
Ian Jay Germaine

Something to say in retirement to keep the sanity we have come to love. I'm a conservative and marketer, since age 5 and Vietnam Vet. 1964-1968 U.S.N.. Living in the Houston area 32 years with a Multi-National Oil Co., SF Ca. for 10 years, in Fla. 18 years and born in N.Y. My historical family are Russian Jewish immigrants circa 1912 Ellis Island. Now is the time to say what is on my mind.

Most Recent Articles by Ian Jay Germaine:

God Bless America

Did you wonder how many people would show at the rally in Washington D.C., or were you more concerned that what ever amount came it would be peaceful and presented in a manner that at least would be heard. Well, I wanted to be heard but was unable to make that trip.
- Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Not Even Ted Could Foresee the Dismantling of the Republic by Obama

The day we heard the word of Ted Kennedy’s passing, pundits were renaming the HealthCare initiative of the administration after his stalwart ambitions to pass a one payer system (Socialized HealthCare). If passed, no doubt his family would look at the bill as an honor, but within hours, perhaps minutes of what many will remember for a long time after his 47 years in the Senate and the tragedies the Kennedy family have faced.
- Saturday, August 29, 2009

‘Cash for Clunkers’ a Drive to America’s Future

As we wind to a close, the newest and most innovative boost to the economy this Monday evening, (8:00 pm ET) only Democrats, three RINO’s, and the Obama Administration will take curtain calls to itself.
- Sunday, August 23, 2009

Senior Citizen’s “Death” Warrant

TITLE XIII—HEALTH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Talk of the day is “Healthcare” or in today’s vernacular “Obamacare”. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, along with their like-minded cadre, have pledged a one payer system we all can dub Socialization. (Government operated healthcare) A complete dismantling of current medical care, known as the finest and most innovative in the world, it would become only Part II of the destruction of our Constitutional Republic.
- Friday, August 21, 2009

Congress vs. Test of the People

In the 1950’s and 60’s, one comedian stood out as a great storyteller. Myron Cohen (1902-1986), who came from the Borsht Belt, towered in the field of great comic “yarn-spinners.” The following is one such tale he told. I have paraphrased it and changed the names to protect the innocent.
- Monday, August 10, 2009
