
Klaus Rohrich

Klaus Rohrich is senior columnist for Canada Free Press. Klaus also writes topical articles for numerous magazines. He has a regular column on RetirementHomes and is currently working on his first book dealing with the toxicity of liberalism. His work has been featured on the Drudge Report, Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, among others. He lives and works in a small town outside of Toronto. Older articles by Klaus Rohrich

Most Recent Articles by Klaus Rohrich:

Helpless fool or crypto-fascist?

Toronto City Councilor Giorgio Mammoliti has provided a great deal of comic relief and no small amount of insight into the thought processes (such as they are) of Toronto’s Left. His call to have the Canadian Army on the streets of Toronto deal with the city’s gang-crime problem betrays either a total lack of awareness of the implications of such an action or a readiness to surrender the people’s freedoms to an armed military establishment in an effort to regulate their behavior by force.
- Tuesday, December 11, 2007

It’s all about me!

It’s entirely possible that the “baby-boom” generation are the worst parents in the history of mankind as a significant percentage of their progeny are growing up to be unfeeling, psychopathic narcissists. A classic example is “art student” Thorarin Ingi Jonsson whose 15 minutes of fame came about as a result of a fake bomb scare he called in to the Royal Ontario Museum just as an AIDS fundraiser was about to start. According to Jonsson, this was an “art project” and it resulted in the Aids fundraiser being cancelled as the ROM had to be evacuated.
- Friday, December 7, 2007

Poverty statistics: confusing illusion with reality

For some reason there’s no such thing as good news in Canada. Even as taxes are being lowered, unemployment is at a 30-year low, the dollar trading at a historic high and all economic indicators pointing upward, the poverty industry tells us that things are worse than ever.
- Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The great climate change extortion racket

Anyone who still believes that the Kyoto Accord is about actually reducing so-called greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere is in dire need of therapy. Kyoto is now and has always been about redistributing wealth. Recent statements by countries such as Brazil and India have confirmed this to be the case as developing nations are taking the position that climate change was caused by industrialized countries and should therefore be remediated by those countries.
- Friday, November 30, 2007

The siren song of environmentalism

It seems the more information that surfaces about the UN’s ineptitude, the more hysterically individuals are buying into the UN’s warnings about climate change, albeit no definitive evidence of the deleterious effects of this phenomenon have as yet been identified. Aside from a few unusually warm summers, which were also evident throughout the 1930s, no one has drowned or starved or lost a home as a direct result of global warming. No islands have been inundated, no flash flooding has occurred in the northern latitudes and 15 minutes ago as I stepped outside the temperature was still below the freezing mark.
- Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Democrats have BIG PLANS

Now that the country is drifting ever so slightly left and the Republicans are in what appears to be total disarray, the Democrats are seeing a chance to seize power.
- Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Desperately seeking scandal

The Federal Liberals are rooting around like pigs searching the forest floor for truffles, as they attempt to find some scandal, no matter how trite or trivial they can hang on Stephen Harper's Conservatives. The hapless and inept Stephane Dion, in an effort to save his flagging leadership, has pressed Stephen Harper to call a public inquiry on the Mulroney/Schreiber Airbus affair. Some of you may not remember what that was all about, as the events transpired in 1988, which is nearly twenty years ago.
- Thursday, November 15, 2007

Toronto council comprised of petulant children

In case anyone's wondering why the City of Toronto's finances are in such abject disarray, it's because City Council is largely comprised of petulant, vindictive kids.
- Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Choosing the direction of one’s culture

Motivational speakers never tire of repeating the mantra that the people with whom one associates are a reflection of one's aspirations. If you choose to spend your time in the company of individuals whose priorities are conducive to personal growth and financial or spiritual enhancement, then chances are you too will direct your energies in those directions. If you associate with individuals whose interests fall into dissolute or dishonest pursuits, then it's a good bet that's where your energies will go as well.
- Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Is a nuclear Islam really desirable

Strong rhetoric has been heard over the past weeks regarding Iran's nuclear efforts and the suspension of constitutional rights in Pakistan. Iran proclaimed a milestone this week, asserting that it had achieved full operation of some 3,000 centrifuges tasked with refining uranium and claimed that soon it would have 54,000 such centrifuges in full operation.
- Friday, November 9, 2007

Racism isn’t just for whites

In recent years the dialogue surrounding racism and racist attitudes has gotten ever more strident and progressively more bizarre. The latest doozie on racism emanates from the University of Delaware, which until last week had a plan in place that required student residence advisors to acknowledge that "all whites are racists". Following an uproar of monumental proportions university President Patrick Harker cancelled the program.
- Monday, November 5, 2007

American states are giving away the store

When politically correct, radical left-lib politicians take it into their minds that their agendas need to be advanced, there's precious little that ordinary people can do about it. Currently, Elliot Spitzer, the Democrat governor of New York is pursuing a plan to issue drivers' licenses to illegal aliens, despite over 70% of New Yorkers being opposed to the scheme. What's so amazing about Spitzer's intentions is that the state would be in direct contravention of Federal laws and that this could lead to massive voter fraud, as there is also a law in the works that would ban poll workers from demanding proof of citizenship during elections.
- Saturday, November 3, 2007

The new morality

All cultures require a set of moral principles in order to maintain a sense of self-worth. Our own culture is currently in the process of redefining our understanding of morality to better conform to the dominant social and political ethos. All that was once a moral imperative is now passe and a new sense of morality is appearing on the social and cultural landscape.
- Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Tom Flanagan is full of crap

As a so-called "red meat conservative", I find the shenanigans that our current "Conservative" government is engaged in dismaying. Supposedly acting on the advice of Tom Flanagan, the Harper government has taken a sharp turn to the left in the belief that by behaving like Liberals, they will be able to engineer a majority mandate following the next election.
- Thursday, October 25, 2007

Chalk one up for David Miller

For those who care about such matters, Toronto City Council is set to vote on Mayor David Miller's controversial new tax initiatives, or as the mayor likes to call them "revenue generating tools", today. While most of Toronto's punditocracy are hedging their bets by claiming the vote is too close to call, you can take this to the bank: the new taxes will be in effect at the end of tonight's council meeting.
- Monday, October 22, 2007

Here comes Al Gore

In February of this year I wrote a piece that talked about the flawed Presidential campaigns of the two Democratic frontrunners, Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama. Hillary has too much baggage as well as stratospheric negative perception ratings and Obama plainly has too little experience to be considered anything but a lightweight.
- Wednesday, October 17, 2007

How to fix our democracy

Over the years our democracy has fallen into stagnation due to politicians who make a career out of being in office and bureaucrats that fail to be held responsible for what happens to the money with which they are entrusted by taxpayers. In fact, The Government has become a force unto itself, some omnipresent and omnipotent entity to which the citizens pay homage.
- Wednesday, October 10, 2007

If you want real democracy…

There's a drive on currently to change the electoral system in Ontario to make it "fairer and more democratic." The current system, called First-Past-The-Post (FPP) is deemed undemocratic and unfair because under it a party can win the majority of parliamentary seats without necessarily having a majority of votes.
- Tuesday, October 9, 2007

A demographic disaster in the making

It appears the Government of Canada has finally discovered the fact that the population is aging, something those of us in the private sector have known for well over 20 years. What few seem to have considered is the impact that an aging population will have on the nation's economy.
- Thursday, October 4, 2007

American justice doesn’t look so great any more

I believe one of the greatest documents ever written is the Constitution of the United States along with its first ten amendments, which are known as The Bill of Rights. That document spells out in no uncertain terms what the citizens' rights are and they include such biggies as the right to free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, the right to own property, protection against unlawful search and seizure, etc. However, with a proactive judiciary and even more proactive prosecutors, these rights are slowly disappearing from view, as judges that are overly sympathetic to government and its prosecutorial powers are reinterpreting the Bill of Rights.
- Tuesday, October 2, 2007
