
American Politics, News

Obama dumbing down of American

Current administration would rather squeeze U.S. citizens for more revenue

Divide and Conquer: A Game of Thrones? Leigh Bravo | August 30, 2014
It is time for the left and the right to come together as the people of the United States against our common enemy and demand that our government hand us back the keys to the castle

Mary Landrieu and Her House of Cards Jeff Crouere | August 30, 2014
A U.S. Senator should not be lying to her constituents

California Gov. Brown’s Unwelcome Welcome Mat Arthur Christopher Schaper | August 30, 2014
Gov. Moonbeam shined on the Vietnamese with a ‘Go Away” sign, but welcomes illegal Mexican immigration

The insecure border with Mexico now involves a serious terrorist threat that even Barack Obama will be forced to take seriously

Judge Richard Posner is Wrong on Marriage Liberty Counsel | August 29, 2014
“Kinsey and the Kinsey Institute have perpetrated a massive fraud on the United States and the world,

Ego and agenda: Obama is loathe to call it an 'invasion'

Golf, dancing, and other recreational diversions apparently more important than preservation of the nation and 330 million American lives.

Follow the money Sarge | August 29, 2014
This is about money and the power it can buy in politics

The Media at War With the Obama Administration? Roger Aronoff | August 29, 2014
President Obama, the “greatest enemy to press freedom in a generation.”

Why Worry When You Can Pray Dr. Robert R. Owens | August 29, 2014
What is it that allows me to gaze daily at the man-caused disasters which befall us as we morph from our nation to the Obamanation without embracing the nihilism so common to the citizens of falling empires?

Obama seems more concerned about getting his critics to retreat by letting it be known he thinks it's unreasonable of them to expect a strategy from him

There's nothing Democrats want more

How Obama’s Handling of ISIS Could Affect Midterms Heritage Foundation | August 28, 2014
Questioning the leadership

Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

"This is exasperating!"

Barack Obama has proven that he lacks not only the judgment and integrity to be president, but also lacks the courage to stand and be counted

Instead of introducing new electronic methods for charging road users, the federal government should step aside, phase out federal fuel taxes, and allow the states to develop new road pricing systems

Cash for Clunkers was a Clunker Jack Dini | August 28, 2014
Cash for Clunkers destroyed so many used cars that the average price of used cars rose $1,800

Not only is the U.S. facilitating Russian propaganda operations, but our tax dollars are going to make it all possible

America, Our Debt-Ridden Nation Alan Caruba | August 28, 2014
We need to elect a Congress controlled by the GOP in November and a Republican President in 2016. If we don’t, all bets are off.

Ferguson’s Media Problem Daniel Greenfield | August 28, 2014
Without a bleeding wound, the swarming media mobs toting cameras, microphones and iPads will follow the trail of blood to their next story


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Use the correct term, friends. Don't be like Shaney B. and call it "The Forbidden Snip." That would be wrong.

Who Will Have to Pay Obamacare’s Individual Mandate Fine? Heritage Foundation | August 27, 2014
It's just one of the law’s 18 new tax increases—which are estimated to bring in an estimated $771 billion in revenue over a decade.

MRCTV traveled to the Lincoln Memorial and asked Americans which women they thought would be worthy of the honor


You're a racist. I'm a racist. He's a racist. She's a racist. Wouldn’t you like to be a racist too?
