
Jack Gleason

Jack Gleason is a conservative political writer. For reprint requests on other websites, inside information for important issues, article requests or comments contact him at: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). Recent articles… [url="https://canadafreepress.com/members/1/JackGleason/1249"]Canada Free Press[/url] and [url="https://www.americanthinker.com/author/jackgleason"]American Thinker[/url]

Most Recent Articles by Jack Gleason:

New Thriller Novel Explores Futuristic Election Fraud

Author Jack Meyer has just released his first novel, “Wayward Patriot, Preserving the Vote,” set in 2027. A new election counting system has been developed that is 100% secure. But when a paper is found in a dead man’s briefcase showing the results of a senatorial special election five days before the actual election occurred, a series of events unfolds that has the reader glued to every page.

- Monday, May 22, 2023

Vote with Your Eyes, Ears, Mouths and Wallets

It's now crystal clear to anyone with half a brain that our entire election system is a farce--from who can register and how absentee ballots are mailed to empty lots, to the lack of any meaningful chain of custody.

This is not some sort of accident or incompetence, but a concerted effort to take over our country in order to destroy it.

- Sunday, May 14, 2023

What’s So Scary About Artificial Intelligence?

I keep hearing about “A.I.” and how some pretty smart people are very worried about it, but I haven’t heard a clear explanation of why.

They define AI as when a machine becomes smarter than a person.

With schools and colleges these days, that’s getting to be easier and easier. Our kids can’t write a proper sentence, they can’t do any form of math without a calculator, and frankly they don’t even know what mathematics is good for and how they might use it in everyday life.

- Wednesday, May 3, 2023

New Music Video Asks Americans to Wake Up and See the Answers

Alabama musician John Webb has just created a music video of his song “Answers” that has the chance to awaken Americans who have been overwhelmed into complacency by the Left and their media.

Here’s the link to the You Tube video, although if it gets taken down, here are the links to the video on Rumble and BitChute.

Webb details his journey from his sense of wrongness about our country and how he started seeing the blatant lies in the news he was seeing. He then shares some of the headlines he saw that show the truth.

- Friday, April 21, 2023

Overcoming America’s Political Paralysis

Why are some Americans having such a hard time figuring out what is happening to our country? And for those who do see, why are so few taking action?

One in four Americans say they know someone who died from the vaccine and 50% now have less trust in government health experts. 67% say they “weren’t surprised” hearing that Covid came from a Chinese lab.

Most voters agree the FBI has been weaponized by the current administration and 61% believe that government agents helped provoke the J6 riot.

- Monday, March 27, 2023

The Death of Honesty

Honesty is dead. Its time of death is not certain, but it might have been the day Bill Clinton, in a national address, looked into the camera and proclaimed, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky...”

Americans trusted and supported President Clinton--he portrayed himself as an honest, hard-working public servant. When the first allegations appeared, he denied them and his wife blamed a “vast, right-wing conspiracy.” When asked in an interview with Jim Lehrer, “were you alone together in the Oval Office” He replied “I don't recall...”

- Friday, February 24, 2023

Is Resistance Futile?

Every sci-fi fan knows about the Borg, Star Trek’s arch enemy collective of cybernetic beings that ruthlessly assimilates other species and their technologies. Their favorite phrase when overtaking a new life form is “Resistance is Futile.”

Indeed, the Borg are very formidable. After thousands of years, their stolen technologies surpass anything the Federation has developed. But oddly, while gaining significant advantage at the beginning of each encounter, they are always stymied by Federation officers and crew.

- Friday, February 24, 2023

Making America Safe Again, a blueprint for House legislation and a platform for conservative candidates in 2024

American is going in the wrong direction on multiple fronts – rapidly. We all know it without the need to review recent polls. Our economy, military, food supply, infrastructure, schools, and inner cities are all crumbling before our eyes and our federal leadership is ignoring and/or facilitating the decline.

Talk is cheap, action is priceless.

We need to take immediate action to begin to turn the ship of state around and restore the strength and safety of our country.

- Sunday, February 19, 2023

Fighting Wokeness--Talk is cheap, action is priceless

The days of “an honest wage for a day’s work” are long gone. In addition to having to work harder while inflation eats up their pay increases, employees are now forced to monitor their behavior and even their own thoughts in order to keep their jobs.

Freedom of speech and expression are gone – even when you’re not at work. Corporations are caving to pressure from liberal groups and government bureaucracies and establishing policies to silence all forms of conservative thought and speech in order to advance the entire liberal agenda.

Worst of all, as consumers, we’re supporting these companies without even knowing it.

- Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Will the Balance of Power be Permanently Unbalanced?

Since there remain very few civics classes in primary or secondary education, most Americans lack even the most basic understanding of our system of government.

Hillsdale.org points to a National Assessment of Education Progress report…

“Just 23 percent of American eighth-graders are proficient in civics… That figure falls to nine percent and 12 percent for African American and Hispanic students, respectively. Eighth graders fare even worse in U.S. history, with just 18 percent scoring proficient on the most recent administration of the test.
- Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Can Brainwashing be Reversed? 

Can Brainwashing be Reversed?The majority of the American public has been brainwashed, and (by definition) they don't know it. This has been a systematic process, carried out over many decades, first on college campuses, then in our public schools, and now in the news media and corporate world.  Hanan Parvez (MBA, MA Psychology, founder of PsychMechanics) says "Brainwashing is essentially acquiring beliefs without critical thought." Children naturally learn from our parents about the world, how it works, and what part we play in it.  After they've grown up, circumstances can manipulate people into rejecting their previous beliefs. This may be caused by PTSD from military experience, a narcissistic or abusive spouse who damages their self-esteem, cults, or radical religious leaders who consciously or unconsciously appeal to weaknesses in order to break people down and rebuild them with a new set of thoughts and behaviors that serve their own purposes. 
- Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Republicans, Don't Botch the Hearings 

Republicans, Don't Botch the HearingsThe majority of Americans have been hypnotized into inaction. First they were panicked by COVID, then shamed or coerced into taking unproven injections, and finally pacified into thinking "politics" is just a meaningless game where both sides are corrupt.  Their only choice has been to put their heads down and resign themselves to trying to survive day to day, paying the bills and raising their children. 
- Saturday, January 14, 2023

American Conservatives can win our Country back even with McCarthy as Speaker

American Conservatives can win our Country back even with McCarthy as SpeakerIf Sun Tzu had witnessed the ruthlessness of 21st Century politics he might have skipped writing "The Art of War" and opted for "The Art of Chinese Pottery" instead. Now that the heated battle for the Speakership is over, we are left with the question, "How can we accomplish the conservative goals of the country with a House leader who works for the other side?" Most agree that Kevin McCarthy is a creature born of the swamp who chooses personal power and fortune over the needs of his country. He looks to the winds of the day to determine his position. Check this video with conservative attorney Mike Davis at the 3:31 mark.
- Friday, January 13, 2023

Could county sheriffs be our last defense against OnmiParty corruption? 

Could county sheriffs be our last defense against OnmiParty corruption? Like a termite-infested house, our country appears to be working properly, but a strong wind could topple us to the ground.  All our sacred institutions have been undermined, and our government "of the people, by the people and for the people" is now run by an OmniParty of Democrats and RINOs that have subverted the Constitution and the Bill of Rights for their own benefit.  Our criminal justice system and our courts are no longer able to administer our laws fairly. Instead they twist logic into a pretzel so that liberals are free to do whatever they want, commit any crime, violate any law, while conservatives are harassed and prosecuted for the tiniest of infractions. 
- Wednesday, January 4, 2023

A Battle Plan for Rescuing America

A Battle Plan for Rescuing AmericaAmericans who have taken off their blinders now realize that our country is systematically being disassembled from the inside.  Our laws, our morals, our views about life, family and justice, have been under assault for the last 40 years. Our basic freedoms of speech and religion are almost gone along with the right to bear arms.  The institutions that we trusted and relied on to keep us safe have been corrupted. A majority of the press, the media, corporations, doctors, scientists, our education system, and social media now actively work against the best interests of the United States.  
- Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Naming the Enemy

Naming the EnemyIf you can't name your enemies you can't defeat them. It is clear that there are those who have systematically set out to destroy the United States of America. Some despise our country or want to control it for their own benefit. Others want to weaken us in order to further their expansionist goals. Our enemy is not a single entity. Instead, there is a confederation of enemies who tacitly or explicitly have agreed to weaken the United States because it is the only power in the world strong enough to stop their quest for ultimate control.
- Saturday, December 17, 2022

Election-fraud corruption is deeper than anyone can imagine 

Election-fraud corruption is deeper than anyone can imagineMultiple polls conclude that over 70% of Americans think our elections are filled with fraud. But we’re learning it’s deeper and more organized than just a few thousand mules dropping fake ballots into election boxes.  The corruption involves both political parties. Big Tech manipulates search engine results, and takes down "dangerous" websites. With the Elon Musk revelations, we now see that our own FBI is working actively with Twitter to censor conservatives and silence dissenting speech. It’s next to certain that Twitter wasn’t the only Social Media Giant the FBI was giving orders to. And the mainstream media is all-in on ridiculing, dismissing or attacking people willing to speak out.  Anyone who floats the idea that the Republican red wave disappeared because of poor GOP tactics, or inadequate candidates is either stupid or part of this conspiracy. In fact, it’s an excellent "RINO detector!" 
- Saturday, December 17, 2022

Maricopa or Die 

Maricopa or Die It’s been a month since the November election and it’s obvious that serious irregularities exist in our voting systems. Unless they are exposed and fixed, our country will have been taken over by our internal and external enemies and we will never recover.  All of the efforts to fight back against the fraud nationwide have been unsuccessful except for Maricopa County, Arizona. Kari Lake, the gubernatorial candidate, is still fighting--filing lawsuit after lawsuit in an effort to overturn the "results" in her campaign where the current secretary of state in charge of the election, Katie Hobbs, was her opponent. Hobbs wouldn’t recuse herself despite the fact that she would be overseeing her own election. Unbelievable! When outrageous election problems caused some counties to withhold their vote certifications she threatened them with class 6 felonies
- Monday, December 12, 2022

Harden the Electrical Grid or Suffer the Consequences 

Harden the Electrical Grid or Suffer the Consequences Almost 50,000 Duke Power customers in Moore County, NC were left in the dark on Sunday night in what has been called a domestic act of terrorism. A curfew is running from 9pm-5am as schools close and crime spikes. Most customers remain without heat, refrigeration and water.  Duke Energy spokesman Jeff Brooks said "We are looking at a pretty sophisticated repair with some fairly large equipment and so we do want citizens of the town to be prepared that this will be a multiday restoration for most customers, extending potentially as long as Thursday."  Two power stations were targeted by direct gunfire.  
- Thursday, December 8, 2022
