
Bring back the Expos!

Media bias or media stupidity? Arthur Weinreb | June 16, 2015
Only in a media biased in favour of progressive causes would make such idiotic statements

“I trust these [Secret Service] people around me, but if someone comes at me again, I want to be prepared,” Reagan reportedly said in explaining the action, according to Meltzer.

Democrats’ Orwellian Kabuki Theater David L. Hunter | June 16, 2015
As the world literally burns, Mr. Obama golfs; wholly disaffected, partying with and living like the millionaire and billionaire "fat cat" bankers he publicly demonizes

They were using the Pashto ‘diwana,’ which in this case meant high on hashish."

NAACP Imposter Sued School Over Race Claims News on the Net | June 16, 2015
Rachel Dolezal alleged she was victim of white discrimination

Inside a counterfeit Facebook farm News on the Net | June 16, 2015
Even in the gloom, he wears Ray-Ban sunglasses to shield his eyes from the glare of his computer. ("Richard Braggs" is the alias he uses for business purposes.)

Obama’s trade plan in critical condition News on the Net | June 16, 2015
Democrats are still opposed to anything that would advance the president’s free trade pact.

Respondents also expressed frustration with so-called "sponsored content" being disguised as news.

EPA’s Clean Power Plan Ignores New Nuclear as a Compliance Option Institute for Energy Research | June 16, 2015
EPA’s analysis and formulae for its Clean Power Plan is biased toward new wind and solar power that can cause reliability problems because the wind and sun are not available 24/7

Damn!  My shady trade deal got shot down… Dag Barkley | June 15, 2015
Oh, well... I can always go back to sneaky gun control and stirring up the races.

Promote the Wind and Reap the Whirlwind Viv Forbes | June 15, 2015
Lucky landowners getting rich on compensation; and green zealots promoting a UN Agenda

“The term ‘lawful’ refers only to those activities that are lawful under both state and federal law,” Colorado Supreme Court rules.

Stay Alert. Take the warning signs seriously. And take action because the paths to destruction are well disguised by those in control.

Quick fix for healthcare in Canada-stop the banking hours! Diane Weber Bederman | June 15, 2015
Time for Canada’s hospitals to enter the 21st century with 24/7, seven days a week care

As we head into the important 2016 election, it is imperative that whoever becomes the 45th president understands energy

The proposed law, introduced in numerous legislative session of Congress in recent decades, would also end all funding to the UN and all of its agencies

Government employees being hacked

Attention seeking, truth bending media hogs Guest Column | June 15, 2015
Rachael Dolezal, Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton, Bruce Jenner


Dolezal was elected president of the local NAACP chapter about six months ago.

A fighter all right. For herself

Nothing to see here - move along

But apparently she changed her mind and didn't show up for getaway-driver duties

Pope Francis Declares Global Warming ‘Mostly Man-Made’

The Lie Obama Keeps Repeating About the Poor in America Heritage Foundation | June 15, 2015
The finding that six out of 10 poor households have no one working at all is disturbing

Life in Ameritopia Sandy Stringfellow | June 15, 2015
The country in which we live today is not the “pioneering spirit of free associations and entrepreneurial creativity born in personal liberty” America of the Founders and Framers: it is Ameritopia

Millions of Chinese flooding into Tibet?

656ft towers would dominate horizon towards Isle of Wight, report warns

Where You Need to Be a Millionaire to Retire News on the Net | June 15, 2015
Thanks to the rising cost of living in urban areas across the country, retiring in a big city is more expensive than ever.
