
American Politics, News

Obama Betrays Freedom Fighters in Ukraine Cliff Kincaid | September 3, 2014
Obama plays into Putin's hands by refusing to even describe the invasion of Ukraine as an invasion. Our media go along with the facade, playing into Obama's (and Putin's) hands

Rear Admiral John Kirby discusses the response to ISIS News on the Net | September 3, 2014
"Defeating their ideology"

Maybe Biden doesn't know who's in charge....

'Strategy-free since 2013!'

Another long, hard slog?

The "Obamanization" of America

U.S. No Longer has Influence in the Middle East Alan Caruba | September 3, 2014
U.S. can settle for nothing less than the destruction of the Islamic State, but it is unlikely to get much support from either European allies or action from the Arab states

Obama has No Intention of Stopping ISIS Sher Zieve | September 3, 2014
The world is in the most dire condition it has ever been and Obama is one of those leading the charge for its establishment as an Islamic slave State

The regularly scheduled trivia and/or distractions that have kept us tuned into the various breaking news headlines and entertainment spectacles and tuned out to the government’s steady encroachments on our freedoms

Keep saying it!

It’s MESSY!? Sarge | September 3, 2014
Obama on the state of the world:

Wilkey asserts that T.J.’s lemonade stand is an “illegal business” that causes excessive traffic and noise that could reduce his property values.

Karen Vaughn - Concerned Veterans for America Speech News on the Net | September 3, 2014
America going to hell in a handbasket

Any more questions?

War as a Fact of Life Alan Caruba | September 2, 2014
Whether we respond to the current threat or not, wars will be fought, won or lost

Vis Pacem, Para Bellum Jimmy Reed | September 2, 2014
If Americans want peace, they must prepare for war

Obama’s no strategy IS his strategy A. Dru Kristenev | September 2, 2014
How far is the president willing to go in his “no strategy” strategy

Despite Obama’s full-court press, Putin is growing more incorrigible and hostile by the day

Obama wrong about ISIS, says ...Dianne Feinstein? Robert Laurie | September 2, 2014
When you've lost Feinstein....

I don't always drive drunk at 3x the legal limit....

Designed to thrive, America is just surviving Herman Cain | September 2, 2014
A republic, if you can keep it.

"We need to take our country back!" Who does he think has it?

Billy and Karen Vaughn 'fed up' with administration's policies

FBI Radio: Public Service or Self-Serving? Heritage Foundation | September 2, 2014
How many tax dollars are being spent for the FBI to promote itself?

Support Canada Free Press


Official Lies Mask Russian and Chinese Aggression Cliff Kincaid | September 2, 2014
Obama is acting like an agent of influence for the Russians, determined to obscure the reality of what is happening in front of our eyes.

GOP, Are You Ready To Reach Out to Blacks Yet? Lloyd Marcus | September 2, 2014
We conservatives must find a way to bring our good news to black Americans. It is the moral and right thing to do for America

Why the Abortion Rate Is Declining Heritage Foundation | September 1, 2014
The “Roe Effect”

VP Biden: Time to Take Back America! John Lillpop | September 1, 2014
Biden would do well to limit his participation to funerals and other mundane affairs where his tendency to do really goofy things can be minimized.

The Democrat Party is proving that, when it comes to elections, there is no standard of decency which cannot be violated in order to get out the vote for liberal politicians

Witnessing a Failed Presidency Alan Caruba | September 1, 2014
Increasingly evident that Obama does not want to fulfill the role of the Presidency to provide leadership in times of foreign and domestic crisis
