
Herman Cain

Herman Cain’s column is distributed by CainTV, which can be found at Herman Cain

Most Recent Articles by Herman Cain:

Melissa Perry Harris: The word 'ObamaCare' was invented by rich white racists

Melissa Perry Harris of MSNBC has weighed in again, which means I have my daily dose of entertainment. ObamaCare is now about race, you see. Not the law. The term. Did you know this? The term "ObamaCare" apparently has coded racial implications. Oh my goodness, this woman is hilarious:

- Monday, December 9, 2013

Rebrand ObamaCare all you want: A bad product is still bad

During one of his many speeches trying to defend ObamaCare and its problems, President Obama said recently, "We obviously are going to have to remarket and rebrand, and that will be challenging in this political environment."
- Monday, December 9, 2013

The federal government has us in economic slavery

With all the talk about the ObamaCare fiasco, which now the liberals want to call the Affordable Care Act, it’s all part of a bigger issue, that I call economic slavery for all.
- Wednesday, December 4, 2013

That dog won't hunt

Here are two reasons why that dog won't hunt: Number one: No Republicans voted for the Unaffordable Care Act. Number two: when the so-called shutdown was going on, Republicans voted to repeal or delay ObamaCare nearly 40 times. They were the one's trying to avoid this train-wreck in the first place! Watch:
- Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Special book offer! Because nine years later, they still think you're stupid

Shortly after I ran for the U.S. Senate in 2004, I wrote a book with a title I've reference often in the years since: They Think You're Stupid. It cut to the heart of why there is such a disconnect between the people of this nation and the political class in Washington D.C. And as I look back at the themes in that book, I realize that while nine years have passed and the specific issues of that time are different than the ones we're discussing now, the basic message of the book is not out of date in any way. If anything, the proposition of the book has been proven by what Democrats have done after taking power in the years since.
- Tuesday, December 3, 2013

ObamaCare offers lots of options . . . all bad

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has awarded a $1.1 million contract to Families USA to establish a database of Obama "success" stories. Obviously these stories will be used to help President Obama "re-market and rebrand" ObamaCare as he said last week on Fox News.
- Sunday, December 1, 2013

Three new optics suggest it's game over for Obama

If you find it hard to believe that Barack Obama has fallen this far - thinking back to the time when he talked about "healing the earth" and people took it seriously - you might consider this is what happens when we romanticize politicians instead of keeping a sober view of what they can do or should be expected to do.
- Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Majority suddenly notices Obama is dishonest

The tide is turning. A new CNN poll reveals that a majority of Americans thinks President Obama is untrustworthy and they doubt his management abilities. I’m a proud charter member of the club that thought this all along, as are many of you, but it’s nice to suddenly have so much company?
- Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I don't think we're going to let Obama change the subject

When you're as desperate as Barack Obama is right now - with your approval ratings plunging and people no longer even finding you to be an honest person - you're willing to try almost anything to make people focus their minds on something else. Well, I should qualify: That's what you do if your priority is your own political viability. If you're a real leader, you man up and solve the problem. But we don't have a real leader. We have Barack Obama.
- Monday, November 25, 2013

Truth wins: The facts that destroy the allegations made against me in 2011

On September 24, 2011, I won the Florida Republican Presidency 5 Straw Poll by a large margin over the next closest candidate. It was an upset victory and helped propel me to the position of frontrunner in the national polls for the Republican presidential nomination. My messages of common sense solutions and tax code replacement were clearly resonating with the American people.
- Monday, November 25, 2013

Oh yes, Mark Gongloff (whoever you are), Obama did fake the unemployment rate

There is a process we go through whenever another example of malfeasance by the Obama Administration is exposed. First, conservative media like this site and my radio show tell you about it. Within the next day or two, a sampling of liberal pundits come out with columns headlined like this: "No, Obama did not (fill in the blank)."
- Thursday, November 21, 2013

One more scandal! Source tells N.Y. Post pre-election unemployment report was faked

A lot of us were curious, and said so at the time, when the September 2012 labor market report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported a sudden drop in the unemployment rate from 8.1 percent to 7.8 percent. This purported improvement was based on the claim that the household survey showed an astonishing one-month increase of 873,000 jobs! This from an economy that was typically producing fewer than 200,000 new jobs a month - and has continued to do so ever since?
- Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Shocker for Democrats: Messing with markets tends to screw things up

The damage ObamaCare is already doing to this nation is a catastrophe of the highest order, and we should certainly not celebrate that. But a destructive fraud that continues undetected is a bigger problem than a destructive fraud that’s finally been exposed. The collapse of ObamaCare is an opportunity for conservatives, if we have the juice to pull it off, to make the nation understand in unmistakable terms why big government interventions in free markets always end in disaster.
- Monday, November 18, 2013

3 truths about ObamaCare, and 3 things you can do

ObamaCare is such a disaster on so many levels, it's almost difficult to focus on the basic truths that define this fiasco. But we have to be able to grasp the basics and stay focused on them. Let's cut through all the clutter and get to the things that matter most:
- Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Even the name 'Affordable Care Act' is a lie

OK! The president said he was sorry that some people lost their health insurance coverage. But he did not say he was sorry that he lied about people being able to keep their plans and doctors.
- Monday, November 11, 2013

Truth wins: The facts that destroy the allegations made against me in 2011

On September 24, 2011, I won the Florida Republican Presidency 5 Straw Poll by a large margin over the next closest candidate. It was an upset victory and helped propel me to the position of frontrunner in the national polls for the Republican presidential nomination. My messages of common sense solutions and tax code replacement were clearly resonating with the American people.
- Friday, November 8, 2013
