
Tom Deweese

Tom Deweese the publisher/editor of The DeWeese Report and is the President of the American Policy Center, a grassroots, activist think tank headquartered in Warrenton, Virginia. Older articles by Tom Deweese

Most Recent Articles by Tom Deweese:

Teachers, Preachers and Greens…

When Communism “fell” in the late 1980’s, those who were busy scheming to impose global governance on the sovereign nations had a problem. Suddenly, the only super power in the world was the United States – the only nation on Earth based on the ideals of limited government, individual liberty and free enterprise. If American bedrock ideals of freedom took hold in the emerging nations of the old Soviet Empire, global governance was impossible.
- Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Greens Just Can’t Stop Their Scare Tactics

Last year the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) declared CO2 a pollutant and set about banning such emissions to save the planet. Real scientists tried to point out that nature needs CO2 to thrive. OK, so the Greens kind of heard that logic and quickly sought ways to subvert it into a new Frankenstein-style horror story. The result, headlines in The Washington Post (August 31, 2010) that rising CO2 levels are... wait for it... causing poison ivy to grow more prolifically.
- Friday, October 29, 2010

APC’s Efforts to Expose ICLEI Having an Impact

Over the past several months, the American Policy Center (APC) has mailed more than 100,000 "Remove ICLEI, Restore the Republic Survey" to Americans across the nation. The mail package contained not only the Survey, but also a detailed report on Sustainable Development and how ICLEI (International Council on Local Environmental Initiatives) is being paid dues by local communities to impose this UN Agenda 21 policy.
- Monday, October 18, 2010

Gutting the dollar is now official!

Why do we EVER believe politicos? We know they are liars, yet so many still believe in them, believe they have our best interest at heart. Oh what fools the public can be. “Our own Fed chairman has virtually sworn on a stack of bibles that he’s not only going to print paper money … he’s going to do it FAST!
- Monday, October 18, 2010

In Defense of Plastic

I am fed up to my burning ears with the carte blanche castigation of plastic. Plastic is one of the greatest inventions ever, not only for modern society, but also for the environment. If plastic seems to now pose an environmental threat, it’s not plastic’s fault – but the fault of the environmental movement itself.
- Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Developing Countries Could Sue for Climate Action — Study

New York Times Last week we had a piece on “Stealth Lawsuits” where green NGOs sue the U.S. government and not only get a favorable ruling done before it gets to court (thus no paper trail) but they also get paid for doing it. Now we get to hear that a U.K. NGO is proposing that “. . . vulnerable countries could sue the United States and other industrialized nations for action on climate change.” Oh the machinations of those who would destroy the great American Experiment by crushing our technology and redistributing our wealth in the same action.
- Monday, October 4, 2010

Livable communities is a socialist trap!

Senator Christopher Dodd has introduced a bill to enforce UN Agenda 21 policy on your community. It's called the "Livable Communities Act" (S.1619). It will destroy your community. Here's why:
- Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Third American Revolution

The revolution of 1776 was not just an exercise by armed men seeking to overthrow their current government – as had been done so many times throughout history.
- Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Unfortunately, Arizona does NOT have it right

- Tom DeWeese & Mark Lerner There is no question that the citizens of Arizona, like the citizens of all of the southern border states, face grave and outrageous dangers from the invasion of illegals rushing across the borders.
- Monday, August 16, 2010

Local Action The Answer to Federal Aggression

Growing numbers of concerned, dedicated Americans are joining the nationwide protests against ever-higher taxes; the outrage of Obamacare; the bailouts and the Federal Reserve; the growing government surveillance society; and the destruction of private property rights through policies including Sustainable Development. The question now among these new activists is "what's the next step?"
- Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Green Jobs Don’t Exist in a Free Market

Al Gore stumps the nation spreading the virtues of going green, thrilled at the prospects of new industries that will crop up in the process. Of course, green jobs are the center of the scheme to enforce sustainable development. “We can shut down those old industries and yet be prosperous in the future as we protect the environment,” goes the mantra.
- Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Is Salted Popcorn about to become a federal offense?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is planning an assault on salt. The government intends to set regulations to limit the use of salt intake by Americans. The regulations would set "legal limits on the amount of salt allowed in food products."
- Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Forces of Freedom Return to Valley Forge

Growing numbers of concerned, dedicated Americans are joining the nationwide protests against ever-higher taxes; the outrage of Obamacare; the bailouts and the Federal Reserve; the growing government surveillance society; and the destruction of private property rights through policies including Sustainable Development. The question now among these new activists is “what’s the next step?”
- Friday, May 21, 2010

Fight Agenda 21 or Lose Your Freedom

At a recent property rights conference in Bozeman, Montana, anti-Smart Growth spokesman Randall O’Toole was taking part in a panel discussion when he was asked a question concerning my opposition to Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development. Said the questioner, “DeWeese calls the sustainability doctrine ‘a complete agenda of control,’ that has been largely embraced by most aspects of the government.” O’Toole was asked to comment on that.
- Friday, May 7, 2010

Powerful Forces Now Calling for a Constitutional Convention

In December, 2008, my American Policy Center (APC) led a fight to stop Ohio from becoming the 33rd state to call for a Constitutional Convention (Con Con). In the 1980’s 32 other states had passed Con Con resolutions for the specific purpose of passing a balanced budget amendment. Had that resolution passed the Ohio legislature, we would have been just one state away from such an event. We argued then that one cannot call a Con Con to discuss just one issue. Once a Con Con is in place, there is no controlling the agenda.
- Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Left-Wing McCarthyism

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) hates us. Who? According to several reports they have released over the past year, “us” is the following: One concerned over the economy; loss of jobs; foreclosures; antagonism toward the Obama Administration (that it’s racist); criticism of free trade programs like NAFTA and the Security and Prosperity Partnership; anti-abortion; oppose same-sex marriage; believe in the “end times;” stock pile food, ammunition and weapons; oppose illegal immigration; opposition to the new world order; opposition to the United Nations; opposition to global governance; fear of Communist regimes; opposition to loss of US manufacturing to overseas nations; opposition to loss of US prestige; use of the Internet (or alternative media) to express these ideas. Did this list miss anyone reading it? You are all haters and potential terrorists.
- Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Bill Clinton’s Massive War Chest

Many Americans believe Bill Clinton has spent his years away from the White House simply enjoying the good life of an ex-president. He gets a full security team; travel expense around the world; a cool presidential library equipped with full living quarters; the best tables at the fanciest eating establishments; huge speaking fees to share his own two cents worth of opinion on any given issue; he gets to show his face on television as an appointed spokesman for the latest disaster relief project; and sometimes even gets to represent the United States at some international meeting.
- Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Obama Sends “Stimulus” Funds to Phantom Congressional Districts

To promote bragging rights for how much good the stimulus money was doing for America, the Obama Administration set up a website called “Recovery.gov.” Recorded on the site were details by zip code and congressional district as to how much money was sent there and how many new jobs were created as a result. It was a great piece of public relations where news reporters and politicians could find and quote the latest “good news for the economy.”
- Thursday, March 18, 2010

All the Details Needed to Sound the Alarm Against Sustainable Development

After more than15 years of trying to warn Americans about the dangers of Sustainable Development, finally, many in the freedom movement are beginning to understand that it is the root of most of the issues we are fighting today. But it is a vast, complicated issue that is difficult to comprehend--even for those of us who have been studying it for so long. It is critical that all freedom-loving Americans grasp the true destructive force of evil that is Sustainable Development.
- Friday, February 26, 2010
