
Chuck Lehmann

Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann (Chuck on the Right Side

Most Recent Articles by Chuck Lehmann:

Is the Tail Wagging the Dog?

Is the Tail Wagging the Dog? Have adults relinquished their authority in making rules and regulations and enforcing them? In other words, is the tail wagging the dog?
- Friday, March 16, 2018

Is Gun Control the Answer?

Is Gun Control the Answer? It seems every time an horrendous shooting occurs in a “gun free zone”, the anti-gun zealots seem to lead the charge for more anti-gun laws. Is that really the answer for preventing future gun crimes? Why don't we make sure the gun laws we already have on the books are enforced?
- Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Defining Deviancy Down

Defining Deviancy Down That phrase was coined by the late Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan in trying to show that a society has a limit in tolerating bad behavior before it has to start lowering its standards. He also called it “moral deregulation”, that has eroded families, increased crime and produced the mentally ill “homeless” population.
- Saturday, February 24, 2018

Diversity Equals Perversity

Diversity Equals Perversity The catchword in liberal circles today is the term “diversity”. A few years ago the catchphrases were: affirmative action, racial preferences, and racial and ethnic quotas. Since those terms were not warmly embraced by many in the general public, the “diversity” proponents have latched onto the term “diversity” as a more moderate acceptable term to overcome the negatives that those other terms conveyed.
- Thursday, February 8, 2018

No One is Above the Law?

Do you really believe that, or do you feel that there are some people who are really above the law? That's the question many are asking about Hillary and Bill Clinton. Some have compared the Clinton's to the “Great Houdini”, the great magician and escape artist, and who they say make Houdini look like a rank amateur.
- Friday, November 10, 2017

The Great Pretenders

Back in 1955, a #1 record hit was a song by the group, The Platters, it was called “The Great Pretender”. Well, 62 years later, that song could be the theme song of the loony liberal “elites” who pretend to be inclusive, empathetic, and tolerant, but in reality, they are “The Great Pretenders”.
- Sunday, October 29, 2017

When Corporate Taxes Go Down,Wages Go Up!

When Corporate Taxes Go Down,Wages Go Up! That's an economic principle that the loony left liberals don't seem to understand or grasp. Anytime tax cuts are proposed and enacted, the economy prospers and along with it the wages of employees increase exponentially.
- Monday, October 23, 2017

Trickle Up Poverty

When Ronald Reagan ran for president in 1980, his opponents scoffed at his proposal to lower taxes, calling the possible results as “Trickle Down Economics” (a/k/a Reaganomics). They said it was a worthless economic policy. Was it?
- Monday, September 4, 2017

There's No Such Thing as a “Free Lunch"

That expression has been regularly used over the years to convey the idea that anything that is offered as “free” really isn't free, but is a hidden cost and a possible burden to others.
- Monday, August 14, 2017

We Need More Millionaires!

The far left “liberal loons” are constantly attacking successful people (a/k/a millionaires and billionaires) by saying we should tax those people more than they are already taxed because the liberals claim that it is “fair and just” - their favorite words when they want to raise taxes.
- Thursday, August 10, 2017

Is Social Security a Viable Program or just another Ponzi Scheme?

Ida May Fuller, the first recipient of a Social Security benefit check in 1940, paid a total of $24.75 into the Social Security fund. Her first monthly S/S check issued in 1940 was for $22.54, almost as much as she paid in. Over the ensuing 35 years of her life, she collected a total of $22,888. Her case is reminiscent of the early investors of a Ponzi scheme. They get paid off from the investments of future dupes (or victims).
- Monday, July 31, 2017


That’s a legitimate question and one that surely requires an answer. When I was born, many moons ago, I believe the average life expectancy of an American citizen was in the upper 60’s. Today the average life span is about 78 for men and approximately 80 for women. That’s quite a jump, don’t you think?
- Thursday, July 27, 2017

The Liberals and Diversity

First off, let's define what we mean by diversity. According to Merriam-Webster, “diversity” is the inclusion of different types of people (such as people of different races and cultures) in a group or organization – it also includes a “diversity” of opinion.
- Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Are We a Nation of Addicts?

Yes, we all know the addictive properties of tobacco, alcohol, heroin, cocaine, opioids, and the so-called “harmless drug” marijuana, but we are now encountering quite a few newer and other addictions, many of which have been recently confirmed and that are causing great concern in the medical, and mental health communities.
- Tuesday, July 11, 2017

“You Cannot Multiply Wealth by Dividing it”

That's a phrase that Dr. Adrian Rogers coined (in 1984) which today takes on special meaning by the policies put forth by the former Obama Administration, the Democrat Party, and its effect on our society.
- Wednesday, April 19, 2017


That phrase cannot be attributed to any one particular person, but the gist of that saying gives poignancy to today’s liberal (a/k/a Progressive) thinking of the many government policies and programs that have not turned out the way they were originally intended. Do any government policies ever turn out the way they were intended?
- Monday, February 6, 2017

Perception Manipulators

Popular novelist and author, David Balducci, has coined a phrase that seems to be on the money when describing what is going on in the dissemination of news and information in our country today. It is the term, “Perception Manipulators”.
- Thursday, January 12, 2017
