
American Politics, News

Because that's when she got the absurd idea in her head that she should be president.

Or: anything's legal, as long as you don't get caught

The humanity!

Once drones take to the skies en masse in 2015, there will literally be no place where government agencies and private companies cannot track your movements

ObamaCare Is So Great, We Just Can’t Wait for You to… Oh. Heritage Foundation | February 11, 2014
Hurting workers doesn’t play well in an election year.

Ceiling Debate-Debacle (Don’t Bother) Arthur Christopher Schaper | February 11, 2014
Perhaps Boehner and his conservative colleagues should not even bother dealing on the debt ceiling ever again

GOP Will Bring Amnesty Back After Election J.D. Longstreet | February 11, 2014
Conservatives are preparing to bolt the party and wipe the dust of the GOP off their feet on the way out

Not a Smidgen of Corruption at the IRS? Roger Aronoff | February 11, 2014
Ongoing IRS corruption and cover-up is a serious Obama administration scandal

Obama's newest fiat decision to alter a law without congressional action--employers with 100 workers or less won't have to provide insurance to workers until 2016

Regulations Growing Like Topsy Jack Dini | February 11, 2014
Washington red tape cost $1.8 trillion

Not intimidated

Termitic State Dr. Brad Lyles | February 11, 2014
The Administrative State is in truth a Termitic State -- a force relentlessly eating away at the foundations of our society

"We demand further investigation of the effort to destroy documents about the bin Laden raid.”

Losing Liberty John Porter | February 10, 2014
The deep dark cavern of slavery to the government

Republican Leaders Fight Back Against IRS Power Grab Matthew Vadum | February 10, 2014
Investigators still haven’t interviewed many conservative groups that were denied tax-exempt status

Let’s return our nation to a first-world land where rule of law, rather than racial electoral politics, reigns supreme!

Tyranny and dictatorships require a population that has been indoctrinated with the ideologies of its rulers

Lessons learned.

You would think that, at some point, we'd run out of "you can't make this stuff up" moments.

Iran threatens to sink U.S. warship Dan Calabrese | February 10, 2014

Reflections on Black History Month Herman Cain | February 10, 2014

In Republican Politics, O’Reilly’s Not A Factor Guest Column | February 10, 2014
The Republican Party base is consistently smeared by people like Bill O’Reilly

Stuck in Congressional “Groundhog Day” Heritage Foundation | February 10, 2014
The U.S. national debt reached nearly $17.3 trillion at midnight on February 7

Iran Answers Appeasement with Warships Arnold Ahlert | February 10, 2014
The frightening failure of Obama’s nuclear weapons deal with the Islamic Republic.

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Pietro And Videlma Jimmy Reed | February 10, 2014
Happy Valentine’s Day, Pietro and Videlma

Senator Tom Harkin; Once Bitten Twice Duped Humberto Fontova | February 10, 2014
Cuba's Healthcare System, The official Cuban infant-mortality figure is a farce

"Dogs bark," Prof. Fischer. "But the caravan passes on."

The Secular Religion of the Left Daniel Greenfield | February 10, 2014
Left can't replace family or religion. Its social solutions are alien, artificial. They fix nothing and damage everything. Their appeal is to those who are arrogant, starved for meaning, who want religion without religion and family without

As the Republican Party heads toward irrelevance under establishment control, embracing Tea Party positions and their candidates will bring a much needed infusion of life into the party

Economy on fumes
