
Joan R. Neubauer

Joan R. Neubauer, is an author, public speaker, and works as the Public Liaison Officer for the Davis Mountains Trans-Pecos Heritage Associationin Alpine, Texas.

Most Recent Articles by Joan R. Neubauer :

Dateline D.C.: In danger of killing the golden goose

And the debt battle continues. While the White House offers threats that grandma and grandpa might not get their Social Security checks in August, the republicans say there’s plenty of money to keep grandma and grandpa well fed and able to pay the rent.
- Monday, July 25, 2011

Heads-up on the American Community Survey!

[An] Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct. -- Article I, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution Every ten years we wait for our little census forms to come in the mail so we can help the government count heads. Article I of the U.S. Constitution mandates such an enumeration for the sole purpose of determining the number of representatives within a given geographical area and the possible redrawing of Congressional Districts. According to the Constitution, we must have one representative for no more than every 30,000 people. Most people understand the reason for the census and most comply.
- Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Property Rights at Risk with Executive Order 13575

On June 9, 2011, President Barack Obama signed Executive Order 13575 “…to enhance Federal engagement with rural communities…” In other words, "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help." Sixteen percent of the American people live in our rural counties that supply food, fiber, and energy for our country and provides exports for the rest of the world. As this Executive Order affirms, these communities “face numerous challenges but have enormous economic potential.” However, the people in our rural communities, gifted with more common sense than those in Washington, have always managed their land and resources well, now suddenly, D.C. has decided they know how to do things better.
- Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Our creeping tyranny

Tyranny creeps in upon us in many different guises: the charismatic leader; the disregard for law; the oppression of over-regulation; the confiscation of wealth through unjust taxes; and the burden of debt.
- Monday, July 4, 2011

Governor Perry leads the way for revolt

Last fall, when the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) ratcheted up its efforts to “protect” us from terrorism on airliners, they also grossly violated the people’s 4th Amendment rights to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures…
- Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Kill all the evil CO2

Oh, m’gosh! Run for your lives! The CO2s are coming! Beware. They’ll evaporate into the air and blanket the earth to elevate temperatures to astronomical heights. Sea levels will rise to cover every bit of dry land. We’ll all perish!
- Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Mr. Obama, unleash the American people

Congress failed to raise the debt limit in a dark of night vote. Yes! I’d like to believe that some of our Congressmen have come of age and are truly acting like adults. However, with her usual panache, Nancy Pelosi responded with, “The republicans are trying to play games with the country’s credit rating.”
- Monday, June 13, 2011
