
George Giftos

George Giftos is a retired travel agency executive, in management for agencies by Fugazy World Travel, U.S. Industries, Carlson Companies. George is a veteran of the U.S. Air Force.

Most Recent Articles by George Giftos:

Who Will Be the Winner By Default Leading Up to November Madness

I'm surprised Donald Trump has not been sued by the Clinton campaign, when they accuse him of being a liar that infringes on Hillary Clinton's franchise owner-ship on lying. It's 3:00 AM, who do you want answering the phone? That was on a March 6, 2008 campaign ad. But she never picked up the phone at 3:00 AM on September 11, 2012 during the Benghazi crisis. She wasn't there as promised. No body knows where she was.
- Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Semantics Shemantics, what's the big deal

I don't understand the Republicans, Conservatives and knowledgeable Independents harping on poor Hillary Clinton and calling her a liar, when she has emphatically professed, in testimony and under oath, that every email originating from her unauthorized server, did not pertain to any classified State Department business, was turned over to the FBI and congressional investigation. It's a mere matter of semantics that failure to mention the scrubbed emails that were not part of, "the all the emails" turned over should be considered dishonest. And after all, hasn't she apologized for opening our country's security up to hackers?
- Thursday, September 1, 2016

The Ugly American

The ugly American has popped its head up again. This time in Rio, during the Olympic games. The pride of America and parents of the four guys on the American swim team was knocked down in disgrace.
- Monday, August 22, 2016

Constitutional Maintenance

What makes the United States unique from most of the world is our freedoms, but lately, it has not treated freedom with respect. Discipline should be a requirement when using it. Looking around, it is very noticeable to see how by the way people dress, use language, adorn their body and express them-selves destructively how freedom is being abused and adding to incivility. The First Amendment should be revisited and reviewed to see how it can be honed to reflect its true meaning and withstand the scrutiny of the Supreme Court.
- Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Suggestion how to relieve your election anxiety

I will not be voting for Republican Donald Trump, nor will I vote for Democrat Hillary Clinton, or Green Party Jill Stein, or Libertarian Gary Johnson. I will be voting for the Supreme Court. In order to do this, I will have to trip the lever next to Donald Trump's name. For the confused and frustrated, I advise you to follow my lead if we are to save democracy and our country
- Friday, August 5, 2016

Trump Trump? No way!

When Donald Trump commented on the DNC WikiLeaks scandal, many on the left, including former CIA chief and secretary of defense Leon Panetta, scorched him for his sarcastic remark that perhaps Putin can tell us what was in the thirty thousand emails labeled personal, that Hillary Clinton withheld and never turned over to investigating entities, calling him a traitor and security risk. It is almost laughable if not pathetic to listen to this rhetoric.
- Sunday, July 31, 2016

Word of Honor

The correlation between Sen. Ted Cruz and VP Aaron Burr in their actions, is revealing to their character, The spectacle I witnessed on the third night of the Republican convention, when Sen. Cruz took the podium, was disheartening hearing him disacknowledge the pledge he took to back whomever was chosen in the primary, to run against the opposing party by failing to honor that pledge, but instead used that platform to advance his ambitions. Like Aaron Burr and like Hillary Clinton, he has shown to put those ambitions ahead of the benefit and interests for the country. If a man cannot be taken for his word, he can not be trusted. If a man can't be trusted, how can he oppose a proven liar without the hypocrisy label? My grievance also applies to the others who reneged on their word. A man or woman without honor has nothing!
- Thursday, July 21, 2016

Fight For America

Horrific reports are dominating the airwaves, stoking the concerns of countries in the sights of radical Islam jihad. Globalization has caused unrestrained immigration, to open European borders, having their infrastructure like a pantry, raided by cockroaches.
- Monday, July 18, 2016

The FBI Director Who Can't Shoot Straight

Will questions about Benghazi and the Clinton Foundation be left unanswered and also swept under the rug? This kind of justice can be equated to the reign of the Perons in Argentina, in the 20th century, not the United States in the 21st century. Are we going to be subjected to an in-your-face Clinton era again, as demonstrated by Hillary and Barack as they boarded Air Force One for a Democrat campaign gig on Air Force One, paid by the American tax payer? At least director James Comey, summing up the investigation, might have written a postscript to her resume by referring to his findings as gross negligence, carelessness, recklessness and bad judgment in upholding the security of our nation. With this in mind, it would be impossible for her to pass an FBI security test. Any employer will be derelict to even consider hiring her, let alone voting for her to lead our country; except for the Clintonistas, who have the same fervor as did the Peronistas.
- Thursday, July 7, 2016

A Solution to Syrian and Iraqi Refugees

When photos are aired showing millions of people crowding the borders of western European countries, fleeing their country from ISIS, what I see is a majority of young able body males among them. Hillary Clinton proposes we take in at least 65,000 of them for humanitarian purposes.
- Monday, July 4, 2016

Chappaqua or Chappaquiddick, Fluky Sound

What will it mean if Hillary Clinton beats Donald Trump in the November presidential election? It will mean the perpetuality of eight years of the President Barack Obama administration that has been manifested in lies and incompetency for at least another four years, bolstered by a dishonest DOJ and liberal packed SCOTUS. When Hillary Clinton was on the stump, campaigning in the Democrat primary against the lovable socialist schmuck, Bernie Sanders, she sounded low class, with loud annoying, unpolished guttural tones. Becoming the presumptive democrat nominee, her demeanor has changed; but only cosmetically, because she is still Hillary and can never be trusted. Listening to her now is tedious. Noticeably apparent is the probability Hollywood is tutoring her in elocution and presentation, the way every word is deliberate and systematic, in slow cadence, as if she was speaking to teeny toddlers in Romper Room. Donald Trump will have to take heed and alter his demeanor, because he will be facing the same people who don't learn from past mistakes and can easily be persuaded to make the same mistakes again as of the past eight years.
- Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Relevance of the Irrelevant in Society

When is it going to end? There is an underside of society that tends to insert sour notes into our attempt to create harmony between our differences.
- Tuesday, March 29, 2016

A Bird in the Hand is Worth Two in the Bush

Bernie Sanders has my respect because he is genuine and open, revealing his stance on political and social argument, whereas Hillary Clinton shows herself to be what ever the direction the wind blows that day.
- Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Premeditated Mistakes

An APB has been issued, searching for the Democrat debates. All prime time spots have been checked to no avail. It appears Debbie Wasserman Schultz wants to take the sparse debates underground, to shield them from any revealing fray against the preordained choice of the Democratic party, to carry the Obama banner. Meanwhile, the trio of missing persons that should be in a Police lineup are missing, to avoid scrutinization about abetting criminal perpetration in the Obama administration to move it into syndication for another four years and beyond. The less people know, the less chance they will detect flip flopping of what they say in the primaries against what they will say in the national general election. Meanwhile, Joe Biden will be waiting in the wings of the convention, lest Hillary is indicted for her premeditated mistakes while holding office.
- Saturday, January 23, 2016

Crocodile Tears

Tuesday's exhibition of President Obama's crocodile tears at his TV press appearance, was a passionate plea for more gun ownership restrictions, to lessen odds for some wacko taking a pop shot at him.
- Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Square Peg in the Oval Office

How many times have you bought into something that has failed to perform as stated in the advertisement?
- Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Watch Out for Icebergs

In general, far too many voters are not politically savvy and rely on the mainstream biased media and late night show comedians to determine their choice. Aware of this, these outlets influence the direction the primaries and eventual election will take.
- Friday, November 6, 2015

Special prosecutor needed for Benghazi investigation

The long awaited Benghazi hearings about the why, and Hillary Clinton's role in that debacle has come to pass with more questions left unanswered. The mainstream media's consensus, why she came out of it unscathed, as they put it, was evaluated on her demeanor rather than the aloofness in her, "it's not my job" Jose Jimenez like answers and mismanagement of the State Department that triggered the reason for the hearings.
- Monday, November 2, 2015

Obama Post Presidency

After Barack Obama leaves office, I suggest he consider opening a delicatessen, to unload all the baloney left over from his administration he couldn't sell to the public. He might ask Hillary Clinton do the marketing.
- Tuesday, September 29, 2015
