican have anything to do with it?
- Friday, May 2, 2014

Nations with religion-based characteristics, and Israel

There is wide support, and some passionate objections, to Israel identifying itself as the Jewish state. Some, in the Arab world, call this racist. States created on a religious basis are not necessarily racist.
- Friday, May 2, 2014

ISSA Subpoenas John Kerry Regarding Benghazi!

Barack Obama may have stolen the 2012 presidential election by keeping the lid on several “phony scandals” with the aid and encouragement of the mainstream media.
- Friday, May 2, 2014

Old and busted: Repeal; New hotness: 'Transition' away from ObamaCare

Avik Roy, one of the most prolific and insightful critics of ObamaCare on the scene today, has written an interesting if somewhat confusing piece for Forbes in which he seems on first glance to view the notion of repealing ObamaCare as delusional folly. But when you read it carefully, you see that what Roy is really talking about is the need to use the right language when speaking to the electorate - especially in 2016, because without a Republican in the White House, we're probably not getting rid of ObamaCare no matter what happens in congressional elections.
- Friday, May 2, 2014

Sorry, Nancy: We're not going to stop asking about the Benghazi lies

Poor Nancy Pelosi! She is very upset because Republicans won't stop talking about Benghazi. Of course, whenever Nancy Pelosi says anything, you know it's something Democrats have decided behind the scenes to repeat because they think it will help them win the news cycle.
- Friday, May 2, 2014

Shocker: Congressional liberals not too interested in Paul Ryan's poverty ideas

I give credit to Paul Ryan for his willingness to sit down and talk with anyone, and to work with anyone who is willing to be serious about solving problems. And I really give him credit for trying to tackle the issue of poverty, when most Republicans won't bother because they figure there's nothing to gain politically by doing so.
- Friday, May 2, 2014

Former NSC spokesman on Benghazi talking points: 'Dude. This was, like, two years ago'

Yesterday, Former National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor was interviewed on Fox News by Bret Baier. Baier pressed Vietor for details about his role in altering the Benghazi talking points used by Susan Rice on the Sunday morning news shows. Vietor, whose memory is apparently a Swiss cheese-like labyrinth of empty spaces initially claimed he didn't remember, because "Dude. This was like two years ago."
- Friday, May 2, 2014

Caution: Senators at Work

ObamaCare is wreaking havoc on the economy; entitlement spending is swallowing the federal budget; America’s military readiness is in shambles; and a handful of senators are working hard to make sure the government stays in the housing finance business.
- Friday, May 2, 2014

Send Missionaries To The U.S. ... PLEASE!

Back at the dawn of history, when I was a but a wee lad, my family had the God-given insight to bring me up in an evangelical church. I had no say in where I attended church, See, kids back then kept their mouths shut and their ears open and paid heed to their parents, their elders. (That is why I contend that my generation is so much smarter than the generations that followed.)
- Friday, May 2, 2014

A Vegetable Production System 250 Miles High in the Sky

The week proceeding Easter, SpaceX’s Dragon capsule headed up to the International Space Station (ISS) on its third commercial supply mission. Food supplies were an important part of its cargo but stowed away in a space of just 0.02m? was a new means of growing food aloft.
- Friday, May 2, 2014
