
Climate Poll Con Job: ‘When you don’t like the poll numbers, make up your own poll’

Stanford University’s Jon Krosnick (Krosnick@Stanford.edu) has been receiving a huge splash of publicity with his allegedly surprising state-by-state poling showing ‘the vast majority of Americans in each of 40-plus states surveyed say global warming is real, serious and man-made’ (USA Today) Jon Krosnick is the director of Stanford’s Political Psychology Research Group.
- Thursday, November 14, 2013

Obama Administration Fears Climate Compensation Claims

US officials fear that international climate change talks will become focused on payouts for damage caused by extreme weather events exacerbated by global warming, such as the category 5 Typhoon Haiyan that hit the Philippines last week killing thousands of people and causing what is expected to be billions of pounds of damage. An official US briefing document obtained by the Guardian reveals that the country is worried the UN negotiations, currently under way in Warsaw, will "focus increasingly on blame and liability" and poor nations will be "seeking redress for climate damages from sea level rise, droughts, powerful storms and other adverse impacts". --Stephen Leahy,The Guardian, 13 November 2013
- Thursday, November 14, 2013

The IAEA-Iran Agreement: A Palliative?

The agreement between the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Iran, announced on November 11, 2013, is a culmination of sorts of many years of disagreement between these two parties. The IAEA has long sought the right to inspect all nuclear-related facilities and sites in Iran, including the right to search for undeclared facilities.
- Thursday, November 14, 2013

Obama Becoming a Punchline, but Obamacare Is No Joke

“The Tonight Show” is a cultural bellwether, so when its studio audience roars its approval at Senator Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) quip that Obamacare is “the biggest job killer in this country,” you know something’s happening across our land.
- Thursday, November 14, 2013

If At First You Don't Succeed...

The old saw about "If at first you don't succeed, try, try, again" may seem apropos to the democrats dilemma with ObamaCare, but, it isn't.
- Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Myth of Islamic Extremism

The question of Islamic extremism has more relevance to Muslims than to non-Muslims. It's mainly Muslims who are obsessed with Islamic extremism. And with good reason. As they so often point out; they tend to be its leading victims.
- Thursday, November 14, 2013

Narco-Nation Comes to Colorado

The George Soros-funded marijuana movement has achieved enormous “progress” in the various states, especially Colorado, and the results are now starting to get some media attention.
- Thursday, November 14, 2013

ObamaCare’s Real “War on Women"

OMG, he’s hot! Let’s hope he’s as easy to get as this birth control. My health insurance covers the pill, which means all I have to worry about is getting him between the covers…

- Thursday, November 14, 2013

What really happened to boys?

Four years ago, psychologist Leonard Sax (MD, PhD) wrote a well-received book titled “Boys Adrift.” The doctor tried to answer the question, why have so many young males fallen into passivity and indifference?
- Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Our political Augean Stables

With the Prime Minister, various senators and sundry politicians lying, cheating, passing the buck and preoccupied with protecting their own assets, what we need is a Canadian Hercules to redirect the Ottawa and Rideau rivers through our Augean stables, AKA Parliament, flushing the whole lot of them out of their cozy dream-world to make way for a slate of new members who would deserve to be called honourable.
- Wednesday, November 13, 2013

2019: The Future of Doctors Under Obama Universal Coverage for Health (O.U.C.H.)

The year was 2019, in the third term of the Reign of Obama the Secular. Owing to an extreme left wing Supreme Court stacked with four Obama appointees, who managed to declare the United States Constitution itself unconstitutional to the extent that it limited the ability of the Great One to serve no more than two terms, Obama was well on his way to becoming the first President since Roosevelt to be elected to four terms.
- Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Environmental Conservation Easements Trump-ing Property Rights

A new battle is waging in Virginia involving the restriction of land use in rural areas. The protagonists are the Piedmont Environmental Council (PEC) with its "comprehensive planning" of Virginia's rural areas and Donald Trump with his proposed Trump National Golf Club in Albemarle County near Charlottesville, Virginia.
- Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Obama's Economy: Wall Street Thrives, Main Street Dies

The man at the center of the storm has blown a giant hole in the notion that the Obama administration is looking out for middle class Americans. "Andrew Huszar: Confessions of a Quantitative Easer," is a piece written for the Wall Street Journal by Huszar himself, revealing that he was the person responsible "for executing the centerpiece program of the Fed's first plunge into the bond-buying experiment known as quantitative easing."
- Wednesday, November 13, 2013

So the Democrats are Nervous, Are They?

Democrat members of the Senate who are facing re-election in 2014, and even some of those who are up for re-election in 2016, are in a cold-sweat panic that they will be held responsible for the disastrous roll-out of the ObamaCare website (or perhaps the failure of not having anything useful to roll-out).
- Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Guaranteeing that an Initial Deal with Iran Does Not Become the Final Deal

Israel and the United States share the strategic goal of preventing Iran’s attainment of nuclear weapons. Both countries agree that only two forms of leverage can block Iran’s dash to the bomb: economic sanctions and a credible military threat. However, Israel and the US diverge in their assessments as to the scope and timing for effective use of these levers. Consequently, there is a huge gap between them on how to reach the goal of stopping Iran's military nuclear program, which strategy is appropriate at this time, and what lies beyond the initial agreement that may be reached in the next round of talks on November 20.
- Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Meet the 20-something morons in Colorado's ObamaCare ads

Young Obama voters, congratulations. This is what your president thinks of you. And maybe he has a point. For anyone to buy the nonsense Obama peddled in the 2008 and 2012 campaigns, you really would have to be kind of a moron. Let's be honest. But it's still a little surprising that the same marketing community clever enough to present Obama as a viable president of the United States could let its guard down long enough to make it clear they think young adults in America are complete idiots. Yet there's no other way to interpret the real, authentic ObamaCare ads (really, this is not a spoof we came up with, and for that I'm disappointed in us) offered at doyougotinsurance.com. It must be seen to be believed, so let's see a few:
- Wednesday, November 13, 2013
