
American Politics, News

“The Bible”: Hollywood’s come to Jesus Moment? Marta H. Mossburg | April 5, 2013
Large chasm between perception of American culture by those in the media and entertainment industry and actual American culture

North Korea Provokes, Dems Retreat Arnold Ahlert | April 5, 2013
Time for America to invest in domestic defense systems that protect the whole of the United States, not just parts of it. Fanatical regime in North Korea, apocalyptic government of Iran

Up in smoke. Drug use is bad for this country and bad for everyone who engages in it

Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

"[The U.S. government] doesn't believe that parents have a right to educate their children

America’s Cyprus Matt Shipley | April 4, 2013
Far worse was done to Americans in 1933 and it could happen again

A Voter in the Hand Is Worth Two in the Focus Group Michael R. Shannon | April 4, 2013
Republican outreach efforts

The World’s Oldest Hatred Alan Caruba | April 4, 2013
The United Nations remains a hotbed of anti-Semitism, sometimes called anti-Zionism

How about putting a damper on Michelle’s extravagant expenditures on clothing, trips, and other personal luxury?

“We’ll Kill the Dollar!” Canada Free Press | April 4, 2013
A Chilling Account

What's that saying about a broken clock being right?

Planned Parenthood, Infancide, Partial Birth Abortions

Whether it is ‘bluster’ or not, Kim Jong-un has essentially declared war on America and unlike his Dad, he has the nuclear weapons, friends and missiles to do major damage

The American tax code is a mess

Capitalism and Free Masons ... Are You Kidding? Dr. Phil Taverna | April 4, 2013
Taxpayer beware! Especially when more people are collecting welfare in your state then are actually working! That will not end well!

The Convenient Radical Daniel Greenfield | April 4, 2013
The knowing hypocrisy is what distinguishes the successful leftist, from the inconvenient radical

Dogfight Ahead in Stockton, CA Bankruptcy Arnold Ahlert | April 4, 2013
The biggest part of Stockton's debt is the $900 million it owes to the California Public Employees Retirement System

Murder by any Name Sharon Sebastian | April 3, 2013
Abortion, partial-birth, infanticide

The Heritage Foundation Keeps the Faith Alan Caruba | April 3, 2013
Leading the Way: The Story of Ed Feulner and The Heritage Foundation

Gay "marriage"

It's not that things aren't awful, it's that the media won't report how awful they are.

April is Confederate History and Heritage Month

Guns still dangerous as blunt instruments

Help is on the way!

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Everyone needs to see this

What we want to see, coming from our ‘humble correspondent’ is not the explanation of where the spin stops, but we want to see - where the apology begins

Serving up the Kool-aid ® Sarge | April 3, 2013
Dystopian atmosphere

Farewell from Ed Feulner Heritage Foundation | April 3, 2013
We had few, if any, allies in positions of power back in 1973. We were in fact surrounded.

The tea party: who are they, really? Lloyd Marcus | April 3, 2013
The only hope for restoring America back to the vision of our Founding Fathers

Pentagon Wounds Ft. Hood Victims Joy Tiz | April 3, 2013
The Obama administration has found a way to wound the victims all over again
