
The legislation was threatened with a veto from President Obama, but passed with a veto-proof majority.

My Fair Lady, The Terminator

Lexus CT 200h a great opportunity missed Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | November 19, 2015
If only there were another version of the CT available one with a "real" power train, I just might love this car

Authorities began a search for the man in uniform while crews towed the aircraft to an isolated area to be rechecked

Consequences and legacies.

Clothes-free Emperor.

Syrian community leader: ISIS is already in America News on the Net | November 19, 2015
Succar, 57, who immigrated to the United States when he was 10, also noted that “Third World countries, particularly places like Syria, do not have the network of information the United States has.”

Obama’s disdain for Americans Guest Column | November 19, 2015
Heightened terror threats throughout the world

Jewish teacher was walking down street in Marseille when he was targeted

And Justin Trudeau thought Stephen Harper was divisive Arthur Weinreb | November 19, 2015
The Boy Blunder is not off to a good start: Trudeau has turned Canadian against Canadian in a mere two weeks

If getting killed is what ISIS wants, let's give them what they want. Or rather, let's encourage the #-kicking French to give them what they want - since America won't do it

Tax dollars helping to fund anti-oilsands witch hunt Canadian Taxpayers Federation | November 19, 2015
If anti-oil activists want to spend their time and money on these kinds of endeavours, they’re welcome to. But taxpayers shouldn’t be expected to foot the bill.

Soldiers patrol in front of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris as security increases after last Friday's series of deadly attacks.

Obama’s last chance: put boots on the ground and snuff ISIS James Jay Carafano | November 19, 2015
Delay of meaningful ground action risks allowing the twin dangers of ISIS to spread even farther

Obama Pushes France into Putin’s Arms Cliff Kincaid | November 19, 2015
It’s getting monotonous to ask which side Obama is on. At every critical juncture, he defers to Vladimir Putin and his comrades

Expanding Choice in Ontario’s Public Schools

OBAMA’S PERMANENT PROTEST Matthew Vadum | November 19, 2015
Why the rise in rioting and civil unrest under Obama is no coincidence, but part of the plan

Obama threatens to veto bill boosting refugee scrutiny Dan Calabrese | November 19, 2015
Obama figures he's won the argument if he's able to unleash the most clever insult

Obama Wants to Defeat America, Not ISIS Daniel Greenfield | November 19, 2015
The left is not interested in making war on ISIS. It is too busy making war on America

Politico Exonerates, Blames Snowden for Paris Cliff Kincaid | November 19, 2015
Citizens of France and possibly the United States, however, will be giving up their lives and limbs so that Snowden can be honored as a hero by Napolitano and his ilk

"Given the lives at stake and the critical importance to our partners in the Middle East and Europe of American leadership in addressing the Syrian refugee crisis ... [Obama] would veto the bill," the White House said.

Two immigrants from Pakistan who later applied for and received U.S. citizenship were convicted of plotting to detonate a bomb in New York City in 2012, and were sentenced to a combined 55 years in prison.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump suggested Tuesday he could team up with Ted Cruz for the GOP’s 2016 ticket.

Trump’s new face News on the Net | November 18, 2015
As his campaign approaches a crossroads, the mogul introduces a new spokeswoman — a former Cruz ally.

“As a Christian, I am eagerly waiting for the canonization of Mother Teresa. She has been a mother to millions of Indian especially the poorest of the poor and the underprivileged,” Thelekat said.

Obama, Muslim Sympathizer Guest Column | November 18, 2015
It is likely that the France we all knew is gone. Our future will be no different if we are not vigilant.

She has the power to change that. We do not

Five police officers received minor wounds and one police dog was killed. The operation is over and the area is secured.

"This legislation would introduce unnecessary and impractical requirements that would unacceptably hamper our efforts to assist some of the most vulnerable people in the world,"
