
Whatever the case, running on repealing ObamaCare is a win-win for Hillary

Losers Should Leave Town, as a Possible New Ice Age Appears!

They then go forward praising their leader as if he is infallible and has never made a mistake

Americans need to realize that when politicians offer to take care of your needs, that comes with a price you don’t want to pay

‘Decimated’ Al-Qaeda Captures Fallujah! John Lillpop | January 6, 2014
Democrats who unquestioningly support Obama: Is the latest from Fallujah yet another smashing foreign-policy VICTORY for The One?

Obama Sucking America Dry

Ryan's actions make no sense if he plans on a future in politics, and not in a padded room

OPERATION AMERICAN SPRING is a “movement to action” by modern “sheep dogs”.

Remove Wendy Davis as ‘Texan of the Year’ Finalist News on the Net | January 5, 2014
The views of Wendy Davis do not represent Texans

Then he made a beeline for the golf course.

Chicago Homicides Down as Criminal Fears of Armed Citizens Rise Second Amendment Foundation | January 5, 2014
McDonald v. City of Chicago

Not having an honest debate with a liberal David C. Jennings | January 5, 2014
Countering this malicious immaturity takes patience, grace and factually based arguments

Disruptive Diversity and Achievement Diversity Daniel Greenfield | January 5, 2014
Achievement depends on connecting effort, inventiveness and success. Disruptive diversity detaches efforts and inventiveness from success

Is the NFL Becoming the No Fan League? Michael R. Shannon | January 5, 2014
For fat cats like the Redskins’ Dan Snyder, fans are slightly overweight ATM machines that need to be milked regularly

Kerry’s framework for peace is destined to go nowhere

The United Nations Cesspool Alan Caruba | January 5, 2014
The United Nations is so entrenched in global diplomatic affairs that its vile actions cannot be lightly dismissed, especially in light of the way it is used by the major powers

The Darkness Hormone W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones | January 5, 2014
Vitamin D, sunshine, melatonin

Blame it on the ‘Polar Vortex’ Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser | January 4, 2014
Freon-type fluorocarbons, ozone, sunspots

A Tale of Two Brothers Guest Column | January 4, 2014
Hard work, incentive

The Ship of Global Warming Folly Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | January 4, 2014
Stuck in the Antarctic Ice, Global Warming scientists

Obama To Bring The Hammer Down On Israel? J.D. Longstreet | January 4, 2014
Obama/Kerry To Strong Arm Israel

Exxon Forecasts Growth in Global Energy Demand Institute for Energy Research | January 3, 2014
Coal, Exxon, natural gas, oil, renewable energy

Light bulb choices Guest Column | January 3, 2014
An overreaching government

“President Obama has never told the truth about ObamaCare in general or the abortion mandate in particular

Colorado Cannabis: An ‘Experiment’ or Dopey Defiance? Rev. Michael Bresciani | January 3, 2014
Putin’s New Year’s message to America

And a new one!

Respect their authoritah.

And they need to stop trying.

Solar’s Demise in China Jack Dini | January 3, 2014
China's solar bubble has burst

EU Orders Britain To End Wind And Solar Subsidies Guest Column | January 3, 2014
Reality Check: Global Sea Ice Area Largest Ever Recorded
