
American Politics, News

America and Syria Claude Sandroff | March 30, 2011
U.S. leaders should not excuse the brutality of Syria’s dictator

A Precarious Precedent! A.J. Cameron | March 30, 2011
The Libyan tempest is just the latest crisis that offers an opportunity for advancing that agenda, creating a precarious precedent

Obama's "broad comprehensive approach" is to open the borders wide, let the illegals pour in and then give them tons of our tax dollars and hope they'll be good citizens

Evidence revealed: Perez advocated a DOJ policy that excluded protecting white American citizens, while protecting suspected terrorists, illegal aliens, and minority-members who commit crimes

Capitalism is alive and well in California

B&R HD: Buck Dancin’ Tom Bob Parks | March 30, 2011
New Black Panther leader Malik Zulu Shabazz called President Barack Obama a "buck dancin' Tom"

The Simple Solution to our Economic Problems Fred Dardick | March 30, 2011
United States has vastly more energy resources, Domestic Energy Production

China and Russia Snooker Obama Doug Jeffrey | March 29, 2011
I believe the Western Democracies may very well have been suckered by the Ruskies, the Chicommes, and maybe even the Arab League, each for its own vested and mischievous reasons

Liberals I Loathe Alan Caruba | March 29, 2011
Bill Maher, Michael Moore, Barney Frank, John Kerry, John Edwards, Nancy Pelosi, Michael Bloomberg, Helen Thomas, MSNBC, New York Times

No Free Speech for Fox News Philip V. Brennan | March 29, 2011
Mr. Brock seems not to believe that Fox has any right to report the news without adding the left wing’s spin

Washington Post Publisher Katharine Weymouth

Quote Of The Day Bob Parks | March 29, 2011
RealBrother003, New Black Panther Malik Zulu Shabazz

Death threats and threats of violence from abortion activists

The Left’s Koch and Bull Story Warner Todd Huston | March 29, 2011
What we are seeing is the mental instability of the far left writ large

What will Obama lie about next? Jerry Philipson | March 29, 2011
From Obamacare to the war in Libya and at many places in between, he and his administration have run roughshod over the Constitution

The New York Times Praises Obama’s Confusing Libyan Speech Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | March 29, 2011
Obama’s speech did little to dispel the fog surrounding his objectives and endgame

Unknown Gem That Gives Tax Breaks To Americans Caring for Elderly Loved Ones

Nullification by State, Recall statutes, Impeachment, Constitutional oaths

“President gave no clear answers to the American people” Move America Forward | March 29, 2011
Pro Military group, Move America Forward

Cashill is also critical of the conservative media, who until the recent Donald Trump comments have largely avoided discussing any of these topics.

The Education of Barack Obama Alan Caruba | March 28, 2011
Obama makes us feel tentative

Durbin launches the ‘anti-Pete King’ hearing Frank Gaffney Jr. | March 28, 2011
Stealth jihad here at home

Newt Takes Lame Excuses to a New Low Doug Patton | March 28, 2011
Newt Gingrich's explanation for cheating on his first two wives

Saving 1 Billion People from Themselves Daniel Greenfield | March 28, 2011
The Muslim world is not backward by their standards, it is backward by our standards

Do Republicans Understand? Dr. Gerald Stephens | March 28, 2011
Is there anyone too stupid to understand that tyranny blatantly resides in the form of an imperial presidency

Spattered Batter Jimmy Reed | March 28, 2011
First Homerun

Battle over the funding of NPR will rage on for a while but until the Republicans can get some support in the Senate, the taxpayers will continue to foot the bill for their largess, and NPR hosts will be laughing all the way to the bank

Facebook allows movie clips calling for the killing of Israelis and Jews and the liberating of Palestine through acts of violence

Happy Birthday, Dr. Michael Savage! John Lillpop | March 28, 2011
One of the last vestiges of hope for free speech and pro-American sentiment in the media

Love Thy Neighbor Thomas Brewton | March 27, 2011
Liberal-progressive-socialist antipathy toward individualism and "caring" for the abstract masses
