
Declared US policy to weaken Iran’s malign influence in the region and counter Iran’s terrorist activity, subversive efforts, and the activity of its proxies

Declared US policy to weaken Iran’s malign influence in the region and counter Iran’s terrorist activity, subversive efforts, and the activity of its proxies

Blade Runner 2049 is the better example of cinefantastique, and it's also the better example of how great 4K can be. We'll see if it's still being talked about in 30 years

Hot on the heels of new Star Wars comes the return of the Jetta Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | January 21, 2018
Kia's new Forte looks cool as well

Israel’s sustained economic growth Yoram Ettinger | January 21, 2018
Robust performance of Israel’s economy

Meanwhile, the genesis of the vulgar “#” has been battened down to “pink cat’s ears”, and no one looks more comfortable in a pink cat’s ear hat than Women’s march prop-providing Senator Chuckie Schumer

Regulations Hurt Economics of Nuclear Power Institute for Energy Research | January 21, 2018
U.S. nuclear industry is struggling, as the federal government has imposed increasingly onerous burdens on the industry, which supplies around 60 percent of the carbon-free electricity in the United States

The fake ‘Trump is racist’ issue Paul Driessen | January 21, 2018
Trump's words are far less despicable than what Green-Democrat policies do to people

Robbing Graves or Prolonging Life? Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser | January 21, 2018
Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity

The Imaginary Hispanic Daniel Greenfield | January 21, 2018
That’s why a border wall is a threat to the political survival of the Democrats. And it’s why they will do everything they can to stop it

Whether it's a corrosive culture of harassment or failing rocketships, even rockstars must be held accountable for their actions

CNN Has Jumped The Shark Jeff Crouere | January 20, 2018
Network devotes 24 hours a day to one main goal, attacking a man they despise, Donald Trump

Don’t Give Us Barabbas Ray DiLorenzo | January 20, 2018
Unfortunately for Democrats, they joined the wrong team or maybe it was Hollywood that joined the wrong team.

Slick Willy Jimmy Reed | January 20, 2018
I would have taken $10 for that fleabag, but along came this woman with no money sense who is now the proud owner of the lyingest dog that ever lived: Slick Willy

Time to define “The Press” Michael Oberndorf, RPA | January 20, 2018
Fully 90% of our newspapers and TV networks and stations are owned by only six corporations. Can you say, “Anti-trust laws”, boys and girls?

Who is more important: Americans or Non-US Citizens? Dr. Marguerite Creel | January 20, 2018
The only remaining question of consequence on the minds of Trump voters is whether national elections do, in fact, matter

Facebook Censors Alveda King’s Pro-life Documentary News on the Net | January 20, 2018

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"Preston Sharp Thank You for Your Service"

#ReleaseTheMemo trending on Twitter. Bombshell inbound.

Neither Rev. Rodriguez nor Pope Francis will be there, but President Trump will be, addressing the crowd by satellite
