
American Politics, News

Zombie GOP Bill Tried To Sneak Immigration Boost News on the Net | July 31, 2014
The bill’s sponsors said the bill was intended to speed up court proceedings needed to deport migrant youths from Central America

What gift would be appropriate for a community organizer who has parlayed a lifetime on the government dole into a King’s Ransom

Dan Joseph

Hooray for Sheila Jackson Lee!

Hates the 'hoi poloi' and their constant demands for equality...

Rally the base. Raise cash.

“So we don’t need to worry about alien teRrorists. [sic] It’s our own crazies that will take us down. ”

Book by Robert Chandler

The War on Smoking (Except Maybe Pot) Alan Caruba | July 31, 2014
More and more, “progressive” government is taking the joy out of life.

Lois Lerner’s Vendetta Arnold Ahlert | July 31, 2014
Toxic partisanship revealed in new emails

Why Not Sue AND Impeach? John Lillpop | July 30, 2014
Watching this evil madman “twisting in the wind” for the final two years of his undeserved and fraudulent term in office could revive the American spirit for decades!

Baby alive and in hospital; mother watched whole thing from across the street.

Knockout Games: Black on White Violence Douglas V. Gibbs | July 30, 2014
People, like Obama and the race-baiting reverends, are in part to blame for the Black on White violence of the Knockout Game

Naming the Puppies Anne Burkart | July 30, 2014
Are they Christian?

When the President has no respect for the laws he has sworn to faithfully execute, the most nightmarish of scenarios become possible

Obama’s Self-Made Border Crisis Heritage Foundation | July 30, 2014
The Obama administration is now considering expanding its so-called deferred action program to millions more

Affordable Care Act implementation

But can she afford birth control?

More than 37,000 concerned Americans have already called on the Civic Center to cancel the sacrilegious black mass

Obama refuses to arm Ukraine Dan Calabrese | July 30, 2014
New sanctions tougher, but include nothing to stop Putin's aggression.

The most effective way to rein in Obama’s imperial presidency isn’t impeachment hearings

Never before has Americans been subjected to such an unrelenting streak of disgraceful and antithetical controversies, political havoc and chaos

Count Down to Impeachment Tom Barak | July 30, 2014
Obama or Biden: I'd rather take a dummy than a dictator

Support Canada Free Press


Joe Biden is a Vile Little Man Lloyd Marcus | July 30, 2014
Biden and his fellow Democrats cavalierly throwing “race grenades” whenever it serves their political purpose

Middle East and Iraq’s Christians under attack Dr. Walid Phares | July 29, 2014
The People of Nouwn

Government Agency Faces Heat for Blocking New Sunscreen Heritage Foundation | July 29, 2014
Out-of-control regulation is compromising the health and safety of Americans

Chalk one up for religious freedom.

Is there a second Reagan who will clean up Obama's mess? Or is the mess beyond the capabilities of even a Reaganesque figure?

What In The World Are They Thinking? Jim Yardley | July 29, 2014
Did we elect complete idiots?
