
Why We Need Capitalists Dr. Robert R. Owens | February 21, 2014
If we are to survive let alone thrive we have got to open the way for the innovator

Met Office Warning (2012): Climate Change Linked To Colder, Drier UK Winters

You Don’t Win Friends With Salad! Canadian Taxpayers Federation | February 21, 2014
Ontario's Healthy Menu Program is a Disaster for School Cafeterias: Forget about overweight students, the weight of our government is the real problem in Ontario

National Insecurity Sarge | February 21, 2014
Progressive politics (presently embodied in the person of Beaurat Obama and Congress on both sides of the aisle) has insidiously infiltrated itself into the depths of the American psyche.

When schools have to compete for students, all children win — not just those participating in parental choice programs

Inside the IRS Corruption Scandal Heritage Foundation | February 21, 2014
“A lot of people were afraid…that if they started fighting the government, they were going to be attacked,”

“Engineering” Climate Change Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | February 21, 2014
Crony capitalism and environmental interest groups drive the climate change agenda

Progressive Insanity and the Global Warming Cult Arnold Ahlert | February 21, 2014
What explains the Left escalating its outlandish claims and scaremongering?

Obama And Kerry Have Gotten RELIGION! J.D. Longstreet | February 21, 2014
The Religion of Environmentalism

Obama Encourages Drug Money Laundering Cliff Kincaid | February 21, 2014
Some Republicans are moving in the direction of Obama's soft-on-drugs policy

Collectively, we have lost our belief in a positive future. Fear of the future manifests itself in interesting ways

Iran Nuclear Charades in Vienna Claudia Rosett | February 20, 2014
There is also an utterly undeserved legitimacy now being conferred on Tehran’s tyranny

UKRAINE: Economic Sanctions and Expanded Travel Ban News on the Net | February 20, 2014
Objectives of Canadian Sanctions

One Election Away from Losing Our Freedom Daniel Greenfield | February 20, 2014
Elections alone will not defeat the left. Totalitarian movements aren't defeated at the voting booth, but in the hearts of men and women

There is no doubt that NSA is now run by sycophants and sociopaths

Toyota Corolla S - a new game for 2014 Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | February 20, 2014
The 2014 Toyota Corolla starts at $18,300 for the base CE trim level. The S starts at $19,215, while the ECO Premium CVT starts at $22,250.

ZAGG, iHome help keep your iPad Air safe, productive Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | February 20, 2014
The ZAGGkeys is probably the most flexible, unless you want to get the iPad Air in and out, in which case it gives up a lot of its advantage to the iHome.

NIGERIA: Over 100 Fatalities in Weekend Killing Spree News on the Net | February 20, 2014
Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

The World’s Volcanic Past and Future Alan Caruba | February 20, 2014
1,500 active volcanos worldwide with the majority on the Pacific 'ring of fire'

Obama’s Executive Orders Guest Column | February 20, 2014
The excuse that "Bush did it, too" is beneath us as a country.

Hooray for our glorious state-run media!

Dems Shot Down ObamaCare Fix… By Bush Bob Parks | February 20, 2014
Too bad nobody listened

Security Arrangements: A 4-Level Game INSS | February 20, 2014
The international community, especially the US, the moderate Arab countries, and Israel, have an important role in increasing the chances that a viable Palestinian state will arise.

Original Thinking: No going back Barry Shaw | February 20, 2014
Why should Israel give in to international pressure without a guaranteed right to regain land if it is attacked from the territory it gives away?

The Problem with Giving America a Raise Heritage Foundation | February 20, 2014
The White House looks like it’s in denial.

Another reason for Term Limits-- Corruption Fighting

Obama and Socialism Matt Shipley | February 20, 2014
Obama and the Ten Planks of Communism from Marx’s Manifesto

There is the growing sentiment toward secession

British babies continue to defy abortion attempts David C. Jennings | February 20, 2014
The sanitized abortion culture has to be challenged in order to bring about change and more adequately protect the unborn
