
Israel and the Global Currency War

Strong currencies are evidence of strong economies, but a very strong currency weakens the economy, as is now the case in Israel. That is why many countries around the world work to weaken their local currencies as compared to other currencies, thereby giving themselves a competitive edge over other countries in the global marketplace. This phenomenon has been called the currency war. While Israel too is involved in this currency war, it is at a distinct disadvantage. The strength of the shekel will eventually lead to Israel’s defeat in this war, and is liable to place national growth at risk and severely damage the labor market.
- Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Germany’s New Coal Boom Reaches Record Level

With Greenpeace successfully forcing the shutdown of nuclear power, and keeping out fracking for gas, what’s left? A boom in coal. In fact, over the next two years Germany will build 10 new power plants for hard coal. Europe is in a coal frenzy, building power plants and opening up new mines, practically every month. It might sound odd that a boom in German coal is the result of Greenpeace’s political success. --Ezra Levant, Toronto Sun, 7 January 2014
- Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Does John Kerry Really Meet This Requirement?

It might be a great idea for both future Republican and Democrat administrations (and any conceivable third party administrations as well) to name a retired Chairman of the Joint Chiefs to be our Secretary of State.
- Tuesday, January 7, 2014

2014: Obamacare Puts Down Roots for the Long Haul

Yes, Obamacare has raised premiums, caused people to lose their health coverage, raised taxes, and more. But on January 1, Obamacare started digging in for the long haul: putting down the deep roots of entitlement programs.
- Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder: Republican RoboCop

RoboCop was a sci-fi shoot-em-up from the late 1980s. The sequel explored the damaging effects of the drug trade at length, but for the sake of comparison, the first film will suffice. The setting of the movie takes place in a future dystopia of Detroit, where gangs run rampant in a Detroit burned out and turned out. The background for the movie focused on a Detroit police officer, killed in the line of duty, who comes back to life, sort of, as a cyborg. Designed by a major computer company, where one of the leaders has entered into corrupt collusion with dirty cops and criminals, RoboCop takes on the scene to bring law and order back to a scandal-plagued city.
- Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Thank God for His Tender Mercies and Healing Grace

When you read this post on Monday I will be on my way to surgery. As many of you know, in August 2013 I became very sick with what I thought was a cold. After a few days I lost vision in my left eye and I checked into the hospital. I soon found out that what I thought was a summer cold was actually Strep bacteria poisoning my blood stream. The bacteria blinded my left eye, ate a hole through my heart, caused five strokes on both sides of my brain and forced the removal of my prosthetic left knee.
- Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Kerry and the long-term cost of releasing terrorists

On Sunday, Issa Karaka, the Palestinian Authority’s minister for jailed terrorists, announced that in the next round of terrorist releases, Israel will release not only Palestinian terrorist murderers, but Israeli Arabs who murdered Israeli Jews in terrorist attacks.
- Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Obama, the Fed, and the Phony Economic Recovery

In a clever display of Marxist political maneuvering, President Obama and his “progressive” supporters are now attacking the substandard economic “recovery” that they have helped create. Zubi Diamond, author of the Wizards of Wall Street, says their ultimate goal is to increase federal control of the economy and “complete the fundamental transformation of America.”
- Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Obama's Attack on Workers

Democrats and President Obama aim to make raising the minimum wage and focusing on growing inequality their main agenda for the 2014 mid-term election campaign.
- Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Who Can Resist the Liberal Brainwashing?

If you are a conservative parent who doesn't realize that your offspring are subject to a rigorous brainwashing in their local public school, then you are not paying attention. In all red electoral districts and in a surprising number of blue ones, the cultural, political and economic education imparted to the school children is biased sharply to the left. Just to give a few examples, the children are taught that:
- Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A couple to emulate: Congratulations on 69 years!

I know some of you don't like them because he was "not a true conservative," or because she's maybe kinda sorta pro-choice or something. Forget about that for a minute and focus on this:
- Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Adventures in ObamaCare

Here in the Southland, nestled in the midst of the collided conurbations of Los Angeles and San Diego, we have avoided the cold snaps that have swept across most of the nation and avoided the worst of the government disaster known as ObamaCare.
- Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Start Yo’ Rows

My boyhood best friend and mentor, Jaybird, was tight with his money. He believed that the Lord watches how His children spend it.
- Tuesday, January 7, 2014

An Electoral Catch-22!

I have received several emails and Facebook posts from friends that included columns from well-know columnists in which it is apparent that genuine patriots are faced with an electoral Catch-22, with wretched options in 2014. Conservatives, especially those within the TEA Party, are under attack by ‘elitist, status quo’ Republicans, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Republican Main Street Partnership (RMSP), and generous donors to the RMSP, the International Union of Operating Engineers and the Laborers’ International Union of North America (courtesy of conservativebyte.com). A skeptical person might believe the RMSP is an elitist, puppeteer front, embedded within the GOP machinery, to offer a two-front attack, synchronized with the Communist Democrats, upon conservative patriots!
- Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Life in the Electronic Concentration Camp

“[A security camera] doesn’t respond to complaint, threats, or insults. Instead, it just watches you in a forbidding manner. Today, the surveillance state is so deeply enmeshed in our data devices that we don’t even scream back because technology companies have convinced us that we need to be connected to them to be happy.”—Pratap Chatterjee, journalist
What is most striking about the American police state is not the mega-corporations running amok in the halls of Congress, the militarized police crashing through doors and shooting unarmed citizens, or the invasive surveillance regime which has come to dominate every aspect of our lives. No, what has been most disconcerting about the emergence of the American police state is the extent to which the citizenry appears content to passively wait for someone else to solve our nation’s many problems. Unless Americans are prepared to engage in militant nonviolent resistance in the spirit of Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhi, true reform, if any, will be a long time coming.
- Monday, January 6, 2014

UK Wind Farms Paid not to Generate Electricity & Fell Trees to Build More

UK wind farms were paid over £4.8 million ($7.88 million) to turn off their turbines over the holidays leaving tens of thousands of homes without power as storms hit the country. The payments, known as ‘constraint payments’, were paid because the National Grid was unable to handle the extra wind power produced during the storms or because electricity usage was low. The ‘constraint payments’, which are paid to wind farms to turn off their turbines when winds hit up to 100 miles per hour, compensate firms for energy they are unable to sell. The payments are added to the bills of the country’s electricity consumers even though the storms resulted in power outages for thousands of homes.(i)
- Monday, January 6, 2014
