
Abortion As Performance Art Michael R. Shannon | May 12, 2014
Emily Letts is the new face of abortion

Promotion of Marxism Disguised as Income Inequality Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | May 12, 2014
This administration is creating two Americas, one that works and one that does not work but votes for entitlements they have not earned

The Middle East Cannot Be Ignored Alan Caruba | May 12, 2014
Facing a common enemy in Iran. They now know that the United States, so long as Obama is President, will not come to their aid

The Billion Dollar Boondoggle Continues Dennis R. Young | May 12, 2014
The Conservative Government is spending of $57 million a year and keeps a staff of 500 to run the Liberal Government's Firearms Program

Environmental Shakedown Marita Noon | May 12, 2014
Groups like Center for Biological Diversity have twisted the intent of the Endangered Species Act

GOP Suicide Watch Frank Gaffney Jr. | May 12, 2014
Amnesty, Congress, immigration, National Defense Authorization Act

Antarctic Sea Ice At Record Levels Guest Column | May 12, 2014
Most Himalayan Glaciers Stable And In A Steady State, New Study Finds

Constitutional Amendments Guest Column | May 12, 2014
Over-reaching Federal Government

Who Will Blink First on Immigration? Heritage Foundation | May 12, 2014
“There is just example after example where Obama has played politics with this issue, blocking any legislation on the Hill that doesn’t have amnesty attached to it

Board games Sarge | May 12, 2014
Obama’s infantile concepts developed in a theoretical game play are going to blow up in his face.

Kidnapped Nigerian girls in Muslim headdresses

The principles that make me an American Black Conservative.

Senator Warren’s Illegal Fundraiser at Los Angeles VA Robert L. Rosebrock | May 12, 2014
The Los Angeles VA requires use of this land and facilities to be a "Direct Benefit for Veterans." Senator Warren’s fundraiser was a direct benefit to herself

Dear John Daniel Greenfield | May 12, 2014
You can blame Israel all you like, but it's not us, John. It's you. It's always been you

Most of the Democrat Party these days thinks it is their job to protect Obama no matter what

The Commonizing of Common Core Tabitha Korol | May 11, 2014
Microsoft and Achieve's State Longitudinal Database System, will capture, analyze, and use students' personal and confidential data from preschool through employment

Distractions, agendas, false realities, and policies that bring much harm but few benefits

Overpowering Spring Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser | May 11, 2014
Six months of drudgery shovelling snow and scraping the ice off your car’s windshield are all forgotten, swiftly becoming a distant memory. Welcome spring!

Stealing independence, creativity, self worth Guest Column | May 11, 2014
Our desire to make our kid's lives better than our own is robbing them of all the good stuff

Weather Vs Climate Viv Forbes | May 11, 2014
Weather and climate have been so politicised that most commentaries are now merely propaganda.

Hypocritical hashtag sympathy

Obama has driven the economy into the toilet. He has foisted trillions of debt on future generations

How Demagogues Con People Selwyn Duke | May 11, 2014
“Equality!”, “Choice!” not an argument; it’s a word. “Marriage equality!”, “Our strength lies in our diversity” isn’t an argument; it’s a slogan

Trotline Bait Jimmy Reed | May 11, 2014
Life on the Mississippi Delta

Black community have traditionally armed themselves to resist the unacceptable actions of malevolent authorities

True believers in President Obama’s agenda probably won’t allow themselves to ask difficult questions

The Praise of Folly Alexander Maistrovoy | May 11, 2014
Peace Process: Several reasons to Palestinian reluctance to reach an agreement

Vaccines Save Lives Jack Dini | May 11, 2014
Fear is more infectious than any virus, and it has permitted politics, not science, to turn one of the signature achievements of modern medicine into fodder for talk show debates and marches on Washington

The White House or the mad house

Tight Collar? It Increases Risk of Glaucoma W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones | May 11, 2014
Is it possible to spot a potential disease without using expensive procedures?
