
Ray DiLorenzo

Ray DiLorenzo is a career pilot having retired after 22 years as a contract fire pilot with the California Department of Forestry (Cal-Fire). He is presently affiliated with Stand Up America US Foundation founded by Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely (Ret).

Most Recent Articles by Ray DiLorenzo:

The 2024 Election: The Final Battle

"The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." George Orwell, 1984

There is no doubt that the 2024 election will be the most contested since, at least, when Abraham Lincoln was elected in 1860. The very survival of our country is, once again, at stake and threatened by the same party. The Deep State, where many operatives were planted as permanent fixtures, is where the previous administrations, most notably Obama's, sowed the seeds of communism and fascism.

- Saturday, January 27, 2024

The Deepest Part of the Swamp The FBI

The Federal Bureau of Investigation was once considered the greatest investigative organization in the world. Their investigative talents and reputation were unparalleled. The mission, as stated on their website, is to ‘protect the American people and uphold the Constitution of the United States.' And they did. They were men and women in white shirts, clean, dedicated, and by the book. But something happened along the way. 

- Saturday, January 20, 2024

A Silly People

As long as the Arabs [or Americans] fight tribe against tribe, so long will they be a little people, a silly people, greedy, barbarous and cruel." -- T. E. Lawrence ( Lawrence of Arabia)

This article is not about Arabs. It's about Americans and America. You could include most of Western civilization, a once strong and proud society that is now lost in the desert.

- Saturday, January 13, 2024

The Biological War: What Lies Ahead

For the love of money is the root of all evil...1 Timothy 6:10

Seeing so many businesses, people, and politicians effortlessly "switch" away from fundamental human ideals and American values makes me believe that evil is at work. It is amazing what individuals will do to gain power and wealth.

- Saturday, January 6, 2024

Beyond Treason: Elections Have Consequences

Shortly after Obama’s 2009 inauguration, the new chief executive made one of the only memorable, though unoriginal, statements of his outwardly unremarkable presidency. ”Elections have consequences." It was a statement meant to tell Republicans, 'You lost, I won. I get to do things my way.' You could almost add to that, 'If you think we are going to work together, think again.'

- Saturday, December 23, 2023

The Key to The Coup

"The Hammer is the key to the coup." -- Admiral James (Ace) Lyons - 1927-2018

Admiral Lyons, on his death bed two days prior to his death, told Lt. General Thomas McInerney (Ret): "The Hammer is the key to the coup."

The coup was the takeover of our government, a coup d'état, by fraud and deceit on Inauguration Day, January 20, 2021.

I've had the honor of being the co-author of a book that reveals the truth about the 2020 election—‘Invisible Treason in America’. Along with retired Lt. General Thomas McInerney, retired Maj. General Paul Vallely, and Mary Fanning, we give an account of the political operation that denied our country an honest election and a second Trump presidential term.

- Friday, December 15, 2023

The Left Shows Who They Are

It has become clear that the Democrat Party, which represents the Left, has declared itself to be anti-semitic. Much official lip service has been given to their support for Israel, but there's no hiding it. The support for Hamas, a world-class terror organization, has been massive within their ranks. Indeed, Biden's support for Israel seems to have now cooled.

- Saturday, December 9, 2023

The Implosion of the Democrat Party

Democrat Bizarro World:

    "The survival of democracy depends on a Democratic presidential victory in 2024, and no one else has stepped up to carry the burden." ~ F. Wilkinson, Bloomberg

The quote from Mr. Wilkinson is nonsense, of course. Democrats have been hawking that slogan for years, reliant on your ignorance to apply any meaning. They live in a bizarro world. Everything is opposite.

- Saturday, December 2, 2023

Roots of War in 'Palestine'

"What can men do against such reckless hate?" --Théoden King - Lord of the Rings

Making sense of the region known as Palestine is like trying to unscramble scrambled eggs. There is much disinformation, propaganda, and distraction happening all at once. We (the Stand Up America US Foundation) have been following this for many years, so we can give you the benefit of what we know with as little hodge-podge as possible.

- Friday, November 24, 2023

The Great Reset, Election 2024, Hamas, And Other Things To Worry About

It is almost unsettling to find that what we have said on these pages over the last several years is either true or coming true as we speak. Yes, there is a New World Order in process. Yes, there is a group of billionaire oligarchs, both here and abroad, attempting to take over the world, as in a James Bond movie, only much worse than the script writers could have imagined. And yes, the Democrat Party is taking part in the scheme to end the United States of America as we know it. They have no intention of ever losing another national election. And, of course, Hamas, after 75 years of Israel, still doesn't know if they want their own Palestinian state.

- Saturday, November 18, 2023

Surviving Obama's Third Term

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." Napoleon

It should be no mystery to anyone that Biden is not in charge. He is incapable of being in command of anything. While Biden eats ice cream and lounges at the beach, Obama is calling the shots. Many of the usual suspects are in their positions as they were during the anti-America Obama years, especially Susan Rice.

- Friday, November 10, 2023

60 Years of Indoctrination

And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it. Zechariah 12:3

We have long suspected that campus indoctrination has contributed to much of the political and social chaos in our country. It has now come to a head. Academia, much of the grade school system, and a major political party in America have been taken over by the Left. It is no longer a secret. It is in our faces.

- Friday, November 3, 2023

Invisible Treason In America

I had the distinct privilege of being a co-author of an important new book. It's called 'Invisible Treason in America.' It has been exhaustively researched by Generals Vallely and McInerney, Mary Fanning, a great investigative reporter, John Trudel, and yours truly. To quote Star Trek, "We will go where no one has gone before."

- Saturday, October 28, 2023

Wars And Rumors of War: Setting The Record Straight

"For those who believe no explanation is necessary; for those who do not believe, no explanation will suffice."--Joseph Dunninger

There is much disinformation, misinformation, and outright lies going around about the conflict in the Middle East—who took whose land, who the aggressor is, and why the hatred? Much of this ignorance comes from the universities and the media. A short history is warranted to set the record straight.

- Saturday, October 21, 2023

War Is Upon You

People living in modern civilization—especially in the West—play by the rules, live within their means, love their families, and cherish their children's future. We get up in the morning, go to our jobs, or to our tasks, not thinking about any threats that may be formulating to destroy our lives. And yet, the threats are there, and they persist.

- Saturday, October 14, 2023

Future Shock Is Here Now

"I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves." Harriet Tubman

Anyone can see that society is changing, and not for the better. The Greatest Generation is long gone. The self-image and desire generation of fifty years ago, especially in government, is hanging on by threads, unwilling to give in to time and poor decisions. We are now witnesses to a society and a generation no longer American, heavily influenced by social media, with narcissism transformed into amorality, hysteria, self-indulgence, and violence.

- Friday, October 6, 2023

No (Straight) Line In The Sand

The Left is always babbling about their 'values,' their superior moral principles. Their pomposity can be seen everywhere in government, certainly in academic circles, and in the media, especially in front of a camera. Many people who know Hillary Clinton have written that she actually morphs when any camera is turned on. That must be a sight to see.

- Saturday, September 30, 2023

14 Months To Live

I’ll start with several ifs. If the Democrat National Committee (DNC) employs the same tactics in 2024 as it did in the 2020 election, if the corrupt Deep State and the intelligence community cooperate with the DNC, if Election Day remains election 'season', then I see no win in 2024 for any Republican. No matter who runs on the Democrat ticket in 2024, the Democrats will win. What the people want is of no concern. They cannot allow Trump or any conservative to occupy the White House.

- Saturday, September 23, 2023

This Is Where We Are!

If you take stock of where we have traveled as a nation these last two and a half years, one can only marvel in disgust at the divergence in our morality, standard of living, personal safety, national and economic security, and sense of well-being.

- Saturday, September 16, 2023

Let's Call It Treason

Millions of people around the world are beginning to figure out that there is a force, an evil cabal trying to take over the entire planet. This force has influenced leaders of every persuasion, in every country, and has been remarkably successful in putting a vast amount of governmental, religious, educational, medical, corporate and institutional leaders in a sort of trance...zombie like, to do their will.

- Saturday, September 9, 2023
