
Dan Calabrese

Dan Calabrese’s column is distributed by HermanCain.com, which can be found at HermanCain Follow all of Dan's work, including his series of Christian spiritual warfare novels, by liking his page on Facebook.

Most Recent Articles by Dan Calabrese:

WaPo: Germans forcing Greece to accept reforms sort of makes it seem like the Nazis are back, huh?

I don't even know what to do with this. If you ever help anyone with a problem, don't expect to get credit for it from the Washington Post. Because it might be necessary for you to make the recipient of the help shed some bad habits, and if you do that . . . hey, remember how cruel Hitler was? Anthony Faiola and Stephanie Kirchner of the Washington Post actually put their names to this piece. I do not know why:
- Thursday, July 16, 2015

Makers of Planned Parenthood video expose brochure proving profit motive in sale of fetal body parts

Image Credit: StemExpress via Center for Medical Progress
Do a quick Google search and you'll find it just about everywhere on liberal opinion sites and on dinosaur media sites that aren't still ignoring the story. It's one or another variation on the following: "No, Planned Parenthood Isn't Selling 'Aborted Baby Parts'." And how can Planned Parenthood and its media protectors make such a claim when there's a video out that shows one of the organization's top medical officials engaged in a three-hour discussion of how Planned Parenthood sells aborted body parts?
- Thursday, July 16, 2015

Netanyahu: Um, Israel isn't bound by this craptastic deal with Iran

Barack Obama and John Kerry may have disavowed any option of attacking Iran's nuclear facilities (as if they would have ever considered it for a second), but Benjamin Netanyahu sure hasn't. And Iran might want to keep that in mind, because while it's seeking to become a nuclear power, Israel already is one. And Israel's current leader has a bit more clear-eyed understanding of the threats his nation faces than the fools who lead America at the moment:
- Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Scott Walker: 'Live your own life . . . that's freedom'

The boxes are all checked. There is no in-depth discussion of any particular policy proposal (although the thing about Kohl's was a pretty good explanation of why he favors lower taxes). But that's not what you do in a speech announcing your candidacy. This is a speech where you lay out your broad positions and let people know the type of president you would be. Scott Walker did that last night. He did a very nice job putting forth positive ideas - an all-of-the-above energy policy, approval of Keystone XL on day one, repeal of ObamaCare, lower taxes, returning education standards to the states, standing up "radical Islamic terrorists" (and thank you for saying it that way), terminating the Iran deal in favor of crippling economic sanctions against the mad mullahs, treating Israel like an ally - before let Obama have it for failures like the weakness against ISIS, the obliteration of his red lines, the weakness against Russia and so forth.
- Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Scott Walker joins the fray today

On the one hand, I'm pumped about Scott Walker "finally" joining the presidential race - as absurd as that sounds 16 months before the election. On the other hand, I'm already rolling my eyes at what he will now have to go through. Walker will want to talk about his track record of taking on entrenched liberals in crucial battles in Madison - and beating them. Consistently. And he'll want to talk about how he would apply those same approaches to governing the nation - which issues he would choose, why he could emphasis them, how he would succeed in Washington as he has in Madison.
- Monday, July 13, 2015

Greek socialists reluctantly accept IMF 'meddling' in deal to save the country they ruined

It's the third bailout of Greece in five years. Heck, even Chrysler must be appalled at a performance like that. And while we're still waiting for the details, early reports indicate that Greece's socialist government had to accept much more stringent terms than the ones they told Greek voters to reject just last week. It's easy just telling everyone yes to whatever they want until you run out of stuff to give them. That's when your creditors own you, and you can talk all you want about resisting "austerity" or whatever, but when you're presented with one way and one way only to prevent the entire collapse of your country . . . there's no way out:
- Monday, July 13, 2015

Nation of morons goes completely insane because Jeb Bush says more people should work full-time

Let's just skip the whole Jeb-Bush-isn't-my-top-choice disclaimer because it's beside the point. If you want an object lesson on why this nation is going down the tubes and has no hope whatsoever of turning its demise around, I give you the stupidest media narrative in the history of politics. If you or anyone you know really think this is a "gaffe," then you are beyond help. Stop reading this site and others that presume to offer you substantive information, and just turn on Keeping Up With The Kardashians and suck on a lollipop. There's no saving you now.
- Thursday, July 9, 2015

Sweet Cakes by Melissa raises more than $200,000 to cover fine by Oregon Gaystapo

Score one for the good guys, even if it's only a partial victory. The State of Oregon has failed in its attempt to bankrupt Aaron and Melissa Klein for the crime of declining to bake a cake - as the preposterous $135,000 fine it levied was no match for the willingness of good people to help out the Kleins and their now exclusively online business, Sweet Cakes by Melissa. Through a campaign via Continue to Give, people who still respect both faith and freedom have responded to the following appeal by contributing more than $200,000:
- Wednesday, July 8, 2015

CNN wastes almost all of its big Hillary interview on trivial nonsense

I don't know why Hillary ever worried about answering questions from the press if these were the kinds of questions she was going to get. Good night. CNN's Brianna Keller certainly knows how to snag an exclusive interview with someone who can't stand accountability under any circumstances. Just don't ask substantive questions.
- Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Obama: We won't be winning any quick victories over that JV team

Please note that there is a difference between the confident language of victory and the smug language of triumphalism. Barack Obama's got the latter down pat. With a smirk on your face and your nose in the air, you remind everyone that you won, and you're going to do what you want to do - and even if you're not supposed to do it, who's going to stop you?
- Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Someone's seen the movie 'Up' a few too many times, but holy crap . . .

Dude, come on. You do know that Up was a movie, right? An animated movie, dude. You can't tie a hundred helium balloons together and use them to go flying. This is real life. It doesn't work that way, dude. You're not getting up in the air sitting in a lawn chair you bought for $20 at the corner store, and you're not going flying, so just forget about this whole thing and . . . holy crap!
- Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Whoa: Repeal of medical device tax may have veto-proof support

Say this for ObamaCare: It certainly is a resilient piece of horrible legislation. No matter how many people want it either changed in part or repealed in full, it just keeps on keeping on without any real changes at all - unless, of course, the White House decides to unilaterally change what the law says. (And why not, since neither Congress nor the Supreme Court will do anything about it?) It goes to show just how much you can accomplish as president when you don't care about the constitutional limits of your authority, and the voters don't care about that either.
- Monday, July 6, 2015

State Dept. withholding content of Obama/Hillary call from night of Benghazi attack

Some of us remember that Barack Obama jetted off to a fundraiser in Las Vegas on the night our consulate in Benghazi was attacked by terrorists associated with Al Qaeda. Now you might be able to offer this defense of the president: He can do his job from anywhere. He has communication capabilities wherever he goes, and he has the freedom to use them any time he wants.
- Monday, July 6, 2015
