
Constable Daniel Woodall was gunned down as he tried to make an arrest

How State Exchanges Are Faring Under Obamacare News on the Net | June 9, 2015
Here is where the exchanges founded in 16 states and the District of Columbia stand today.

Predicting Earthquakes. Not. Alan Caruba | June 9, 2015
When will new earthquakes or volcanic eruptions occur? I doubt anyone knows the answer to that.

G-7 Summit: They Call This a Protest? Kevin Jackson | June 9, 2015
Sauntering through a “Bavarian Alpine meadow” IN FULL BLOOM (and why not). Hey Ferguson, this is how white folk throw down!

So, how to explain Obama’s fixation with idiocy and utter failure?

We're working on it!: Good luck to the Iraqis, because they're going to need it

The Secret Russian Role in Global Conflict Cliff Kincaid | June 9, 2015
Hopefully, those who defended or praised Snowden will one day have to answer for their foolishness

It's a testimony to the blindness and historic ignorance of the West that more people are not onto this old Muslim game yet

In America, “accuracy, honesty, transparency, impartiality, and accountability,” went out the day Obama came in

Caitlin Jenner? Hello Sucker! Alan Caruba | June 8, 2015
Bruce Jenner’s absurd claims will make him a rich man. Not a rich woman

Prejmer Citadel and Cetatea Rasnov Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | June 8, 2015

Before becoming a full-time abortion activist, Hogue listed her career choices, from working for Greenpeace to MoveOn

According to TSA data, the people in question were working for major airlines, airport venders and other employers.

Your bank account: The next thing to go obsolete News on the Net | June 8, 2015
The idea is that all banking should be as easy as sending a text message.

"The patient was transferred to the NIH via special air and ground ambulances."


Join Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership Now! Second Amendment Foundation | June 8, 2015
We at DRGO are excited that our project has grown so fast this year, and we want you to be part of it

Does This Ballistic Vest Make Me Look Fat? Michael R. Shannon | June 8, 2015
The Marines have had a great deal of trouble finding a few good women. So far the Infantry Officer Course remains undefeated

Surely you can’t be advocating voter fraud, can you, Rep. Gutierrez?

The Clinton Family Foundation did not list the specific date the donation was made in its public tax disclosure forms

The SEA is a hacker group that has claimed in the past to disrupt major news websites, including the New York Times, CBS News, the Washington Post and the BBC.

Why Net Neutrality Is Not Helping the Internet Heritage Foundation | June 8, 2015
App writers, too, could be targeted for regulation under neutrality rules—at least if BlackBerry chief John Chen has his way

Want to Be a Millionaire? W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones | June 8, 2015
Those who abuse their bodies with tobacco, drugs and alcohol cost us billions of dollars a year. This is bad enough, but to reward them for their folly is utter madness.

Tickets? Please.

The overlord of overtime.

Eliminate the mandates that drove up the premium prices in the first place.

Ex-Im is one case where a “do-nothing Congress” is a good thing. If they do nothing, Ex-Im’s authorization expires on June 30 and we, the taxpayers, will no longer be responsible for funding this corporate welfare.

Enemies foreign and domestic Sarge | June 8, 2015
Take a look at what’s going on around you in America, your state and local government. Does that look like democracy?

UN Climate Talks Deadlocked Again

History George Giftos | June 8, 2015
From the Founding Fathers to The Funding Fathers
