
Sher Zieve

Sher Zieve is an author and political commentator. Zieve's op-ed columns are widely carried by multiple internet journals and sites, and she also writes hard news. Her columns have also appeared in The Oregon Herald, Dallas Times, Sacramento Sun, in international news publications, and on multiple university websites. Sher is also a guest on multiple national radio shows.

Most Recent Articles by Sher Zieve:

Marxist-Obama controlled CRS says ACORN’s Criminal behaviors A-OK!

Even on Christmas Eve, the Marxist Obama Administration continues to flaunt its own ongoing illegalities by supporting and encouraging even more criminal behaviors from its friends--those who are the enemies of the American people and the United States of America. Obama’s CRS (Congressional Research Service) has decided that none of the criminal activity that ACORN has perpetrated (which on multiple videos shows ACORN not only supporting prostitution and human--even child--trafficking but, offering to help increase them) “violated the terms of federal funding in the last five years.”
- Thursday, December 24, 2009

Senate Marxist Reid To make it almost Impossible to Repeal ObamaCare

Every day the news coming out of Washington D.C. just gets worse and worse. Just when I thought I could no longer be shocked by the totalitarian Senate and Executive branch, I was…and am. On Monday, the Marxist-run Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid decided that he would make it virtually impossible for the American people to overcome Congress’ Machiavellian ObamaCare Death Plan. Betrayal is now the operating agenda of both the US Congress and Executive branch.
- Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Obama’s Communists Now Ruling the USA: Republic is Formally Dead

The bribes issued by Sen. Harry Reid and the threats issued by the Marxist usurper and dictator-in-Chief in order to garner votes for the ObamaCare Death Plan have now reached almost legendary proportions. In order to end cloture, Reid actually had $300 Millions for Louisiana written into the Senate’s ObamaCare Death Plan version to buy Senator Mary Landrieu’s (D-LA) vote.
- Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Obama Openly Threatens American People and US Congress

Showing once again that he is, indeed, the dictator-in-Chief, The Obama is threatening to take over Congress of it does not follow his dictates of passing another of his Orwellian programs. This week the Obama-run EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) ruled that CO2 and, therefore, breathing is dangerous and must be curtailed.
- Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Was there a Bonus Paid on how fast Obama Could Destroy the USA?

While the last remaining Dem Senators hold out for their pieces of the bribes Harry Reid is offering (remember that Sen. Landrieu’s last ObamaCare vote cost We-the-People $300 Millions) for their ‘yes’ votes on ObamaCare, Obama itself will attend the now exposed as an open hoax “global warming” conference in Copenhagen to pledge US taxpayer billions and/or trillions of dollars to the ‘under-developed countries of the world’ in order to bypass the Cap and Trade battle back home. This is designed by Obama & Co to ensure that any last vestiges of USA sovereignty are firmly in the hands of international bodies.
- Tuesday, December 8, 2009

ObamaCare is NOT What We-the-People Want:  Interview with President of AMAC

I recently interviewed Dan Weber, President of AMAC--the Association of Mature American Citizens--the major competitor of AARP. Since AARP's decision to go against its Senior base and support the anti-seniors (and everyone else) ObamaCare, Mr. Weber tells us of some significant membership increases at AMAC and his take on AARP's decision to support the Obama Administration and Marxist-run Congress' $500+ Billions gutting of Medicare.
- Monday, December 7, 2009

Marxist-run ObamaGov Declares Death of US Republic

In case you hadn’t heard, the US Marxist Party’s Senate vote to ostensibly “continue debate” on its draconian version of “we will now control everything you say and do” ObamaCare proposed bill passed by 60-39--along straight party lines. The last minute purchase of corrupt Marxist-Democrat Senator votes (with OUR tax money) at over $100Millions a pop clenched the deal. The ObamaGov is placing the final nails in the coffin of our Republic and is replacing it with its onerous and totalitarian Marxist presence.
- Sunday, November 22, 2009

ALERT:  Marxist Congress’ Final Push to Complete Control of Americans

The passage of ObamaCare means no less than total control over everything US citizens are allowed to do, eventually what they will be allowed to say and most certainly gives the Obama Marxist bureaucrats control over Americans’ bodies and--by pre-planned strategy and intention--establishes the decision makers who shall decide who lives and who must die.
- Friday, November 20, 2009

Obama’s Betrayal of America Growing Exponentially

Obama and his administration have been caught in another huge lie and, this time, it’s a doozey! Remarkably, one of Obama’s own state-run media ABC News broke the story. For months now, Obama and his various administration mouthpieces have been extolling the virtues of the dictator-in-chief’s “creation” of millions of new jobs! With millions of verifiable jobs having been lost since Obama usurped the position of POTUS and hundreds of thousands more still being lost each and every month, anyone who still maintains the ability to think knows this was a lie. And now another immense ObamaLie has been exposed.
- Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Obama Stabs America in her back—again

Showing once again that there is no depth to which he will not sink to further destroy the United States of America and her people, Dictator and American Stalin Barack Hussein Obama has decided to inflict the mastermind of the 9/11 NYC attacks, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, back into and upon the same city where eight years ago the slaughter of Americans occurred.
- Friday, November 13, 2009

Obama Continues Mad Dash towards Enslaving American People

Like Venezuelan Dictator Hugo Chavez on steroids, US Dictator-in-Chief Barack Hussein Obama and his Marxist-Democrat Party are continuing their fast and furious drive to enslave We-the-People and take over as the aristocratic ruling body of the former United States of America.
- Thursday, November 12, 2009

Pelosi ObamaCare Passage:  Marxists on way to Controlling all of us

With Saturday night’s passage of the US House of Representatives’ ObamaCare package (220-215), America was moved closer to the US Marxist (formerly Democrat) Party’s totalitarian control over the American people and 1/6 of their economy.
- Sunday, November 8, 2009

Another Muslim Executed Massacre in the USA

First of all, let’s get something out in the open and into the light of day. As Obama’s state-run media now refuses to tell the truth about virtually anything and will always protect the ’politically correct’ (that’s PC according to the Left) groups despite said groups committing extreme and extraordinarily brutal atrocities, they continue to support them. Note: Terrorism is the business arm of the Left.
- Friday, November 6, 2009

Pelosi Vows ObamaCare Ram-Through by Saturday

The female head of the US Marxist/Democrat Party (formerly known as the Democrat Party), Nancy Pelosi (M/D-CA) has vowed to affect a vote by this Saturday in order to shove the totalitarian House version of ObamaCare down the throats of the American people.
- Thursday, November 5, 2009

CBO:  ObamaCare will Cover Only 2% of US Citizens

You may have missed it, as the Obama State-run media sycophants have worked feverishly to suppress it. One of a handful of media outlets that did publish anything on it (AP) devoted only one paragraph to this extremely important piece of news. Said paragraph reads:
- Monday, November 2, 2009

Congress Uses Sham Poll to Force Total Control ObamaCare

Liberal and leftist Congressional leaders have recently used what strongly appears to be an exaggerated and embellished-in-ObamaCare’s-favor poll in order to bolster the case for their government-run healthcare mandate--no it is neither a public “option” nor Nancy Pelosi’s consumer “option” but, it is no option at all.
- Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Dictator Obama and Reaching the Point of No Return

As very few of our Congressional elected officials--Democrats AND Republicans--are taking any actions or exhibiting any desire to stop the Obama Dictatorship and We-the-People are now being completely left out of any and all legislation that directly affects us, I can only surmise that we as the Nation of the United states of America may have reached the point of no return in our rapidly forced descent into totalitarianism.
- Sunday, October 18, 2009

Obama’s Eve of Destruction

At this juncture, I think it safe to observe that neither our Legislative nor Executive branches of government are listening to We-the-People and have no intention of doing so now or in the foreseeable future. Obama plans to destroy us as quickly and completely as is possible. The obvious to-all-who-can-see-and-hear measure of the man Obama was evident long before his election. And after his election to the highest position in the USA--if not the world--his damaging rule and mission has become even more apparent. Obama’s eve of destruction has arrived.
- Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Obama Receives Nobel for Being Marxist President

With very few exceptions, for decades the inaptly named Nobel ‘Peace Prize’ has been bestowed upon the anti-human amongst us; most notably terrorists and Marxists. This award has become a tool of the world’s leftist ruling-elite ranks to be given to those who are the most corrupt of us. Note: Leftists love dishonesty and those who get away with perpetrating it upon others. These are the beings they idolize. They view corruption and treachery as a pleasant and invigorating game of deceiving and ultimately destroying their fellows.
- Monday, October 12, 2009
