
Sher Zieve

Sher Zieve is an author and political commentator. Zieve's op-ed columns are widely carried by multiple internet journals and sites, and she also writes hard news. Her columns have also appeared in The Oregon Herald, Dallas Times, Sacramento Sun, in international news publications, and on multiple university websites. Sher is also a guest on multiple national radio shows.

Most Recent Articles by Sher Zieve:

Is Totalitarian Conquest of USA Already Complete?

As the ruling (no longer governing) political party in the US continues to work fast and furiously to create and pass legislation designed to eliminate any remaining liberties guaranteed US citizens by the US Constitution and create a massive dependent-class of said citizens beholden only to it--and the opposition party ignores its works and sits on its collective derrière--the answer to my question “is the totalitarian conquest of the USA already a fait accompli?” has become tragically obvious.
- Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Democrats Now Plan Forced ObamaCare via House Bill Rider

Democrats know without a shadow of a doubt that the American people--who have actually read their Orwellian HR 3200 ObamaCare bill--are turning against their faux healthcare packages in greater numbers each and every day. However, as I have written myriad times, our elected officials in both the US House of Representatives and Senate neither care what We-the-People want nor about maintaining our Republic. Following the Obama-Marxist model, liberal and leftist Democrat leaders have now devised a plot that will instill their totalitarian controls and forever shut us up.
- Thursday, October 1, 2009

Obama’s Enemies of Liberty, Freedom and Humans on a Roll

Despite growing opposition from We-the-People to ObamaCare and all of his other patently Socialist programs, Dictator-in-Chief Obama and his paid minions have vowed to continue to fight us. Last month’s Town hall meetings--at which we protested ObamaCare and Cap and Tax--appear to have had no little-to-no-impact on our elected liberal officials.
- Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Public Schools’ Praise Song:  Next Step Praying to Obama?

It began last year in earnest. But, like a virus far worse than H1N1, it is beginning to spread like wildfire amongst the public school indoctrinators formerly known as “teachers.“ The Obama power grab--supported by his adoring adherents--has just about reached the most monumental proportion of all time. And Dictator-in-Chief Obama may have finally reached the apex of his desires; that of replacing God with himself.
- Friday, September 25, 2009

Does Obama Have the Ability to Tell the Truth?

As Barack Hussein Obama’s lies seem to be waxing greater each day--with regards to what is contained within his ObamaCare and that Cap and Trade (aka Cap and Tax) won‘t negatively impact We-the-People--I have sincerely begun to wonder if he even has the ability to tell the truth. Facts do not seem to play a big part in the life of this very powerful and increasingly very dangerous individual.
- Wednesday, September 23, 2009

ALERT:  Obama Throws out First Amendment Free Speech Clause

It has now happened. Obama has begun a full frontal attack against anyone who disagrees with him and is now shutting off free speech for Americans. Obama is starting with insurance companies who disagree--and then tell others--with his Orwellian attitude ‘I own you and everything you are’ ObamaCare.
- Tuesday, September 22, 2009

How Close is Obama to Complete Destruction of USA?

One thing that seems to be fairly consistent about viewpoints on Obama is that people cannot seem to understand what he is doing…and why. Obama’s new huge slap in the face to US allies in Eastern Europe--via Obama’s dropping the US missile shield project--seems to have left many of the talking heads stupefied; not to mention further angering the US’ soon-to-be-former friends whilst drawing smiles from her enemies.
- Monday, September 21, 2009

Obama Waist-Deep in ACORN Corruption and More ObamaCare Atrocities

While the ObamaCamp and many Democrat (aka New Marxist) “leaders” continue to desperately search for hiding places from the latest outing of ACORN as an organizational nut that is rotten to the core, Obama continues to remain mum on the issue. But, then Obama has been at least waist-deep in ACORN’s corruption for almost two decades. And what might actually come from both the US Senate and House of Representatives calling for a real investigation of Obama’s ACORN? Possibly nothing. There is every indication that the Dictator-in-Chief may veto any and all requests for investigations.
- Friday, September 18, 2009

Obama’s Direct and Lucrative Ties to ACORN

Since Obama announced his run for the presidency of the United States of America, some us have been reporting on the direct ties--both ideological and financial--between Obama and his voter-fraud and massive-corruption organization ACORN, the (even then) soon-to-be-State-run-media refused to report the truth. Note: This was similar to their close-to-criminal refusal to report on Obama’s ties to known and convicted terrorists and multiple other anti-American factions.
- Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Will Obama’s DOJ Block Investigation of ACORN?

For several years, a few members of Congress (oddly enough at one time even consummate leftist Rep. John Conyers D-MI) have been attempting to investigate ACORN. They have been unsuccessful. This is, by some very viable accounts, due to the fact that Dictator-in-Chief Obama has a long and lucrative relationship with the group that is now being proved to be a wide-reaching criminal enterprise.
- Monday, September 14, 2009

Mr. Obama We Have now asked you Nicely but Firmly

Mr. Obama: As you flew quickly toward your counter-demonstration (avoiding the increasing crowds of the American people) stacked with only your supporters, in order to further push your anti-American and anti-human ObamaCare agenda, we were gathering in the streets of our now commandeered-by-you White House.
- Sunday, September 13, 2009

Obama to Gut Medicare to pay for ObamaCare Folly

Saying that he would not reduce services to senior citizens Medicare programs, Obama then went on to say he would. The double-minded, double-speaking man stuck again Wednesday night to push his ObamaCare in a speech to both houses of Congress.
- Thursday, September 10, 2009

Obama Set to Force ObamaCare while His Eligibility Trial Date Set?

As rumors that Obama plans to--again--resuscitate his hard line Marxist push for his government-controlled ObamaCare (the so-called “public option” that is no option at all) down the throats of the American people during his Wednesday night speech, something else is looming on the horizon for the dictator-in-chief.
- Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Van Jones—Just one of Many Obama-Marxists

I must say that I was almost surprised by Obama Czar Van Jones’ resignation. As there are now so many racist anti-American Marxists in the current administration, I actually thought Obama would ignore the calls from both political parties for Jones to leave. And as the calls for Jones to step down from his powerful Green Czar position increased, the White House continued to remain “mum” on the matter. To date, the White House still remains closed-lipped about Jones.
- Sunday, September 6, 2009

No ObamaCare—No Trigger!

As it is now painfully obvious even to the politically and otherwise unaware leftists, Marxist and Alinsky-inspired ObamaCare has little to nothing to do with healthcare. It does however, have everything to do with Obama’s and Leftists’ control. In previous columns, I’ve identified--by page and line number--the almost endless non-healthcare and pro-government planned implementation of controls against We-the-People. But, I’ve included a few that are notable and still contained in HR 3200. Of course these are the opposite of what our Dictator-in-Chief tells us but, what else is new?
- Saturday, September 5, 2009

Is MA Storm Trooper bill a Test Case for Obama Takeover?

The “each-and-every-day-ObamaAtrocities” are being waged against We-the-People with increasing and unwavering intensity. Now it seems that Obama and his minions are looking at, if not also planning to use the ruse of, a state bill pertaining to the H1N1 (“Swine flu”) virus (concocted in one of if not the most leftist of US states--Massachusetts) as a test case for additional forced subjugation of the American people. Note: Obama is already attempting multiple national bills--including but not limited to ObamaCare and Cap ‘N Tax--to do so.
- Friday, September 4, 2009

Jesse Kelly:  AZ Candidate and ObamaCare Opponent

A former Marine and avowed true conservative is running for Congress in Arizona's 8th District. His name is Jesse Kelly and he is running against an opponent who claimed to be a "Blue Dog" Democrat and then voted for Obama's most liberal legislation. Last week, I conducted an interview with Candidate Kelly, which appears below. For those of you in his district, he not only needs your moral and financial support, he deserves it. For others across the country who are able to do so and want to see more conservative opposition to Pelosi and Obama in Congress, he would still greatly appreciate your financial donations.
- Monday, August 31, 2009

Obama:  The Worst is Yet to Come

If it wasn’t before, the ultimate purpose of Dictator Barack Hussein Obama should now be clear to even his most die-hard fans. With Obama’s planned and now-revised Cybersecurity Act of 2009, his inordinately broad and sweeping powers to take control of the Internet AND private networks is making its way through the Senate.
- Sunday, August 30, 2009

ObamaCzar Advocating Genocide against Americans?

On 10 June 2008 at the National Conference for Media Reform (NCMR) in Minneapolis, MN, the now Obama FCC “Diversity” Czar Mark Lloyd spoke for the “Leadership Conference on Civil Rights.” Thanks to Glenn Beck, this chilling two-part video on the benefits of using the media to more quickly accomplish one’s goals to oppress and subjugate a country and its people (aka “social change”) has been brought into the light of day.
- Thursday, August 27, 2009

Dems Call for ObamaCare Renamed as Kennedy Health Bill

In order to place a tearful face on ObamaCare and more easily ram it down the throats of the American people, Democrats are planning to elicit sympathy over the recent death of Uber-leftist Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA). Some months ago Rush Limbaugh was one of, if not the, first to say that in order to push through the draconian, anti-life and anti-human ObamaCare the death of Kennedy might serve the Democrats well.
- Wednesday, August 26, 2009
