
Wyoming: An Energy and Economic Analysis Institute for Energy Research | January 29, 2014
Coal, Energy, gas, state analysis, Wind, Wyoming

Pyle Releases Statement on Obama’s SOTU Address Institute for Energy Research | January 29, 2014
President offered little hope to the American families concerned about the rising energy costs that continue to demand a greater portion of their household budgets

A defiant Community Organizer

Americans no longer have a representative government. We have moved beyond the era of representative government and entered a new age

Our goal should be an America where everyone has a fair chance to pursue happiness - and find it


Cognitive dissonance, thy name is Nancy

This explains a lot about NBC News

As it gains bipartisan momentum, private sector interests are adding friction and could affect the strength of specific provisions

Copper nanosheets

New analysis finds hempseed oil packed with health-promoting compounds American Chemical Society | January 29, 2014
Sterols, aliphatic alcohols and linolenic acids,

Emissions from wildfires in California will grow by 19 to 101 percent

A faster way to flag bacteria-tainted food — and prevent illness American Chemical Society | January 29, 2014
Nanomechanical cantilevers

The 2014 edition of the C.D. Howe Institute's annual Shadow Federal Budget reinforces Ottawa's near-term focus on budgetary surplus

Barack Obama Dreams of Ed Miliband Al Kaltman | January 29, 2014
You do not raise the living standards of the poor and the lower middle class by tearing down the rich and the upper middle class

Obama’s no lame duck. He’s the top duck bringing America down and quacking loudly as he goes about it

One Speech Too Many Alan Caruba | January 29, 2014
A nation increasingly worried about Obama’s abilities, dissatisfied with the economy, and fearful for the country’s future

The Wimp in the White House Wears Mom Jeans Paula Helton | January 29, 2014
Next time this little wimp plays at being the big bad bully, simply picture him in his mom jeans with Valerie Jarrett standing over him with a whip

What made the GOP response more of an embarrassment, beyond hollow faux-conservative sloganeering, was McMorris Rodger's barking delivery

Baseball was the choice here.

Transparency Saves Taxpayers Money Canadian Taxpayers Federation | January 29, 2014
Freedom of Information Act

The President Won’t Be Needing You Heritage Foundation | January 29, 2014
Obama bypassing Congress

No Care Under Obamacare Guest Column | January 29, 2014
The main features of Obamacare: high costs, no options, and no coverage.

Tyrannical SPLC, Army of lawyers and its $256 million war chest vs. JONAH

State of the Union

The former commies and the new recruits are now the crony capitalists and the political class

Amnesty: A Disaster for the American Worker Arnold Ahlert | January 29, 2014
The threat of the immigration reform push underway in Congress

A crime against history and religion Victor Sharpe | January 29, 2014
Temple Mount in Jerusalem is the most sacred site of the Jewish people being destroyed by Palestinian Muslims

CFIA rules cost Canadian farmers $657 million a year News on the Net | January 29, 2014
Improvements needed to agency’s customer service, communication

The Universalist Holocaust Daniel Greenfield | January 29, 2014
The Nationalist and the Universalist drew two opposite lessons from the Holocaust. The Nationalists focused on resistance while the Universalists focused on persecution
