
Jim Yardley

Jim Yardley is a retired financial controller for manufacturing firms, a Vietnam veteran and an independent voter. Jim blogs at jimyardley.wordpress.com

Most Recent Articles by Jim Yardley:

The Best is Yet to Come … of course it is

The Internet today has been simply aflame with stories and articles about the complete meltdown of sanity at Missouri University (or Mizzou if you prefer) over one of the precious students finding themselves offended by something.
- Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Oops! I Made a Mistake

Too many times our colleagues from the Progressive wing of the “Can I Be Any Stupider Party” draft and pass legislation that claims to help protect the average American. In trying to sell the public on any of this legislation, exactly WHY it is needed is never stated openly. The underlying logic of Progressives is an assumption that only they themselves are competent to arrange and manage their own affairs. That’s simply a nice way of saying they think anyone who doesn’t send them a large check just before each election is a complete moron.
- Monday, October 19, 2015

Why Do People Hate or Denigrate Columbus?

My wife and I were watching a show on the History Channel about who was really the first to discover America. Why? First, we both love shows that get us to think “Wow, I never knew that.” Second, I always start with the hope that the show will puncture some educational pomposity.
- Monday, October 12, 2015

Refugees: Their Sense of Both Superiority and Entitlement

The well-spring of the millions and millions of so-called “refugees” currently invading Europe (excluding Russia of course) and demanding entry into other nations that fit into their desired pattern of those being dominated by the politically liberal left are not really motivated by an understandable fear of the civil war in Syria. Or the war being fought with the Kurds. Or the war being prosecuted by ISIS and fighting both Iraqi and Iranian militias, with the current addition of Russian air and ground forces.
- Saturday, October 10, 2015


In 1987, one of the most charming films of all time was released. It was a fairytale, but a fairytale designed to entertain adults. “The Princess Bride” has been, and continues to be, a work that brings a smile to almost everyone’s lips, effectively mocking the conventions normally associated with fairytales.
- Thursday, September 10, 2015

The First Place to Cut Spending…Easily

If you’re at all like me, you must have said to yourself hundreds of times in your own life “I just don’t have the time to do everything. I can’t get everything done.” And we always say that like it’s a bad thing. But is it a bad thing? It depends largely on context, at least in my opinion. Let’s just say that you’re the President of the United States. You need to shrink the size, and massive cost, of government. Obviously, entitlement spending would be a great target but trying to reduce payments to entitlement recipients would be political suicide.
- Sunday, August 23, 2015

How Do You Eat an Elephant?

First off, everybody just calm down. The title does not refer to the Republican Party. It refers to one of those “Why did the chicken cross the road?”, or “Why does a fireman wear red suspenders?” type questions. Those questions where the answer is so obvious everyone in involved thinks it’s a trick question.
- Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Will We See the Downfall of Both Parties?

Do we have a unique chance at this crossroads in our history, the 2016 presidential elections, to see the destruction, the complete and utter destruction, of both political parties at one time? Think I’m kidding? Imagine that Hillary, clever lawyer that she is, manages to survive her disastrous email investigation, wins her battle to be nominated as the Democratic Party’s nominee for president.
- Tuesday, August 18, 2015

What Should Really be Blamed?

We see time and again, over and over and over, aberrant behavior. People are beaten, people are robbed, people are denied their rights and equal protection under the law, poverty, hopelessness, and so on.
- Monday, July 13, 2015

When Does Decency Triumph?

The recent Supreme Court decision announcing that same-sex marriage is a Constitutional right is now viewed in many cases as an imprimatur over all aspects of homosexual demands on the rest of society. If a same-sex couple wishes to marry, the press and many left wing pundits now view this as having the right to demand of every citizen to do exactly what they're told to do by every same-sex couple that walks in the door, regardless of the religious strictures that may have created resistance to participation, even marginally, in a same-sex wedding event.
- Thursday, July 9, 2015

A Circular Firing Squad Isn’t Just a Joke

The GOP does more than simply aid and abet Democrats desire to destroy America. It appears the GOP is even more dedicated to destroying themselves. Let’s face it, there really are sixteen Republicans angling for the nomination of their party: That’s eight men with experience as state Governors, five that are (or have been) U.S. Senators, two are (or were) CEOs of major corporations and one who is a noted pediatric surgeon. One of the CEOs is female, two of the Senators are of Hispanic descent, and one candidate is of Indian ancestry while another is African-American.
- Thursday, July 2, 2015

Speaking Whose Truth?

The most important service rendered by the press and the magazines is that of educating people to approach printed matter with distrust.-- Samuel Butler -- 19th Century novelist Our media is famous, or infamous if you prefer, for being of the leftist persuasion. But why are they leftist? One might assume that they are simply incredibly brave people who are willing to risk everything to “speak truth to power.” What if we have that backwards?
- Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Random Thoughts

Frequently I make notes to myself about something that I think would be good for a future article. Even more frequently I conclude that there is no way trying to fill 750 – 1,000 words will only put my readers to sleep, but I have found that short, and to-the-point, bits can occasionally hit the right spot.
- Thursday, June 11, 2015

Is this Your Country?

As we enter another election cycle for 2016, we will hear millions, if not billions of words coming out of the mouths of candidates and from thousands of politicians from every political subgroup. From Progressives, Socialists and Democrats to Republicans, Libertarians and Tea Partiers.
- Thursday, May 28, 2015

Protecting Thought or Paychecks?

I spent yesterday evening driving to our local high school, which is the polling place for any votes that relate to membership on the local school board. Equally important, but much more inflammatory, the school budget is also subject to approval through votes by local citizens.
- Friday, May 22, 2015

Answering Debbie Wasserman-Shultz's Challenge

Debbie Wasserman Shultz demands that anyone who questions our Dictator-in-Chief about his so called "negotiations" with Iran be prepared to offer alternatives to solve the Iran nuclear weapon problem. Actually, considering the demand is put forward by the Democrat Party's Loon-in-Chief is really pretty reasonable.
- Monday, April 20, 2015

When did the word “Negotiate” become the New Synonym for “Surrender”?

Being too old to have enjoyed the benefits of being educated using what is euphemistically referred to as “Common Core”, some of us might not be aware that in addition to seismic alterations in performing simple mathematical calculations (such as figuring out how much change to give someone when they try to pay for a burger with a twenty dollar bill), we might not be cognizant that the actual language of our country has also been changed.
- Monday, April 13, 2015

Coming to America

I heard Neil Diamond’s song “America” (which is frequently referred to as “Coming to America”) today as I was driving alone in my car. It was released in 1980 as part of the film The Jazz Singer, and became a huge hit single in 1981.
- Wednesday, April 8, 2015
