
Joy Tiz

Joy Tiz,Joytiz.com, has been quoted by Ann Coulter, as heard on Lou Dobbs radio, The Rusty Humphries Show, Bill Cunningham, KSFO in San Francisco, WOR in New York, Premiere Radio Networks, Air America and other major shows.

Joy was born in Chicago, long enough ago to remember when many democrats were actually normal people who were just wrong about everything. Joy holds a M.Sc. in psychology and a JD in law. Joy hosts The Joy Tiz Show Wednesdays at 2 pm Pacific/5 pm Eastern.


Most Recent Articles by Joy Tiz:

Compassionate Liberals Sabotage Minority DC School Kids

Finally finding one government program they could do without, liberals passed an omnibus spending bill which included express language killing the successful Washington, DC school vouchers program.
- Monday, December 21, 2009

Hookers Deeply Offended By Comparisons to Politician

Members of the world’s oldest profession are infuriated by the relentless and invidious likening of their industry to the world’s second oldest profession. Word on the street, literally, is that hookers are prepared to exact an apology for the defiling of their good names.
- Sunday, December 20, 2009

Lockerbie Bomber Goes Truant

Lockerbie bomber, Abdul Baset Ali al-Megrahi has been misplaced. The terrorist was released by Scottish authorities back in April in a show of great compassion for the barbarian who slaughtered 270 innocent citizens in 1988.
- Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Red Diaper Baby’s Tantrums

“The hammer and sickle’s stack of bones towers high above the Swastika’s.” -Jonah Goldberg
“The French called Hitler a "revanchiste" --- a Kaiser soldier of World War I who was aching to avenge that defeat. Hitler made no secret of his desire for revenge. He made it a Nazi slogan. Well, you can have ideological revanchisme as well -- for instance, a Marxist determination to take revenge for America's victory against world Communism in the Cold War.”
- Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A Sardine for Ms. Noonan

An array of RINOS and CINOS (or CRINOS for short) are suddenly all agog about Barack Obama’s chimerical shift to the “center”. Obama tosses out a few entirely mendacious lines about America being a good country; or helping small businesses, and those who should know better are clapping like trained seals.
- Monday, December 14, 2009

The Holocaust Remembered in California

“Earl Greif was sent to a starvation camp in Poland during World War II with his parents, his brother, Lou, and his baby sister. In April of 1943, the Nazi Gestapo began clearing out the camp, preparing to move on. They shot his sister and parents in a ditch along with hundreds of other prisoners.
- Saturday, December 12, 2009

Bolton Unplugged on Obama’s Nobel Speech

Fortunately, there are still a few right thinking Americans who don’t feel the need to clap like trained seals every time Obama tosses them a sardine in the form of a positive comment about America.
- Friday, December 11, 2009

Cheney Goes There:  Obama’s Treason

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. -United States Constitution, Article III, Section 4, Clause 1
- Thursday, December 10, 2009

UK Daily Mail: Obama Doesn’t Heart the Brits

“For decades, Britain and the U.S. have been the closest of allies, enjoying a transatlantic alliance forged on the 'special relationship' that sprang up between those great wartime leaders, Winston Churchill and President Franklin Roosevelt.
- Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Rep. Dan Burton:  Save the SEALS Petition

Representative Dan Burton (R-IN) is leading the Save the SEALs mission to pressure the Pentagon to dismiss charges against three of our magnificent Navy SEALS who are accused by savage barbarian Ahmed Hashim Abed of punching him in the mouth; or the stomach, or something.
- Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The New York Times Hearts Palin

“When I walked into the Strand Bookstore in Manhattan last week, I headed straight for the bright young thing who wore an ‘Ask Me’ button, and asked her to point me to the section of the store where I might find Sarah Palin’s memoir, ‘Going Rogue: An American Life.’ She looked at me as if I had requested a copy of ‘Mein Kampf’ signed in blood by the author, and directed me to the nearest Barnes and Noble, where, presumably, readers of dubious taste and sensibility could find what they wanted.”
- Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Obama Faces Enemy Combatants at West Point

Barack Obama staged another photo op Tuesday night when he delivered his Afghanistan speech to cadets at West Point for the purpose of screwing with their heads. Obama’s message was: I’m sending more troops to Afghanistan, but only for a few days. Deal with it.
- Thursday, December 3, 2009

Pro-Palestine Party Crashers

Ostensibly, White House party crashers Tareq Salahi and his wife could facilely be dismissed as another pair of publicity infatuated cretins. Commentators have been quick to compare them to the deranged Balloon Boy parents, desperate for fame at any price. Obamanutz devotes an entire chapter to the putrification of our pop culture that has spawned and enabled this kind of narcissism.
- Saturday, November 28, 2009

Obama’s Boss Demands Show Trials

Attorney General Eric Holder’s abominable plot to try self proclaimed 9/11 mastermind, Khalid Sheik Mohammed (KSM) in a New York criminal court is an affront but not inscrutable. Team O is, as in all other policies, doing the bidding of Obama’s boss, unrepentant Nazi collaborator, George Soros; he’s been a rabid critic of the war on terror for years.
- Monday, November 23, 2009

The Cult of Anti-Palinism

The Palinology Symposium is now in full swing and the mainstream media’s aberrant preoccupation with the former Alaska governor has reached insalubrious proportions. The Associated Press deployed eleven reporters to fact check Palin’s book, Going Rogue. Fact checking, in this context is euphemistic, at best. It’s the same sort of “fact checking” Hillary Clinton used to dictate be done to Bill’s female victims and other enemies of the Clinton state.
- Thursday, November 19, 2009

Al Qaeda:  It’s Not a Country

I studied the Quran a great deal. I came away from that study with the conviction that by and large there have been few religions in the world as deadly to men as that of Muhammed. -Alexis de Tocqueville At last finding a war they would contemplate fighting, liberals developed one of their most menacingly crackpot fictions: their insistence that we are engaged in a war against Al Queada, as if it is some independent nation with a flag, uniformed soldiers and a national anthem.
- Wednesday, November 18, 2009
