
Man-Made Energy Crisis Guest Column | October 8, 2013
Britain’s Energy Crisis Is Likely To Become The Dominant Election Issue

Oh, Canada William Bedford | October 8, 2013
"In all of us command"

Why bother being Jewish? Caroline Glick | October 8, 2013
Jews who have learned the Bible know their history did not start in 1933

Republicans need to continue to follow the Democrat’s example and resolve in 2012 and hold their ground on this monumental issue.

The Republican-controlled House of Representatives voted all the money required to keep all government activities going -- except for ObamaCare

Watch for the Democrats and RINOs to approve billions more of Big Government spending with the made-in-China excuse: “China made us do it.”

The slogan “Islam is the solution” hasn't achieved economic prosperity either in Egypt or the Gaza Strip

Why Is Obama Needlessly Scaring Seniors? Heritage Foundation | October 8, 2013
Congress is in gridlock confronting the real threat to seniors: Obamacare

Money does grow on trees Cedric Dukes | October 8, 2013
Our objective is not to raise children but to raise future responsible adults.

The Nuisance Palm Trees Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser | October 8, 2013
Climate Change

A misleading report trashing vouchers — and what it left out

Let’s Have a Government Sale Daniel Greenfield | October 8, 2013
Our government is big. Really big. So big that the nearly 3 million government employees should be their own state

Watch Pete King's career end in real time!

Happy hauntings!

Just as the 'first' Civil War fundamentally transformed the nature of American government, Obama promised to fundamentally change America

A bully boy president, who will be remembered long after he’s gone as the despicable ‘Poster Boy of Petty and Mean’

WikiLeaks Founder Embraces Castro’s Cuba Cliff Kincaid | October 8, 2013
This alliance with Cuba proves that Julian Assange is a traitor to the cause of freedom of the press and a free society

Miriam Carey, Aaron Alexis, hearing voices

Who is the real enemy: Israel or Muslim brotherhood? Ali Al Sharnoby | October 8, 2013
Muslim Brotherhood is writing their own death certificate

We are living in an era where every personal decision is open to scrutiny by government officials and corporate managers.

Carbon Dioxide is not Pollution Viv Forbes | October 7, 2013
No rational person could define carbon dioxide as “pollution”

A culture of life looks forward to new possibilities but a culture that accepts death as a solution is sliding down a slippery slope

Iran’s Sequel to North Korea’s Nuclear Playbook Claudia Rosett | October 7, 2013
It bears noting that while the U.S. is focused right now on talking with Iran, there are signs bubbling up in the background that North Korea is restarting its Yongbyon nuclear reactor

The strong arm of government Guest Column | October 7, 2013

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The Chekists are now on the verge of completing a task which was started when the Soviet Union collapsed

Fallacious claims prop up ethanol Paul Driessen | October 7, 2013
How can members of Congress still support rising renewable fuel mandates?

Is his heart really in this fight?

Soon we'll all be Duggars!

Congressional Chicken or Egg Alan Joel | October 7, 2013
Let’s please get our spending sequence straight and financial house in order

An anniversary to remember – and learn from Frank Gaffney Jr. | October 7, 2013
Al Qaeda, Israel, Mohamed Elibiary, Mohamed Morsi, Muslim Brotherhood, Yom Kippur War
