
As Obama's rhetoric starts to crash against the rocky shores of his record, the American people are bound to take notice

An IT guy gives relevant computer buying advice Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | February 7, 2014
Don't worry excessively about minor differences between Computer A versus Computer B: go for the one that, everything being equal, offers the best deal.

Hyundai Tucson soldiers on as a solid small SUV choice Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | February 7, 2014
Even though the Tucson isn't all new, Hyundai hasn't been standing still while the other manufacturers took aim at it

Today's unregulated online operators are flouting their products in clear violation of state and federal law with no regulatory controls or tax obligations

Stunned by Barack Obama Guest Column | February 7, 2014
Hyper-vigilant state

Coal Boom Clouds Europe’s Green Image Guest Column | February 7, 2014
Europe Starts To Run, Not Walk, Away From Green Economics

You Can’t Trust Washington on Immigration Heritage Foundation | February 7, 2014
Obama has “already circumvented immigration law with respect to large numbers of unlawful immigrants already in the country.”

Gross incompetence of officials who would prioritise birds and wildlife over farmers and agriculture

On Being a Xenophobe and a Bigot Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | February 7, 2014
Multiculturalism failed miserably in Europe, but the diversity crowd in America forgets to mention that important fact

“The Future of Snow and Skiing in a Warming World” shuns debate on the future of climate

Puerto Rico: The Next Detroit? Arnold Ahlert | February 7, 2014
Downgraded and out of options

John Boehner’s Incremental Amnesty Surrender Strategy Michael R. Shannon | February 7, 2014
Six months max and Boehner will be throwing himself on Nelson Mandela's grave and begging Obama to sign his Full Amnesty with Added Reparations bill

Hate is the Force that Gives the Left Meaning Daniel Greenfield | February 7, 2014
The left finds its identity not in its utopian visions, but in the things and people it wishes to destroy.

Ways and Means investigation shows Treasury and the IRS were in cahoots--After all, Lois Lerner didn't take the Fifth for no reason

Congratulations to Democrats everywhere. Obama has become so unpopular that he's not only destroying his own presidency, he's dragging his party down with it

Iran’s bomb in the basement Caroline Glick | February 7, 2014
Iran either has a bomb already or is about to get one. And, having been abandoned by the White House, Israel faces this threat alone

Montana: An Energy and Economic Analysis Institute for Energy Research | February 6, 2014
Coal, energy and economic analysis, Montana, Net Metering

Republicans Flirting with Disaster J.D. Longstreet | February 6, 2014
GOP wants us to believe there will be no agreement this year. But do you trust them? I don't.

The Audacity of Hopelessness Matt Shipley | February 6, 2014
Mr. Obama does not need to worry about his legacy, it is secure. He will go down as the worst President in recent history

Negotiations or just Dictates? Ralph Raschen | February 6, 2014
Iran seems to be advancing its goals of controlling the region – and eliminating Israel

Get with it, Mr. Speaker: Granting amnesty to invading criminals is a crazy idea that should be thrown out and NEVER revived!

Don’t be a Sochi Sucker Judi McLeod | February 6, 2014
The Olympic mantra “Let the Games Begin” should mean the games taking place at the the Fisht Olympic Stadium and not your personal information

Knocking Obama off the Keystone Fence Bogdan Kipling | February 6, 2014
Obama will do nothing before the congressional elections and more of nothing after the elections regardless of the results

Congress Still Refuses to Pay Our Military Veterans

Hating All Infidels Alan Caruba | February 6, 2014
Islam demands that infidels convert or accept a limited role called dhimmitude. That is our fate if we do not demonstrate our power and destroy those seeking to dominate the world

PAKISTAN: Christians Devastated by Death of Preacher News on the Net | February 6, 2014
Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

No hope of things getting any better Guest Column | February 6, 2014
Capable people wandering the streets

"The rules are the rules."

With Pelosi's help, the crazy train jumps the tracks

When the Gipper faced a challenge like this, he conquered it. Obama? No.
