
Dan Calabrese

Dan Calabrese’s column is distributed by HermanCain.com, which can be found at HermanCain Follow all of Dan's work, including his series of Christian spiritual warfare novels, by liking his page on Facebook.

Most Recent Articles by Dan Calabrese:

Obama to Africa: Get over your past, stop relying on others and solve your own problems

We would now like to share with you an excerpt from a speech by Ronald Reagan, in which he tells historically impoverished people that even though they've had a rough go of it, they should realize that their best hope going forward is not to blame others or to look to others to rescue them, but rather to take ownership of their futures, change their behaviors and their culture, and and take positive actions going forward so they can live better lives. Oh wait. Right message. Wrong president. Apparently when it didn't work out for him to lecture Africans about gay rights, Barack Obama transformed into a bizarro version of himself:
- Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Apparently Hillary's going to deny sending classified e-mails as long as she can get away with it

If this is starting to sound familiar to you, I think I know why. A Clinton tells what sounds like a lie, but you can't be sure because you don't have proof. Yet. The Clinton not only clings to the lie but is quite assertive in doing so. I never did that. The record is clear. Of course, the record is anything but clear, and the more we learn, the more it appears the Clinton is lying. But no matter.
- Monday, July 27, 2015

Obama tries to lecture president of Kenya on gay rights . . . that doesn't go so well

One thing everyone knows about a narcissist is that he thinks everything is about him. The Supreme Court makes gay marriage legal in all 50 states, and the next thing you know the White House is bathed in the gay rainbow colors. Why? Because Barack Obama thinks he did it. And he needs you to know that this is his accomplishment.
- Monday, July 27, 2015

Wow: Ted Cruz rips Mitch McConnell a new one on Senate floor, says he lied to him about Ex-Im Bank

You just don't see this in the U.S. Senate. Or you didn't, before Ted Cruz got there. And frankly it's about time someone called Mitch McConnell out for the crap he pulls. The subject is the Export-Import Bank, and Cruz asked McConnell point blank to tell him if a deal had been cut to achieve a sneaky re-authorization of Ex-Im, and McConnell told him, "There is no deal, there is no deal, there is no deal."
- Friday, July 24, 2015

Slate columnist: I hate that I love to grill because I'm supposed to be a feminist dude

OK, that's a good one, Jacob Brogan. Not only is your essay in Slate a hilarious parody of these self-styled feminist men, who indulge daily in self-loathing because of any and every last masculine impulse they might have, but you wrote it so convincingly that you managed to fool the liberal editors at Slate into publishing this satirical masterpiece. It's almost as if, the more absurd you became, the more convinced they were that you actually meant what you were saying.
- Friday, July 24, 2015

WaPo's Dana Milbank: This Scott Walker kind of reminds me of Joe McCarthy, huh?

Here's what you need to know about Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank. He's a liberal, of course, but he's a particular kind of liberal. There are different breeds, after all. Milbank is one of those who's spent way too much time in Washington and has come to mistake many of the presumptions people make in Washington for absolute fact - among them the idea that labor unions are just honest folks standing up for other honest folks, and that anyone who suggests they're a problem in any way is just a demagogue looking to use working people for target practice.
- Friday, July 24, 2015

Fifty-nine percent say businesses should have right to decline gay wedding business

This doesn't exactly put me in the mood to celebrate, because it still means 41 percent of Americans are OK with fascism. But it least it confirms what you sort of suspect, which is that the enforcers of the New Mandatory Gay Orthodoxy are a vocal minority and don't in any way represent the majority of Americans.
- Thursday, July 23, 2015

Planned Parenthood drags feet on briefing Congress; DOJ might investigate, maybe . . .

You can see how Planned Parenthood and its protectors are playing this. Drag out the process, attack the Center for Medical Progress for the manner in which the videos were made, claim victim status, lean on legal technicalities and hope the whole thing fades from the headlines such that Republicans in Congress no longer think it's worthwhile or in their political interests to keep the spotlight on it.
- Thursday, July 23, 2015

Trump is leading because he's playing media fools like a fiddle

You've probably heard about the new ABC/Washington Post poll that shows Donald Trump opening up a big lead among Republican presidential contenders, pulling 24 percent of respondents compared with second-place Scott Walker's 13 percent. The political media, of course, are flabbergasted as to how Trump could possibly be doing so well given that they consider him an un-serious joke of a candidate.
- Wednesday, July 22, 2015

How Iran can delay inspections for months using the language of the agreement

One of the problems with having a compliant, subservient media is that the public gets reassured far too easily about things that don't really call for such reassurance. The focus of the media's coverage on the Iran nuclear deal has been that it's "historic" and that it prevents Iran from getting nuclear weapons - in large part because of the ability of the U.S. and its allies to inspect Iran's nuclear sites.
- Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Washington Post pretty excited Hillary said 'black lives matter' and didn't hedge or anything

Every time I think media coverage of presidential politics can't get any more sad and pathetic, I come across something like this. Of course, the whole storyline concerning #blacklivesmatter and whether certain candidates utter the phrase in compliance with Official Leftist Orthodoxy has been around for much of this year. But there has rarely been a clearer demonstration than this of how left-wing activists lead political writers around by the nose, such that a certain Janell Ross actually thought she was writing about a worthwhile matter when she keyboard-vomited the following for the Washington Post:
- Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The silly outrage that follows a candidate's insensitive words

Someone must have really said something horrible when a bunch of people who can't stand John McCain are incensed over a purported insult of John McCain. Someone needs to explain the rules to Donald Trump: The senator from Arizona, who regularly refers to those who disagree with him as "crazies" and "wacko birds", must always be acknowledged as a war hero. No exceptions. No room for discussion about whether the designation of "hero" should be limited to those who actually achieve something that furthers the war effort - as opposed to the tragedy colored with honor that characterizes five years as a prisoner of war under the most inhumane conditions imaginable.
- Monday, July 20, 2015

Obama plans to deny gun rights to selected Social Security recipient

We've often talked here about the Democratic Party's goal of making sure at least half the population is dependent on government in some way. Mitt Romney was skewered for his comment about the "47 percent," but the comment was completely valid and very pertinent because it referred to a permanent dependent class that will always vote for the party of government dependency.
- Monday, July 20, 2015

WaPo: Germans forcing Greece to accept reforms sort of makes it seem like the Nazis are back, huh?

I don't even know what to do with this. If you ever help anyone with a problem, don't expect to get credit for it from the Washington Post. Because it might be necessary for you to make the recipient of the help shed some bad habits, and if you do that . . . hey, remember how cruel Hitler was? Anthony Faiola and Stephanie Kirchner of the Washington Post actually put their names to this piece. I do not know why:
- Thursday, July 16, 2015

Makers of Planned Parenthood video expose brochure proving profit motive in sale of fetal body parts

Image Credit: StemExpress via Center for Medical Progress
Do a quick Google search and you'll find it just about everywhere on liberal opinion sites and on dinosaur media sites that aren't still ignoring the story. It's one or another variation on the following: "No, Planned Parenthood Isn't Selling 'Aborted Baby Parts'." And how can Planned Parenthood and its media protectors make such a claim when there's a video out that shows one of the organization's top medical officials engaged in a three-hour discussion of how Planned Parenthood sells aborted body parts?
- Thursday, July 16, 2015

Netanyahu: Um, Israel isn't bound by this craptastic deal with Iran

Barack Obama and John Kerry may have disavowed any option of attacking Iran's nuclear facilities (as if they would have ever considered it for a second), but Benjamin Netanyahu sure hasn't. And Iran might want to keep that in mind, because while it's seeking to become a nuclear power, Israel already is one. And Israel's current leader has a bit more clear-eyed understanding of the threats his nation faces than the fools who lead America at the moment:
- Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Scott Walker: 'Live your own life . . . that's freedom'

The boxes are all checked. There is no in-depth discussion of any particular policy proposal (although the thing about Kohl's was a pretty good explanation of why he favors lower taxes). But that's not what you do in a speech announcing your candidacy. This is a speech where you lay out your broad positions and let people know the type of president you would be. Scott Walker did that last night. He did a very nice job putting forth positive ideas - an all-of-the-above energy policy, approval of Keystone XL on day one, repeal of ObamaCare, lower taxes, returning education standards to the states, standing up "radical Islamic terrorists" (and thank you for saying it that way), terminating the Iran deal in favor of crippling economic sanctions against the mad mullahs, treating Israel like an ally - before let Obama have it for failures like the weakness against ISIS, the obliteration of his red lines, the weakness against Russia and so forth.
- Tuesday, July 14, 2015
