
Dan Calabrese

Dan Calabrese’s column is distributed by HermanCain.com, which can be found at HermanCain Follow all of Dan's work, including his series of Christian spiritual warfare novels, by liking his page on Facebook.

Most Recent Articles by Dan Calabrese:

Problem solved, TV Land: Here's your new, politically correct Dukes of Hazzard

The amazing thing about this is that it was made six years ago - when it was funny enough to imagine liberals trying to PC up the Dukes but still not to the point where you could actually imagine a major cable network pulling it because it isn't. Hats off to Jeff Foxworthy and Larry the Cable Guy for actually having the prescience to see this coming.
- Monday, July 6, 2015

IT chief at IRS just blown away at how so many Lois Lerner e-mails were accidentally erased

You know, it's the darndest thing. The IRS tried really really really really really hard to recover all those Lois Lerner e-mails. But you see, what happened was, there was this improbable series of unforeseen accidents, glitches, screwups, mistakes, misfortunes and anomalies. And they couldn't get them. So, sorry! But rest assured, none of this was intentional!
- Friday, July 3, 2015

A helpful list of all the e-mail lies Hillary's already been caught in

I don't really have anything new here that we didn't cover over the course of the past week or two. Hillary hasn't stopped being a self-serving liar, and she hasn't become a bigger one because that isn't possible. But in her Potomac Watch column for the Wall Street Journal, Kim Strassel did a nice job of cataloging what we know so far about just about big a liar Hillary has been concerning her private e-mail server, the e-mails she turned over to the State Department and what they contained.
- Friday, July 3, 2015

Idiot spray-paints # on Dan's church . . . and the pastor offers the most awesome response ever

I got a phone call yesterday morning from my pastor, wanting my help with a matter that had come up. That in itself is not unusual, but the nature of the matter was. In recent weeks we'd had a series of break-in attempts at the church, and while they hadn't succeeded in getting inside the building, they had stolen the very large grill we keep outside for church barbecues and other special events. Well that can be replaced, although not cheaply.
- Friday, July 3, 2015

House votes to put ObamaCare death panels to death

Just in case you believed the mainstream media and their "fact-checkers" with the claims that this had been "debunked," know that Sarah Palin was 100 percent correct when she talked about ObamaCare death panels. The Independent Payment Advisory Board is not only empowered to restrict life-saving measures and medications because IPAB thinks they cost too much, it's also shielded from having to get congressional approval for its decisions.
- Thursday, July 2, 2015

Leaked letter indicates Greek socialists caving to creditor demands for reforms

It's always dangerous to draw big conclusions when markets react to developments in a crisis. Today we read in USA Today that financial markets are rebounding because a leaked letter from the Greek government indicates they're ready - if only because they have no choice - to give into to reform demands from their IMF and EU creditors.
- Wednesday, July 1, 2015

VIDEO: Ted Cruz auditions for The Simpsons

Confession: I'm generally not a fan of these candidate-attempts-comedy bits, not only because they're usually terrible but because I get a little tired of politicians trying to appeal to people on the basis of things that are irrelevant to the office they're seeking. I really don't care if I ever see Jeb Bush slow-jam the news on Jimmy Fallon, and needless to say I'd rather boil my skin in acid than see Hillary Clinton attempt to be funny in any way whatsoever.
- Tuesday, June 30, 2015

A detailed explanation of why Christians don't accept gay marriage

Given the nature of the discussion following the gay marriage ruling last week, one thing that's clear to me as a Christian who opposes gay marriage is that very few secular people - and sadly, by no means all Christians - really understand why Christians take the position we do. That's why there is so much being said that doesn't really reflect what Christians think. Some say we hate or we judge. Others say we are against love. Some think we're threatened by homosexuals. Some think we object too vociferously because we secretly want to join their ranks. Some even claim we don't think God loves gay people.
- Monday, June 29, 2015

President who opposed gay marriage three years ago turns White House into rainbow extravaganza

It's not Barack Obama's style to win a victory with any sort of humility, you understand. That's not in his makeup. And there's really little point in mentioning that he was "opposed" to gay marriage as recently as 2012 when he announced his big evolution on the issue, because everyone knows he wasn't really opposed at all. He pretended to be until he sensed correctly that the politics of the country were changing and it was OK to admit he was for it - which he had been all along. Anyway, if you're a Christian who is grieved by this ruling and you'd like to think the president would greet the ruling with some level of dignity that would reflect a level of respect for differing views on the issue . . . sorry:
- Sunday, June 28, 2015

State Dept.: OK, fine, it looks like Hillary didn't turn over all her work-related e-mails

Not that anyone ever believed she did, but it's hilarious that Trey Gowdy's House Select Committee on Benghazi was able to demonstrate so easily - just by questioning Hillary crony Sid Blumenthal - that there were at least 15 e-mails on Hillary's private server that were quite work-related and most certainly not printed out and given to the State Department as Hillary claimed.
- Friday, June 26, 2015

Liberals mad at Hillary for saying 'all lives matter'

This is one of the dumbest stories you'll read all day, which you might expect because it's entirely about the left, and the woman the left is prepared to put in the White House, and about the left's insistence on total compliance with its bizarre language code. The more a story features the left, the dumber it is going to be.
- Thursday, June 25, 2015

VIDEO: 11-year-old Indians fan styles for Miguel Cabrera

VIDEO: 11-year-old Indians fan styles for Miguel CabreraI sometimes think it's not fair that I'm a Detroiter. Not fair to the rest of you, that is. Oh sure, we have the shootings, the bankruptcy, the corruption . . . but we also have the pleasure of enjoying Miguel Cabrera on a daily basis. Not only is he the most amazing hitter I've ever seen - probably the best hitter in Tigers history with all due respect to Messrs. Cobb, Greenberg, Kaline and Trammell - but he's also an amazingly joyful human being.
- Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Sorry, stoners: New study shows 'medical' marijuana doesn't actually help with anything

Honestly, if you ever believed the nonsense that marijuana was "medicine," you probably don't have the brain capacity to process the information I'm about to give you. Then again, there's dumb and there's willfully delusional. You can have the ability to know better, but choose to embrace nonsense anyway because you want so desperately to get high. I'd say that still makes you an idiot. Just that you're an idiot by choice. At any rate, you know that "medical" marijuana was sold as something desperately needed by the old and the sick suffering from cataracts and glaucoma. In reality, most of the cards approved by doctors go to 25-year-old dumbasses who claim to be suffering from "chronic pain" and "headaches." The doctors know it's a scam too, but they don't care. They figure the public is sufficiently sold on this scam, and many of them probably like to get high too.
- Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan has 'very advanced and very aggressive' cancer

Very shocking news out of Annapolis yesterday, as Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan - who was just elected this past November - announced that he has a "very advanced and very aggressive" form of non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. But the good news, which should serve as the basis of hopeful and confident prayers on the part of many, is that Hogan's doctors actually give him a good chance of beating it.
- Tuesday, June 23, 2015
