
Why Do We Obey? Dr. Robert R. Owens | May 22, 2014
In the face of continued abuse the timid grow bold, old habits are broken, and when respect is lost it is not easily regained.

The President Takes a Surprise Walk News on the Net | May 22, 2014
"The bear is loose"

What Is the Price of War? Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | May 22, 2014
Americans should ask the question why are our veterans receiving third world medical care

So which is more disgusting?

Death panel.

Perpetuation of Impunity in Syria Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | May 22, 2014
Veto of Resolution: Widespread violations of human rights and international humanitarian law in Syria to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court

Someone get Django, Dog, Boba Fett, Greedo, and The Fall Guy on the phone....

Because Donald Sterling!

Minimum Wage Increase

Why not promote rhetoric and policy which seeks to heal divisions and build unity, rather than constant race baiting for political gain?

New, mandatory, payroll tax on Ontarians based on the Canada Pension Plan

There are Only Two Types of Government Jim Yardley | May 22, 2014
Perhaps it’s time to return to the plain reading of the Constitution. You know, as it was originally intended

From distancing to disengaging Sarge | May 22, 2014
Obama has always dissociated himself from us lesser beings. He holds an imperious attitude toward our trials

Leaked Manitoba Hydro Document Confirms CTF Concerns Canadian Taxpayers Federation | May 22, 2014
"Manitoba Hydro refuses to disclose the details on the full $251 million in bills racked up by northern reserves over the past 14 years. What else are they hiding?”

A dire warning about what awaits if the ObamaCare train is not soon derailed

Obama and the VA Scandal Guest Column | May 22, 2014
Talk fixes nothing

" . . . buried in hundreds of pages of new regulations."

Does Obama, a lifetime legend in his own mind, really think that verbalizing his anger will make the Veterans Affairs scandal go away?

John E. Jones III declared Pennsylvania's ban on same sex marriage unconstitutional

Climate Hysteria and Breakfast Cereals Sierra Rayne | May 22, 2014
Oxfam's latest report on getting food and beverage companies to fight climate change leaves much to be desired

Obama Mad as Hell Dag Barkley | May 22, 2014
Whistleblower Allegations Veterans Died Waiting on lists

The California Shale Bubble Just Burst Oilprice.com | May 22, 2014
No one saw the shale revolution coming only a few short years ago

Amnesty By Any Means Necessary Arnold Ahlert | May 22, 2014
Obama takes threats to abuse his executive powers to a new level

Age of Obama has been a sensory overload of scandals, debacles and crisis after crisis

Deploying high-altitude balloons to strengthen knowledge of high-energy particles from space storms

The Answer to Rush Limbaugh’s Question Lloyd Marcus | May 22, 2014
Who gives the Left their power? We do, every time we surrender

Life After War Heritage Foundation | May 22, 2014
Brian Wilson, Chip Gabriel and Pat Murray

Why Doesn’t Big Media Like Paul Tanaka? Arthur Christopher Schaper | May 22, 2014
So far, the facts don't seem to add up that Paul Tanaka is some neo-Nazi racist with a Napoleon complex

The law’s imposition of benefit mandates and new taxes will further increase the costs of providing health coverage for employees
