
Stealing independence, creativity, self worth Guest Column | May 11, 2014
Our desire to make our kid's lives better than our own is robbing them of all the good stuff

Weather Vs Climate Viv Forbes | May 11, 2014
Weather and climate have been so politicised that most commentaries are now merely propaganda.

Hypocritical hashtag sympathy

Obama has driven the economy into the toilet. He has foisted trillions of debt on future generations

How Demagogues Con People Selwyn Duke | May 11, 2014
“Equality!”, “Choice!” not an argument; it’s a word. “Marriage equality!”, “Our strength lies in our diversity” isn’t an argument; it’s a slogan

Trotline Bait Jimmy Reed | May 11, 2014
Life on the Mississippi Delta

Black community have traditionally armed themselves to resist the unacceptable actions of malevolent authorities

True believers in President Obama’s agenda probably won’t allow themselves to ask difficult questions

The Praise of Folly Alexander Maistrovoy | May 11, 2014
Peace Process: Several reasons to Palestinian reluctance to reach an agreement

Vaccines Save Lives Jack Dini | May 11, 2014
Fear is more infectious than any virus, and it has permitted politics, not science, to turn one of the signature achievements of modern medicine into fodder for talk show debates and marches on Washington

The White House or the mad house

Tight Collar? It Increases Risk of Glaucoma W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones | May 11, 2014
Is it possible to spot a potential disease without using expensive procedures?

Nightmare for Pelletier Family Continues Christian Newswire | May 10, 2014
DCF Refuses to Let Justina be with her Mother on Mother's Day

U.S. Canada William Bedford | May 10, 2014
Things being cheaper in the U.S than they are in Canada

Israel must insist on her rights including the right to settle Judea and Samaria

The Next Battle for Property Rights in Virginia Is in Liberty Landmark, York County

Iran, Syria, Arab Spring, Benghazi

Obama, Weatherman in Chief Judi McLeod | May 10, 2014
BO can change rain to sunshine for your kids:

Propaganda of Obama and Pelosi Dag Barkley | May 10, 2014
Obstructing Justice is a lot of Fun...

Why Do They Lie to Us? Dr. Robert R. Owens | May 10, 2014
The major media has morphed from a watchdog to a lapdog barking on cue that everything is all right, there’s nothing to see here, move along

Programme follows a Game Show format that trivializes marriage

The Big Lie Exposed: Liberals Hate Diversity Jeff Crouere | May 10, 2014
Universities: Liberalism is not only dominant, it is unchallenged

Drop Direct Action Viv Forbes | May 9, 2014
Carbon handouts

Hydro Advantage At Risk Canadian Taxpayers Federation | May 9, 2014
Our power rates have been quite reasonable and reliability has been pretty good. But all that is in jeopardy.

The administration has only itself to blame for the continued outrage over Benghazi

Stealing Valor Gary Hunt | May 9, 2014
No, this is not a case of "Stolen Valor", it is simply a case of "Stealing Valor".

Causeway Rocks Up To No. 3 on ‘Wonders’ List News on the Net | May 9, 2014
Northern Ireland’s famous Giant’s Causeway has been named as one of the 50 must-see wonders of the world, in a new book published by Lonely Planet.

Talk, blame, sanctions, talk, blame.

Reject the Democrats' low-rent manipulative you're-a-victim class envy rhetoric regarding the minimum wage

Watching from the region and beyond, what must the rest of America’s allies think of such U.S. behavior?
