
A. Dru Kristenev

Former newspaper publisher, A. Dru Kristenev, grew up in the publishing industry working every angle of a paper, from ad composition and sales, to personnel management, copy writing, and overseeing all editorial content. During her tenure as a news professional, Kristenev traveled internationally as a representative of the paper and, on separate occasions, non-profit organizations. Since 2007, Kristenev has authored five fact-filled political suspense novels, the Baron Series, and two non-fiction books, all available on Amazon. Carrying an M.S. degree and having taught at premier northwest universities, she is the trustee of Scribes' College of Journalism, which mission is to train a new generation of journalists in biblical standards of reporting. More information about the college and how to support it can be obtained by contacting Kristenev at cw.o@earthlink.net. ChangingWind (changingwind.org) is a solutions-centered Christian ministry. Donate Here

Most Recent Articles by A. Dru Kristenev:

Racism didn't cause Texas and Ohio shootings

Racism didn't cause Texas and Ohio shootingsThe first claim has been thoroughly disproved and with the two horrific shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio the rhetoric against President Trump has switched gears despite the fact he had no more connection with the gunmen than he did with Russian election meddling. Not that the facts will stop the barrage of unwarranted blame flying from the mouths of virtually every democrat in office or seeking office.
- Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Islam, leftists hand-in-hand promoting "green" legislation

Islam, leftists hand-in-hand promoting green legislationWhen it comes to environmental justice what do muslims and liberals have in common? Most news readers would probably answer without a beat... "nothing." However, that isn't true. There's been a growing relationship between Islam and progressives for generations but it's only become apparent over the last few years.
- Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Depopulate to repopulate--an ancient formula for control

Depopulate to repopulate--an ancient formula for controlProgressives, under the guise of Social Democrats and, now, the mainstream Democrat Party, have fully embraced the concept of depopulation, but they're no longer targeting people of color, certain ethnicities or sexual orientation. The bull's eye is boldly painted on the back (because cowards won't face their adversary) of anyone who still believes in God, family and country.
- Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Oregon farmers, truckers, loggers and senators rebel against Dems

Oregon farmers, truckers, loggers and senators rebel against DemsNational media has been quick to cover Oregon Governor Kate Brown's militaristic response to republican legislators who have cut senate sessions and left town. In an effort to save Oregon agriculture, transportation and natural resource industries from bearing the burden of a boundless cap and trade bill (Oregon HB 2020), 11 republican senators ditched the state capital to prevent a quorum in the chamber. It was a stand made to force the far-reaching plan into a referendum vote rather than allow a super-majority legislature, packed with politicians lacking business experience, to set policy.
- Saturday, July 6, 2019

Socialism: Humanity's terrible twos

Socialism: Humanity's terrible twos"Mine" and "no." Each toddler goes through the stage of identifying everything as belonging to them. They'll hold tightly to an item that is another child's and refuse to give it up, sometimes yelling "no" at the top of their lungs. They haven't grasped the concept of ownership beyond claiming as theirs what they see and want. Young children can't see past the expectation that their immediate desires are fulfilled without hesitation.
- Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Mueller investigation wasn’t a fishing expedition, it was a safari

Mueller investigation wasn’t a fishing expedition, it was a safariDemocrats don’t see President Trump as a witch or even the enormous fish (arms spread wide to emphasize its size) that got away. House leadership and the deep state operatives have always seen their nemesis as big game to be tracked, shot, delivered to the taxidermist and rendered into a trophy to hang in the Capitol rotunda.
- Thursday, May 30, 2019

There aren't enough victim classes

There aren't enough victim classesWith the Equality Act passing the House Friday, it's obvious America simply doesn't have enough victims. That in mind, it is imperative government establish more and herein is a proposal for an amendment to the legislation when it hits the Senate.
- Friday, May 17, 2019

Could the Equality Act influence this SCOTUS session?

Could the Equality Act influence this SCOTUS session?As usual, this commentary could be pushing the envelope on assumption. Should that be the case, it's certain that someone will call out the defects following. A case that is now being considered by the Supreme Court of the United States was the subject of a recent column--Sex discrimination doesn't translate to pantsuit equality. Bringing it back into focus is the Equality Act, H.R. 5, that the House of Representatives is poised to vote on this week.
- Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Sex discrimination doesn't translate to pantsuit equality

Sex discrimination doesn't translate to pantsuit equalityConfused boys, girls and others who are doing their best to degrade social standards to virtually none at all, it's time to draw the line. The question is whether SCOTUS can sort it out without giving in to popular thought that deconstructs culture.
- Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Trekking to slavery

Trekking to slaveryHow is it that people will line up to leave their family and homes behind in exchange for shackles? What can they be told that will make them trek hundreds or thousands of miles over lousy roads through worse weather to reach a foreign country? Lastly, what has that got to do with Passover? ...A promise of something they lack.
- Monday, April 29, 2019

Obamacare fallacy is alive and well

Obamacare fallacy is alive and wellOnce democrats and socialists have invented distorted definitions of equality and social justice, they clutch them to the end. No sensible argument or explanation can penetrate the depths of dogma squarely lodged in their circular thinking.
- Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Chalk one up for the Church

Chalk one up for the ChurchFour years of holding the fort against local government attack, while continuing to rely on faith to get through the siege, has finally yielded good fruit. Hyperbole? Perhaps, but the Christian ministry that weathered the blockade employed by a county planning commission ignorant of the Church's mission can testify to the battle that was fought just to make one very important point--that the Church is called to love and assist those in need and is not just a building that stands empty except on Sunday.
- Saturday, March 30, 2019

Playing with fire: repubs brandishing liberal torch

Playing with fire: repubs brandishing liberal torchHaving lived and worked in both Cathy McMorris Rogers and Greg Walden’s districts, I’ve seen the infiltration of liberals settling in their rural, and historically conservative, regions. The result of the migration of leftists into right country makes it apparent that these two (and other republicans facing liberal incursion) will cross the line if the President can be expected to take the heat and cover for their transgression.
- Friday, March 1, 2019

UnAmerican “American” wants to come back

UnAmerican American wants to come backTo what purpose does Hoda Muthana really want readmittance to the United States? To live the good life or to do her part to undermine the government that guarantees it? Once a person claiming citizenship abandons their claim by joining forces (literally) with an enemy, they have renounced any possible privilege of returning to that nation. And this is precisely where the “ISIS bride” stands.
- Sunday, February 24, 2019

The Big Switch – socialism’s plan

The Big Switch – socialism’s planCentral to political persuasion is the usage of words in modern language, how traditional definitions are subverted until the word means the opposite of the original intent. What is fascinating is how, by the time the word is accepted under its new guise, it is still emotionally connected to its origin. Trigger words for today have long since been undergoing a slow transformation that has actually switched definitions but not the emotional attachment to what it once meant. As twisted as this sounds, it's primary to converting and controlling public opinion. As an ideal illustration of this phenomenon are two words bandied about by media, politicians and pundits: Liberal and Reactionary.
- Thursday, February 7, 2019

Education failure hands leftist media victory (or does it?)

Education failure hands leftist media victory (or does it?)Who is it that accepts as fact whatever floats across the newsfeed on their social media? This question must be answered in order to see the complete picture of how this nation's liberty is slipping through our fingers, fingers that don't seem to grasp the enormity of the loss because of the blood on our hands.
- Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Border crisis dictates (un)civil discourse

Border crisis dictates (un)civil discourse Doubletalk has become the hallmark of democrat dialogue, hereby dubbed “DC” to cover both the place of origin and as an acronym for deceit and what once indicated civil exchange of ideas, discourse.
- Friday, January 11, 2019

The Christ Timeline

The Christ Timeline Time is subjective. No physics, relativity, quantum mechanics, or string theory will be found here because, honestly, they aren't part of this vernacular.
- Sunday, December 23, 2018
