
Mark Gray

Mark Gray hails from the Kirkland Lake, Ontario area and has spent over 30 years as an Analyst/Developer in Big IT, mostly in Calgary's Oil-And-Gas Sector. Creator of an non-partisan, analytical methodology that seeks out and identifies Bias and Deceit embedded in weaponized information.

Most Recent Articles by Mark Gray:

A pre COVID-19 post-mortem

A pre COVID-19 post-mortemSeriously, was it the bodies piling up in the coronavirus’ deadly wake? Was it the terrifying videos of bulldozers scraping heaps of COVID-19 victims into freshly dug mass graves by the thousands? Or, was it a national fear of those terrifying scenes that sparked political action? And was that national fear, irrational? If it were fear of an unimaginable body count that forced our leaders to lock us down, what information did they use to come to that conclusion? Were they being informed through the media like the rest of us because the media were hyping COVID-19 models that predicted 500,000 deaths in the UK and 2.2 million in the U.S.?
- Saturday, August 1, 2020

Emaskulate! Or, Die!

Emaskulate! Or, Die!A mask with pores or gaps bigger than the virus is like a condom with perforations bigger than the ‘boys’.” “Conclusion: Wearing masks will not reduce SARS-CoV-2.” So says the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons who produced substantial evidence to support that conclusion.
- Monday, July 20, 2020

Finding Fake News: The Bias And Deceit Analysis

If every news source and fact checker in the world shared the same news, could you tell it was Fake? Do you know anyone who could? Where would one find the information that helps figure it out? I wouldn’t blame you if you thought it impossible, but you’d be wrong. My Bias And Deceit Analysis, in at least one instance (possibly the most widely used tactic), has the capacity to find that Fake and be confident enough to stand resolute against the world. In the above scenario, one would obviously need to analyze something other than identical content to find the Fake. That is exactly what this Analysis does, and what sets it apart from all other news analysis methodologies.
- Tuesday, July 14, 2020

An Introduction To The Fake News Framework

Fake News has one job, to win the race to belief. This is important because people act on belief and once set, belief can be notoriously difficult to dislodge. Belief, by its nature, strongly resists contradictory ideas. It often takes a ton of facts to remove an ounce of belief so maybe it is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Now, if news exists to inform society then Fake News, being the opposite, exists to un-inform society. That need to convince us of things that aren’t true forces Fake News to deal in deceit. Knowing that, we can safely say that Fake News benefits corruption over honesty.
- Tuesday, July 7, 2020

COVID-19 Exposes The Real Cost Of Fake News 

COVID-19 Exposes The Real Cost Of Fake NewsWe've been forced to pay drastic economic and social costs to battle the existential threat COVID-19 is perceived to be. It has cost the world trillions of dollars and the loss of myriad civil liberties, so it makes sense for societies to ensure the price paid was worth it and if not, to demand extreme accountability in return. Fact is, COVID-19 was destined to be Fake News from the start, the question was how  large a fake would it prove to be? Given the coronaviruses' "novel" designation, early COVID-19 models must have been heavy on assumptions and light on factual data. They could only spit out wild guesses and, as it turns out, they guessed poorly. Regardless, the guesses proved more than good enough for government work. 
- Monday, June 29, 2020

Privilege And The George Floyd Murders

A society that is woke to the core but asleep at the switch is an unquestioning, incurious, unthinking society"When thinking about privilege, think about who has the right to speak." At its base, privilege is the right to do things others can't and it's important we understand the nature of that right is ideological, not colour. The ideology at play is power, the right to rule over others. We are in the middle of a war between good and evil and right now, evil owns privilege.
- Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Is Canada More Cult Than Country?

Is Canada More Cult Than Country?Cults are often described as a religious sect considered to be extremist or false, typically under the thrall of a charismatic leader. However, even religious cults meet the general description “Obsessive, especially faddish, devotion to or veneration for a person, principle, or thing.” In a broad secular sense, it could be said that cultists are devotees of false, reality-challenged, principles.
- Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Demockracy: A More Sophisticated Tyranny

Demockracy: A More Sophisticated TyrannyDemocracy:
  1. government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.
Apparently, Canadians enjoy such a form of government. If so, that's news to the 20 indigenous bands whose elected chiefs signed agreements to help build the Coastal GasLink pipeline. [https://www.columbiavalleypioneer.com/news/all-20-first-nations-sign-coastal-gaslink-pipeline-agreement/] The bands voted to choose their representatives. The Chiefs voted for a huge project that would provide opportunity, revenue, and good paying jobs to their communities. Business would flourish. Taxes would flow. Win-win-win. A perfect example of government by the people. Textbook democracy.
- Tuesday, May 26, 2020


The COVIDIOCY Of It AllWhy are we willing to accept a devastating economic shutdown or the quarantining of healthy people? Why do we think masks will save us or 6-feet of distance is necessary? Why are we focused on vaccines, testing, and contact tracing? It's because we believe in the threat of COVID-19. Why do we believe in the severity of that threat? Who told us to fear the virus? Was it really the models and experts? They were relied upon but, think about it, who gave them their voice?
- Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Free The People, Lockdown The Politicians

Free The People, Lockdown The PoliticiansTrudeau’s tyrannical gun ban is immoral, illogical but frankly, no surprise. Let’s start with the fact that deceit favours the deceivers at the expense of the deceived. Politically, this translates to deceit favouring tyranny over liberty. This is true because no clear-thinking individual would ever vote for honest evil.
- Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The West, Weak And Enslaved

The West, Weak And EnslavedCan you seriously sing our national anthem with pride? Can you use the words “strong and free” when you’re prevented from working, your business is not essential, playgrounds are taped off, and parks are off limits? How do you feel about being told you’re a potential death trap for simply taking a walk? Do you not sense something sinister when you’re literally corralled and forced to wait to get into Walmart?
- Monday, April 27, 2020

The COVID-19 Models Lied, The Calgary Stampede Died

“Why are politicians still using flawed models to make critical decisions?” The venerable Calgary Stampede is the latest COVID-19 casualty, marking the first time in 100 years we don’t celebrate cowboy culture. This means an already devastated Alberta economy is about to take another massive hit. The 2019 Calgary Stampede injected $227.4 million into the city’s economy and another $59 million into the Alberta economy.
- Sunday, April 26, 2020

COVID-19, Inner Tyrants, And The Great Awakening

COVID-19, Inner Tyrants, And The Great Awakening“We’re first corralled by fear, then penned by panic. Thus trapped, we’re sheared of wealth and freedom. It isn’t by mistake.” We are living in dark times, our future threatened by growing social, psychological, and financial stress due to overwhelming fear of the COVID-19 virus. It’s easy to fall into the pits of despair when life is bleak and the future uncertain.
- Friday, April 24, 2020

AG Barr's Astonishing Statements Hint At Treason

AG Barr's Astonishing Statements Hint At Treason
 "I think the president has every right to be frustrated, because I think what happened to him was one of the greatest travesties in American history. Without any basis uh, they, uh, they started this investigation of his campaign; and even more concerning, actually, is what happened after the campaign; a whole pattern of events while he was President. uh, So I, to sabotage the presidency; and I think that, uh, or at least had the effect of sabotaging the presidency."
- Monday, April 13, 2020

Models: The False Prophets Of Doom

Models: The False Prophets Of DoomAs COVID-19 continues to keep the world in lock-down, there are signs that panic sparked by dire early predictions was hugely overblown, as were the draconian political actions that followed. Predicted death totals are plunging, not merely slipping, and somewhere in the discrepancies between then and now lies an important lesson for the entire world. Pray we learn it.
- Sunday, April 12, 2020

COVID-19: A Portrait of Power

COVID-19: A Portrait of PowerThere is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the world and we likely won’t be going back to the way things were once we’re through the crisis. Non-essential businesses have closed, or been forced to close, imperilling the economic health of the businesses and their employees. Usually busy streets are empty. Travellers and people showing any cold or flu like symptoms are expected to self-isolate and stay indoors for weeks, thereby reaping all the health benefits of stir-crazy. Masks have become the latest fashion trend and it’s surprising there aren’t more with pretty patterns. It’s now a sign of virtue to practice social distancing by respecting the magic six-foot rule.
- Saturday, April 4, 2020

The Fearona Virus

"We have everything to fear, especially fear itself." Do you get the feeling we are caught in the middle of a gigantic, global social experiment whose goal is to measure the power of panic? To assess how quickly fear can frighten society into stampeding away from its current habitat? To gauge how far that terrified society will thunder to ease its roiling angst?  To evaluate who and what we are willing to trample in our blind rush to secure safe sanctuary? 
- Friday, March 20, 2020

The Press Loves a Panic

The Press Loves a PanicLet’s face it, the world is in the grip of a full-fledge virus induced panic. It’s all virus, all the time. Whether its called Wuhan, Corona, Covid-19, Chinese, or xenophobic, the world’s latest killer virus has gone viral and is terrorizing populations into believing the deadliest plague in history is knocking on their front door with a battering ram. The Reaper has arrived! Run! Hide! We’re all going to die! Does that sound like a familiar refrain to anyone else?
- Monday, March 16, 2020

Why Trudeau’s Liberals are a Raging Success Story!

Why Trudeau’s Liberals are a Raging Success Story!Sure, a lot of Canadians think the country’s turmoil is a strong indicator that the Liberal Government is cruising down the wrong track. Protestors disrupting rail lines and killing pipelines in the west. Hundreds of thousands out of work. Billions in capital flight, with Quebec joining the party thanks to Warren Buffet’s quick escape from the quicksand that is the Canadian investment landscape. Anger boiling over from coast to coast to coast. Why, the very fabric of Canadian society is being shredded before our very eyes. “Incompetent!”, scream the government’s opposition.
- Friday, March 13, 2020
