
But then, the very real devil won't be laughing either. Only a small portion of that misery will be the presence of an eternally screaming devil and the noticeable lack of a cable or Internet connection

A Strutting Devil Is Now Feeling In Control

All of you who are familiar with my commentary are likewise familiar with my utter contempt for television. I quit the tube nearly 40 years ago, and 'I've never looked back.' When I did that, my friends were looking at me in bewilderment and asking me, "How in the world do you survive?! What do you do with your spare time?! How can you and your family stand it?!" And only a week into that self-imposed 'fast', I began answering them in candor and complete sincerity saying, "I have my life back! I am beginning to live my life in spontaneity, day by day! It's marvelous, you really should try it!" Often, the friends of mine who had overheard the chatter from the gossip chain told me that I was the subject of great concern. Some of the people accused me of overmuch Christian zeal, and that my move of complete abstinence was the result of some kind of hyper-Christian paranoia. But the truth was that I was simply tired of living my life vicariously through the attention-capturing one-eyed idiot that was beginning to ensnare my sweet children's minds as well.

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By Centrewing on 2023 05 14

Thank you for your most wonderful outlook on life it has been what I have always felt too, but. I never really watched TV, too busy, and when I rarely did everyone else in the family hated it as all I did was criticize the stupidity I was seeing and I needed help getting some job done and "but mom this is just entertainment" and "I will come help when it is over" ?? and it seems it never ends. TV was stupid, really silly but these computerized almost everything now is just a weaponized horror show. I no longer even attempt to try to use a device y replaced the phone with? My adult children need to use them at work I know but they get upset now that I am old they have to come here and talk to me and as they have never understood why I refuse to use these phones old hands shake. My son bought me a computer and set up a way they can leave me messages and I can respond slowly. I used to read newspapers but they are all lies now so quit and my son helped me to find good sites on the computer to read but the government in Canada just passed a law to stop freedom of speech and truth but so far it is not fully established these computerized things are lying weapons now or soon. God bless you stay free.

By Totsy on 2023 05 14

Very well written and very truthful article. I understand what you are talking about. I'm not a t.v. watcher, I do have a cell phone but only because a "homephone" is extremely expensive. I DO NOT "play" on my phone, I use it to talk to family and friends or Dr.s office. Your article is spot on and I appreciate it. I'm 79 and a great, great "Mawmaw" now and I am constantly amazed at the evil. Father God has Infinite patience but I think even He is losing Patience......and Lord Jesus will not be Sacrificed for us again. We should pray more and harder. God Bless all and God Bless you for your sight and honesty.

By dollops on 2023 05 14

"Cue the laughter" indeed. Scientists may be entangling themselves in quantities of strings immersed in froth but at least they are trying. If all knowledge comes to us through revelation (the force is with us), we have a very spotty record of interpreting what is revealed. Being of the universe and just one phase in seemingly endless creation - destruction - creation, we can't, nor can any other species, nail down our creator.

By LongTimeTexan on 2023 05 14

A famous radio commentator once foretold how the United Stats would be taken down. He was spot on.

Paul Harvey 1965: If I were the Devil

The Devil is now here and his name is “DemocRATS”.

The opinions expressed here are my own as defined in the freedom of speech act under First Amendment of the Constitution.

By BobF on 2023 05 14

All sad but true, and if you subscribe to the theory put forth by Strauss and Howe in their book "The Fourth Turning" then we are indeed in that so-called fourth turning (like the winter season of a 90-ish year long cycle that has repeated in western civilization over the past 700+ years).

And indeed, the SOTL (that's "scum of the left"), starting with the WEF and their minions, seem to be ready to cream their jeans in the 'knowledge' that their evil plans will come to fruition...to the point where they just don't care about being obvious about their long con any more. Certainly we are at the end game of something they have been pushing along slowly, but with exponential growth, for the past 40 or more years.

But then I begin to have hope - that the "silent majority", currently trying to "be nice" and put up with the behavior of the latest generations who are not unlike petulant 5 year olds having their tantrums - that we will forcefully stand up and slap these idiots upside their collective head and say "no!"

I volunteer at a soup kitchen, and have noticed that the majority of the indigent folks (legal and illegal alike) who shuffle through have smart phones! And with that, I ask the brain-dead college "educated" morons who bray that capitalism is evil and socialism can be made to work: "what socialist/communist country has spread that level of ability to their lowest ranks? Answer: none.

No matter how many leftist feelings reality hurts, it's still reality. In her book "When Race Trumps Merit" (another excellent read), author Heather Mac Donald describes how, under the moronic mindset of "equity", medical schools are bowing to th pressure of idiots (well, she doesn't put it in those words). And of course, allowing people (of any color) to become doctors because of their race isn't going to be of much comfort to the patients they kill out of incompetence. So, reality will out.

But it's going to be a rough ride, for sure.

By Travis R on 2023 05 14

I have been tv free for about ~20 years now. Its a better life.

By Parcelman 007 on 2023 05 14

These democrats today are globalist. That's why they hate Trump so much. He's a nationalists. He's the strongest nationalist to come along in years. "Make America Great Again"(MAGA). That's not an internationalists(AKA...globalists) slogan. That's a nationalist slogan. Globalism was steam rolling along until Trump came on the scene. We had had 28 years of globalists presidents(GHW Bush, Bill Clinton, GW Bush, Obama). Then the clog in the machinery walked onto the political scene......DJ Trump. They have to get rid of him at any cost. In the last 6-7 years, they have come up with every charge under the sun and none have sticked. But if the charges he is facing this time don't stick, they will come up with something else.

This guy is a roadblock to their perceived 'New World Order'(The Great Reset). That was once a conspiracy because they were planning it behind closed doors. But it's not today because they are telling you what they are going to do. They are not hiding it anymore.

You say what's wrong with globalism? Just Googal in 'THE EIGHT PREDICTIONS FOR 2030'. You'll see what they have planned for you.....a dystopian society where 2% of the population is filthy rich and the other 98% are dirt poor and working hard to maintain the lifestyle of the few rich. This comes from their own mouth.

The dems are trying to take down america. America needs change but not the kind of change they want. They want to turn the country into an ocean to ocean concentration camp where the government will tell you what you can do, what you can say, what you can think and what you can desire. They want to make you a living robot. WAKE UP America!!!!

By ROY TREPANIER on 2023 05 15

That is why I am soooooo happy that Jesus is coming to 'fetch His bride' and take us home to Heaven, away from this insanity. i believe all signs point to His return this year.
"As you see the day approaching....". I see it !!! Acts 1:11
Maranatha, come Lord Jesus............<><
Rev. Roy.............><>

By Ben Colder on 2023 05 15

I agree that the tv runs from morning till midnight in many homes no wonder people think dem/communists are wonderful all tv is ,is the modern day version of the old Russian pravda the communist ran news in the sixties. I watch some tv but not the network news . I will never buy another tv when this one bites the dust I will be tv free if not before. The country really has gone down the tubes and we are ran by the likes of Joe the Sniff and Cryin Chuck and ninety year old basket case senators and a republican party that is scared of dem/communists and so called reporters and Donald Trump and even the dark. Nothing is going to happen to the Biden crime family you can take that to the failing bank

By News on the Net on 2023 05 16

From a CFP Reader: Francesca R.

I've lost count - how many celebrities are now selling CBD gummies?? It must be a corporation!

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