
Jerry McConnell

Gerald A. "Jerry" McConnell, 92, of Hampton, died Sunday, February 19, 2017, at the Merrimack Valley Hospice House in Haverhill, Mass., surrounded by his loved ones. He was born May 27, 1924 in Altoona, Pa., the fifth son of the late John E. and Grace (Fletcher) McConnell.

Jerry served ten years with the US Marine Corps and participated in the landing against Japanese Army on Guadalcanal and another ten years with the US Air Force. After moving to Hampton in 1957 he started his community activities serving in many capacities.

He shared 72 years of marriage with his wife Betty P. (Hamilton) McConnell. In addition to his wife, family members include nieces and nephews.

McConnell's e-book about Guadalcanal, "Our Survival was Open to the Gravest Doubts"

Most Recent Articles by Jerry McConnell:

Obama’s Health Plan Will End Medicare for Seniors

In that the Main Stream Media (MSM) refuses to print any information that is the least bit unfavorable for the Obama Administration, people looking for current news about what that tricky group is up to needs to get connected to this Canada Free Press, Conservative Online News Service and Fox News to remain current.
- Monday, July 27, 2009

Racism Can Be a Two-Way Street

I can tell you one thing straight from the shoulder with no detours: the days of intimidation by black organizations or persons by shouting “RACISM” or “Racial Profiling” are growing shorter and scarcer. Today most people, including many of the more sophisticated and enlightened black people themselves, just ain’t buying into i
- Friday, July 24, 2009

Obama Crushes Army Majors Attempt to Get Justice

As if our usurper President hasn't been mean and nasty enough with all the new taxes and burdens he has decreed, most likely in an illegal way, or at least until he can PROVE he is qualified to hold that office according to the United States Constitution, he has just one-upped himself in nastiness.
- Thursday, July 16, 2009

Global Warming Is Just a Front for Global Governance – U. N. Style

For the longest time I was of the mistaken impression that the hoax that is Global Warming was just a ploy to get more government taxpayer dollars into the hands and pockets of shyster and self-serving pseudo-scientists such as college professors, multi-“cause” self-made, gloom and doom prophets who subsist on government handouts by telling anti-Americans how selfish and elitist the United States is by using so much of natures energy while other countries work hard to just survive.
- Wednesday, July 15, 2009

OK, Now We Know, the Stimulus Was Stinkulus

I don’t remember who it was who said it first, and I do also know others have said it since, but the cold hard facts are that what was said was exactly correct. What was it that was said? Well, quite simply it was, “The so-called ‘stimulus’ is really a ‘stinkulus.’
- Thursday, July 9, 2009

Looking for the “Counter Messiah” to Lead Us

Rush Limbaugh once said that he hoped the liberals would never go away as he would have nothing to talk about. But I doubt that even he thought they would ever get this entrenched and dangerous. We're losing our freedoms, and not slowly at that; each day's decrees from the White House, which are rubber-stamped and parroted by the Congress, eat away what we hold dear at an alarming rate.
- Monday, July 6, 2009

Don’t Let Traitors Ruin America’s Birthday

When forces of evil, set out to destroy A country's heart, its love, its joy, They are always helped by traitors within Who call themselves good, but are riddled with sin.
- Saturday, July 4, 2009

Thank Benedict Arnold RINO snakes for Cap and Trade

After Friday’s (6/26/9) betrayal of normal, everyday run of the mill American citizens by Obama and his uber-henchmen also known as Congressional liberal Democrats, sprinkled with the small assortment of RINO Republicans on the disastrous energy bill and its absolute massive tax increases in the form of significantly higher costs for electricity and petroleum products, another group of similar traitors who would help Obama bring total ruin to our county convened to plan the passage of yet another falsely named immigration reform bill to make existing current illegal aliens, legal citizens of the United States.
- Sunday, June 28, 2009

Send a Letter to Pres. Obama; Join the Cause

Over the past few weeks I have seen circulating online two very effective looking letters that supposedly have been sent to our President Obama in the White House in Washington, DC. These letters were written by a retired executive of the giant corporation, Proctor and Gamble; and a fourth grade school teacher from Missouri.
- Thursday, June 25, 2009

Conservatives Had Better Get A Leader Soon

NewsMax.com Newsfront dated June21, 2009, "Talk Radio Publisher Harrison: Dramatic Changes Ahead" by: Jim Meyers dated June 19, 2009:
(Excerpts) "Michael Harrison, founder and publisher of Talkers magazine, tells Newsmax that a revolution is underway in the media that will soon fundamentally change the way Americans get information. And Harrison, a political independent, sees a clear explanation why talk radio draws huge conservative audiences.
- Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Just Give Me the News, Fair and Balanced

Rarely does a day go by that I don’t mourn the loss of this country’s great and massive communications network of newspapers, television networks and radio. Well technically speaking, we do still have all three venues of broadcasting, but only one is any longer effective and that is radio.
- Thursday, June 18, 2009

Political Integrity in the Media Has Vanished

In years past as I was growing into my teen years I discovered an item that was always available around the house that could provide many hours of relaxation as well as brain food. It was, and still is called, a newspaper.
- Friday, June 12, 2009

Democrat Taxing is Becoming Obscene and Repulsive

The Democrat Party is on a “throw-caution-to-the-winds” course in their quest for power. This group of our country’s citizens cares little for what happens to people who have worked hard all of their lives to succeed and to live relatively comfortable in their declining years. These power-mad fanatics will stop at nothing to show “they CAN” when it comes to breaking the backs of decent Americans who only want to have a good home and some comforts to go along with it.
- Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Each Day Brings Us Closer to the Death of America

The column here today is in the form of an 'Open Letter' to a writer who I will call only "Jim" though I am sure he or she will recognize who I am addressing. Jim expressed his concerns to me regarding the "leaning" of Obama to Socialistic thinking, stating, "His 'first 100 days' is a testimony to socialism which in my mind is worse than treason to what our great country has stood for, fought for, and paid for dearly in human lives."
- Friday, June 5, 2009

Will the World Burn While “Nero” Obama Fiddles?

Dick Morris and partner Eileen McGann (M & M), once again titters the world with his tantalizing article, “North Korea: The Whole World Is Watching” on DickMorris.com, May 27, 2009.
- Monday, June 1, 2009
